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Splinter of Oblivion</b>

<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, Mins: Intelligence 5, Essence 4,  Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch, Obvious, Sickness, Mirror (Withdrawal of Assumptions)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: To Be Determined

Reaching into her target, the character implants a tiny piece of the Oblivion at her heart into her target, infecting her with deadly Void energies. Upon a successful touch, the target must succeed at a Stamina + Resistance roll, with a difficulty of the character's Essence. If she fails, she is infected with Oblivion itself.

Infected targets suffer terrible reprecussions, as the power of the Neverborn surges through their bodies. Every day, they must roll their Stamina +Integrity + Essence, at a difficulty of the character's Essence rating. If the roll fails, they gain a point of Resonance for every two successes that they fail by. Resonance can be purged in the usual ways listed in Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, with three differences. First, automatic explosions occur whenever Resonance builds to an amount equal to the Nihil's Essence, rather than the character's. Secondly, the Nihil's Essence is used as the maximum number of successes that can occur in a given category. Finally, the target may not trigger Stigmata 1, as their natural Essence is not necrotic.

Targets that can succeed against the disease for five days in a row find themselves cured of it. Otherwise, the disease continues until a number of Resonance eruptions equal to the Nihil's Essence have occurred, or until the disease is magically healed. Attempts to magically heal the disease suffer from an external penalty equal to the character's Essence.