Name: Black Song of Despair\\ Player: Coik\\ Rank: Novice\\ Wins: 0\\ Losses: 0
Stats</b>\\ <b>Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Apperance 2, Wits 3, Athletics 3
Save and Block: 5\\ Return: 7\\ Initiative: 5\\ Spike: 6\\ Favored Suit: Thong one-piece
Description: Black Song of Despair (or just "Black," to her friends) has the distinctive pale skin of someone born in a shadowland, but has a bright red shade of hair, almost like the color of "fresh" blood. Her eyes are an unremarkable blueish-grey, like ice. She is tall but not gangly, and is well muscled for her height. In addition to her ebony swimsuit, she wears a pair of soulsteel bangles around her wrists and ankles. She likes to clap them together when her team makes a particularly good play, accentuating their victory with the moans of the damned.