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Character Sheet

NAME                                                            HOMELAND
Maylin                                                          Stonewall	
CASTE                                                           ANIMA BANNER
Eclipse                                                         Pouncing Caracal
NATURE                                                          EXPERIANCE
Critic                                                          4

PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        2               Charisma        3               Perception      4
Dexterity       3               Manipulation    3               Intelligence    4
Stamina         2               Appearance      4               Wits            3

--DAWN--                        --ZENITH--                      --TWILIGHT--
□Archery                       ■Endurance    ***              □Craft         
□Brawl                         ■Performance  ***              □Investigation     
□Martial Arts                  ■Presence     ***              □Lore           ** 
■Melee         ***             □Resistance   *                □Medicine
□Thrown                        □Survival     *                □Occult         **

--Night--                       --ECLYPSE--
□Athletics     **              ■Bureaucracy  ***              --SPECIALTIES--
□Awareness     **              ■linguistics  **                □ First Age Lore *
■Dodge         ***             ■Ride         **         
□Larceny       *               ■Sail                
□Stealth       *               ■Socialize    *****

LANGUAGES: Forest Tongue, River Tongue, Old Realm
BACKGROUND                      DESCRIPTION
Influence    *                  Successful Gem Merchant
Artifact     ***                Tiara of Weather Control
Resources    ***                Gems, some Jade
Familiar     ***                Desert Caracal (Sayjin)
Allies       *                  Alabaster Chimes
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         ***             VIRTUES
Willpower:   6                  Personal:       15:__           Compassion        **
O O O O O O                     Committed:      None            Conviction       ***
Limit                           Peripheral:     37:__           Temperance       ***
O O O O O O O O O O             Committed:      None            Valor              *
        Initiative:     6       Soak (L/B):    (1/2)            Mobility:         -0
ARMOR:                          w/Armor:       (__/__)          Fatigue:           0

   -0   -1          -2                -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O    O O O       O O O O           O    O                O O  

Spear                   +1         7(+1)       5L(+3L)  6(+0)
Knife                   +3         6(+0)       3L(+1L)  4(-2)

Dodge:  6                
CHARM                   COST     DURRATION  TYPE           EFFECT
Ox Body Technique       None     Permanent  Special        -1 x 1, -2 x 2, health levels        

Respect Commanding      5 Motes  One Scene  Simple         Makes people pay attention
Attitude                                                   & show respect while listning

Masterful Performance   2 Motes  Instant    Supplemental   Buy additional successes on 
Exercise               [[EndlessChase/Success]]                           a performance roll

Heart-Compelling        6 Motes  One Scene  Supplemental   Roll Man + Performance, chose
Method                  1 Will                             emotion. Will under successes
                                                           feels emotion, Will under 2x
                                                           make willpower roll to resist

Harmonious Presence     6 Motes  One Hour   Simple         Add Permanent Essence to all
Meditation                                                 1 on 1 Soc, Bur, or Pre rolls

Frugal Merchant Method  1 Mote   Instant    Simple         Knows quality of handled item

Deft Official's Way     6 Motes  One Task   Simple         Grants the knowlege of who to
                                                           talk to to acomplish a task

Wise-Eyed Courtier      3 Motes  Instant    Simple         Allows character to get their
Method                                                     bearing in social situations
Armored Scout's         5 Motes  One Day    Simple         Reduces Mobility and Fatigue
Invigoration                                               of all armor by 1 each

Reed in the Wind        1 Mote   Instant    Reflexive      Adds 2 dice per mote to one
                        /2 Dice                            dodge action.  Must be aware.

Mastery of 
Small Manners           3 Motes  One scene  Reflexive      Allows character to respond 
                                                           correctly in a social situation.

Motive Discerning       6 Motes  Instant    Simple         Explains the true motive behind 
Technique                                                  an action.

Knowing the Soul's     10 Motes  Instant    Simple         Character knows what target will 
Price                   1 Will                             do anything to get.
ITEM                            QUANTITY                   NOTES
Spear                           1                          Carried
Knife                           1                          Carried
Gems                            Several                    Gems of mild value

Tiara                           1                          Worn
NAME                            COMMITMENT                 EFFECT
Tiara of Weather Control        None                       Activates for 5 Motes
                                                           (Any changes can be attempted,
                                                           particularly difficult or 
                                                           quick ones require a Man plus
                                                           Occult roll.  Usually takes 
                                                           around 15 minutes, though 
                                                           longer for major effects, like

Familiar:  Desert Caracal (Seyjin)      Spd/Atk/Dmg: Claws 6/5/2L
Str/dex/sta: 2/3/2                      Dodge/Soak:  8/0L/2B                     Will: 3
Per/Int/Wit: 1/2/3                      Abilities: Ath: 5, Awr: 3 Dge: 5, MA 2, Stealh 3