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THIC Custom Content Disclaimer: These charms probably won't work well with your system until you are using the full (unfinished) custom ruleset for THIC. Keep in mind when reading these that all Exalts start at Essence 2, there are no longer combos or caps on charm usages per turn. This makes fountains of Essence common when dealing with hot-headed Exalts (who often subsequently die thereafter). These are also still in heavy play-testing for balance issues. This is as much to give myself a backup of work as it is to share with everyone else.

Solar Archery Charms

Fiery Arrow Attack
Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: Archery Excellency
Description: The Solar channels their Essence through their weapon and into the projectile they are about to fire, making it crackle with the fire of The Unconquered Sun. Adding this magical fire to the projectile adds the Exalted's Essence in Lethal damage to the attack, as well as forcing the enemy to make a Stamina+Endurance roll or be lit on fire.

Glorious Solar Bolt
Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 3m for the first firing, 2m each additional piece of ammunition after
Prerequisites: Fiery Arrow Attack
Description: Often in the First Age, battles would rage for weeks if not months between the mightiest of forces. Over the course of time, it was inevitable that ammunition for the archers would run out. However, with this charm the Solar needs not fear running out of ammunition. The Solar forms the required item, be it arrow, shot, etc from purest Essence and fires it. This item is counted as doing the same base damage as normal ammunition for the weapon (i.e. 3L for broadheads, 2L for sling shot.) but doing aggravated damage to the undead.

Phantom Arrow Technique
Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Cost: 5m
Prerequisites: Fiery Arrow Attack
Description: As the Solar steadies their aim, they gather their Essence around themselves. As their attack is released, it is multiplied in the air by their Essence. (i.e. Taliq has an Essence of 3, his blowgun has a rate of 2. Taliq wants to make sure that both of his targets (particularly ugly zombies) are dropped at once. So when he fires his blowgun, he pays 10 motes (the cost of this charm twice, once for each missile supplemented) and where there were two darts, there are now six. He only rolls his attack once for each target per ranged combat rules. That number is used to resolve damage for each target per set of darts.)

Immaculate Golden Bow
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 8m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Glorious Solar Bolt, Phantom Arrow Technique
Description: Oftentimes, the Solar must leave their weapons behind. Be it because of political, magical or physical reasons, this sometimes occurs. However, even lacking their bow, the Solar archer is not unarmed. Channeling Essence into their hands, they craft for themselves a golden bow composed of purest sunlight. This bow is regarded as unbreakable and is weightless. Every bow is unique to the wielder, and, should the wielder insist at time of charm purchase, it may take on another form, such as a sling, an atlatl, or razous. In all of these cases, the weapon gains +2 accuracy, +2 Lethal damage, and has a rate of 3.

Rain of Feathered Death
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Instant
Type: Scene
Cost: 10m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Immaculate Golden Bow
Description: Few things are as terrifying as seeing the sun blotted out by flurry of arrows, each of them aiming for your heart. This is exactly what many of those facing down Solars in the First Age were presented. Rain of Feathered Death multiples the rate at which their ranged weapons fire by their Essence for the rest of the scene. (i.e. Taliq is facing down six beastmen in the Ruins of Rathess and needs them all to depart this world quickly. He has an Essence of 3 and his blowgun has a rate of 2. He spends the motes and willpower to activate Rain of Feathered Death and can now fire 6 darts per turn without splitting his dice pool as long as they are within range of each other.) The effects of this charm implicitly stack with the effects of Phantom Arrow Technique, as long as you can afford to pay the motes.

Accuracy Without Distance
Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: Archery Excellency
Description: Solar marksmen are not the kind to let something small like vast distances get in the way of their target. When a Solar activates this charm, for the rest of their action, the range of their weapon is multiplied by their Essence. Further, non-magical winds have no effect on the missile's trajectory. For instance, with an Essence of 3, a composite longbow would fire 900 feet without penalty, 1800 feet at a -1 penalty, and 2700 feet at a -2 penalty. At an Essence of 6, a composite longbow would fire 1800 feet with no penalty, 3600 feet at a -1 penalty, and 5400 feet at a -2 penalty. Keep in mind, this would still need to be combined with some other method in order to be sure that the Solar firing the bow knows where their target is located. This charm only affects accuracy over distance. It does not cover being unable to see your target.

Sight Without Eyes
Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 5m
Prerequisites: Accuracy Without Distance
Description: The Lawgiver's eyes shine with the clarity of the Unconquered Sun and they will not let their aim be hindered by such trivial things as sight. The Solar archer fires their arrow and makes the attack roll as normal. However, all successes on the dice roll are counted as extra successes as the Solar strikes the target automatically. This charm's cost must be paid for every single arrow fired that the Solar wants to strike unerringly.

Trance of Unhesitating Speed
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Until the end of the turn
Type: Extra Action
Cost: 5m, 1 willpower to activate, 3m per extra attack
Prerequisites: Sight Without Eyes
Description: The Solar who devotes themselves to becoming a great marksman is a figure to not be trifled with. For 5 motes and 1 willpower, the Solar may activate the Trance of Unhesitating Speed. Once the Trance has been activated, they enter a momentary state of enhanced clarity where they may purchase extra full dice attacks at a cost of 3 motes apiece. Each of these attacks may split as normal.

Superior Stunning Shot
Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: Archery Excellency
Description: Sometimes, a Lawgiver may wish to only stun a target in order to apprehend them. It is these cases Superior Stunning Shot was created for. For 3m, whenever striking a foe, the Solar may instead attempt to stun them. Instead of resolving for damage, the target instead must make a Stamina+Endurance roll in order to resist stunning. If stunned, the target forfeits their next action. This charm doesn't affect those with Essence above that of the caster.

Giant Felling Strike
Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 5m
Prerequisites: Superior Stunning Shot
Description: During the Primordial War, the Solars faced the great Behemoths created by the Primordials themselves. In the face of these enormous foes, the Lawgivers grew not afraid. This charm is one of the ways they fought back against the titanic Behemoths. For 5 motes, the Solar inflicts penalties instead of damage. For every point of damage that would have been inflicted, the target takes a -1 penalty for Essence turns. Furthermore, the target must roll Stamina+Endurance at the Solar's Essence in difficulty or be knocked flat for the remainder of the turn.

Mountain Maiming Swing
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 8m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Giant Felling Strike
Description: Facing the monstrous legions of The Primordials, often were the forces of the Solars overrun. To most archers, this would mean a swift, bloody death. Not so for the Solar archer. With this charm, the Solar's weapon becomes a Melee weapon with a speed equal to its rate, base damage equal its damage + the Solar's Essence. It also gains a defense rating equal to half the Solar's Essence, rounded down. If it is a two-handed weapon, it becomes 2-handed light for damage resolution purposes. The Solar may use their Archery rating for all Melee combat with their transfigured weapon.