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HumbleLunars: Introduction and TOC

Odour of blood when Christ was slain
Made all platonic tolerance vain
And vain all Doric discipline.
WB Yeats, Two Songs from a Play

Yo, this was the home of HumbleLunars, my Lunars rewrite. Its been removed for the time being. I have it on my harddisk and am going to try to work on it there, maybe post it somewhere when its a little more presentable.

Basically: Writing on the Wiki is kind of a pain. Its easier to deal with matters in a word document, where one can hit control b and whatnot. Writing on the wiki is fun because of the feedback and community aspects, but no one was commenting, or paying attention as far as I could tell. So, its gone for now. If you'd like to be updated with the latest drafts, drop me a line and I'll keep you in the loop.



Table Of Contents: Latest Drafts go here.