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Exalted Fast

It can take some people a long time to create Exalted characters. And, rewriting the charms seems like a hopeless burden. This system is designed to alleviate those complications.

Basic Stats

Exalted Fast has the same 9 attributes, but only 5 abilities. These abilities are Fight, Knowledge, Interaction, Integrety, and Odyssey. Like in Classic, each of these can be rated up to 5.

Four Virtues (Compassion, Valor, Conviction, Temperence) remain and function the same, as does Willpower, Essence, and Limit. Charms exist, but instead of requiring minimum Abilities, they require Specialties.

There are now 25 specialties. At starting, each ability can have up to 3 specialties, you can take a single specialty multiple times, and each specialty can only be taken under one ability. Because they are specialties, everyone with one dot in the ability can attempt an action that would normally require a special skill. The specialties are listed under the appropriate ability.

Fight - Archery - Brawl - Martial Arts - Melee - Thrown

Knowledge - Survival - Craft - Lore - Occult - Larceny

Interaction - Performance - Presence - Investigation - Bureaucracy - Socialize

Integrety - Endurance - Resistance - Medicine - Dodge - Awareness

Odyssey - Athletics - Stealth - Linguistics - Sail - Ride

Character Generation and Progression

Exalted Fast characters all use bonus points instead of XP. Bonus point costs are as follows.

o Attribute o Ability (up to 3) oo Ability (4 or 5) o Specialty

o Virtue o Willpower ooo Essence (times the current Essence) o Charm o Background (up to 4) oo Background (5)

New Characters start off with one dot in all attributes, abilities, virtues and willpower. Essence starts at oo. They then recieve 5 dots to distribute to abilities. Attributes recieve the expected 8/6/4 progression, and 5 points are distributed among the Virtues. Willpower is equal to the sum of your two highest virtues, but can be increased beyond that with bp.

Abilities raised to 4 or 5 AFTER character creation increase the limit on specialties by one dot. Although you cannot increase your abilities above 5, purchasing further dots of abilities allows you to purchase more dots of specialties. However, you cannot ever raise an individual specialty above 3. You cannot raise Virtues or Essence above 5, and Willpower is capped at 10. Furthermore, Permanant Essence cannot be raised above your Permanant Willpower. Conditions exist to raise your Permanant Essence to 6, but it is certain that you cannot do it without having been Exalted for at least 100 years.

Each player starts off with 10 charms and 7 Background points. Everything else can be bought in play, but Backgrounds cannot without storyteller approval, and one bonus point per level.

Use the normal Solar backgrounds to create your character.