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Name: Black Ice Shadow
Caste: Endings
Nature: Paragon of Death
Concept: Sinister Death-Raised Sidereal Allegiance: Independent (Gold Leanings)

Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Awareness 2, Athletics 2, Bureaucracy 2, Craft 3, Dodge 5, Endurance 1, Investigation 1, Larceny 2, Linguistics 1 (Old Realm, Riverspeak), Lore 3, Martial Arts 5 (2), Medicine 3, Occult 3, Socialize 1, Stealth 3, Thrown 2

The Corpse 3, The Rising Smoke 1, The Sword 3.

Backgrounds: Artifact 3, Manse 3, Mentor 5 (Wayang) (4), Necromancy 3, Salary 3,

Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Willpower: 6
Health: -0,-0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 3 (10)
Essence pool: 12/33 (29)


  • Craft

Elegant Patterns of Fate
World-Shaping Artistic Vision (Concerning Death)

  • Endurance

Ox-Body Technique

  • Dodge

Duck Fate

  • Martial Arts (Note: Variant Hungry Ghost that can use daggers/knives)

Essence Discerning Glance
Shrouded Claw Attack
Hungry Ghost Form
Power Reaping Prana
Unnatural Shambling Deftness

  • Occult

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

  • Stealth

Soft Presence Practice
Blinding the Boar


  • Shadowlands Circle

Hungry Creeping Shadow
Iron Countermagic
Summon Ghost

Equipment: Funerary finery (clothing and the like), black veil, wraps, medical kit (including poisons), Scriptures and tomes best left forgotten, throwing daggers.

Anima Power: Spend 10 essence for the Lesser Sign of Saturn: All blows struck by the Chosen and allies within (Essence x 10) yars strike are increased by +1 HL, as long as at least 1 HL is generated.

Merits and Flaws:
Between the Shadow and the Light (10)
Sterile (-1)
Unusual Appearance (Corpse Pallor) (-2)
Disturbing (Dead to the living, living to the dead) (-3)
Alien Upbringing (-2)
Greater Curse 2 (-2)

Base initiative: 8
Soak: 7B/7L/6A (Troublesome Destiny, Starmetal Breastplate +6L/+4B, also subtracts 1 from number of damage successes, may go down to 0)
Dodge: 13
Inauspicious Fate Parrying Daggers (2): Speed +2 (10), Accuracy +3(13), Damage +6L (9L), Defense +2(12), Rate 6
Punch: Speed +0 (8), Accuracy +1 (11), Damage +0B (3B), Defense +2 (12), Rate 5
Kick: Speed -3 (5), Accuracy +1 (11), Damage +3B (6B), Defense -3 (7), Rate 3
Clinch: Speed 6 (2), Accuracy +0 (10), Damage +0BP (3BP), Defense +0 (10), Rate 1
Exceptional Throwing Daggers (Ranged): Accuracy +2 (9), Damage +3L (6L), Rate 3, Range 15

Character Description

A young man of average height but with the deathly pallor of a corpse. Only his jet-blackhair seems to live, forming a spikey wave on his head. Thick, angled eyebrows frame his dark eyes, and most of the rest of his features are kept obscured by his black veil, which leads down into the tattered black cloak and funerary wrappings which drape gracefully over his body, fitting well with his strangely dull Starmetal breastplate. Elaborate gauntlets fit over his hands, and at his hips, a pair of parrying daggers are sheathed. Mainly, though, he is clad in the dark shrouds of the dead.

Expanded Backgrounds, Merits and Flaws

Artifacts: The Inauspicious Fate Parrying Daggers are a pair of fairly hefty Starmetal parrying daggers (+2 defense, but can’t be thrown). Aside from their ordinary magical abilities, they may be used in the off hand with no penalty, although they do not grant a bonus action. They were specifically designed for him before his birth, as is Heart of Troublesome Destiny, his Starmetal Breastplate. All three items were made for his previous incarnation’s funeral goods.
Manse: Unlike many Sidereals, Black Ice Shadow’s nominal home is in a tiny Shadowlands in the River Province, not a Celestial Manse. Usually, he stays with a variety of hosts while in the city on business; at the moment, he stays with his mentor, Wayang. His Hearthstone is a Death-Speech Gemstone.
Mentor: Wayang, the God of Silence and Black Ice Shadow have found increasing commonalities in their lives. Insomuch as it is possible for either entity, they are close friends. Black Ice Shadow has no single sifu; his teachings in the dark martial arts are currently halted while they decide whether or not to trust him.
Necromancy: Black Ice Shadow has an extensive collection of forbidden tomes procured for him by his teachers.
Salary: Black Ice Shadow is a fine assassin, and paid well.
Savant: Black Ice Shadow was not initiated in the ways of the First Age in order to prevent prejudicing his knowledge of death.
Alien Upbringing: His upbringing was completely and totally alien to the living. Yes, in combination with Disturbing, this means he has a +3 to Social Difficulties with mortals. His job is to understand death, and to kill. Regardless, for playability purposes, this should probably be removed if he’s ever used as an actual PC.
Between the Shadow and the Light: Black Ice Shadow was tuned completely to the dark destiny of the underworld. The primary benefit is that events and actions within the Underworld are considered to be ‘in Fate’ for the purposes of Black Ice Shadow’s Astrology and Charm effects. This includes creatures of Oblivion, Deathlords, Abyssals, creatures with Blurred Fate, and so on, but specifically excludes Malfeans, as their pre-existence status makes them as exempt as it does the Primordials. Black Ice Shadow is neither wholly living nor dead, either, on even a more fundamental level in some ways than an Abyssal.

He regains the full amount of Essence regardless of whether he is in Creation or the Underworld, and counts as neither a living human nor a creature of darkness for the purposes of effects that specifically target those creatures, beneficial or hazardous. For example, he is affected by Solar Medicine Charms, but is not affected by Edge of Morning Sunlight. Black Ice Shadow is not Outside of Fate; instead, treat him as though he had the Blurred Fate Merit. This blurring is one reason why he is not wholly trusted. Between the Shadow and the Light is a ten point merit that mandates the Disturbing and Unusual Appearance (Corpse Pallor) Flaws, but the full points for those flaws are given.

Greater Curse: Black Ice Shadow is not wholly trusted by the Pattern Spiders, either.
