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My first Exalted Campaign

The original players were 6 in total and I introduced them to the game in groups of two, from these mini games they started to build some background for their characters. Considering only one of them had even played Exalted before I've been very pleased with the outcome.

The Lovers

Sometimes love trancends what you are and where your going.

Misha (Fire Aspected Dragon Blood)

Misha was born in the Threshold as what Dynasts call a "lost egg" and achieved Terrestrial Exaltation at the age of 14. She knew Dane before her Exaltation and subsequent adoption by house Tepet.

Her heart was broken but in time her love sank to the back of her mind where she could be free from the pain. She dedicated herself to being the best Dragon Blooded soldier in all of House Tepet and dreamt of joining the Tepet Legions.

After the battle of Futile Blood her hopes were dashed to pieces, her house became desperate to marry her off to a Dragon-Blooded of high breeding a man she despised.

She accepted it until her true love returned to her surrounded by a magnificent golden aura that eased her mind at once.

Since then the two have never been separated.

Dane (Eclipse Caste Solar Exalted)

Even growing up in a small Threshold town people sensed he was going to be something special. He seemed to have a aura of confidence about him that reassured people in all emotional states and was reluctant to harm even a fly.

Many Children of the Sun have a tale of angst and woe but for Dane his only loss was his childhood sweetheart who took the second breath as a Dragon-Blooded. He knew as a mortal man they would never be together.

Years later however, while working as a small-time trader who brought supplies to and from the Blessed Isle he took his own second breath. Disorientated and confused from his Exaltation he found the one person who mattered to him, the rest they say is history.

The Family

The bonds of parent and child run deep, their roots go deep into one's very soul.

Calen (Twilight Caste Solar Exalted)

Growing up near Nexus, the young Calen was always interested in the mysteries of bygone eras. Despite being a renowned savant and relic hunter his first priories were always those of husband and father.

Some years ago however his wife was attacked by a group of bandits on the way back home. She did not survive and Calen never truly recovered from this, he simply retreated deeper and deeper into lost texts much to his daughter’s dismay.

It was only when his search for truth lead him to the iconography and references to the Solar Exalted that Calen learnt the truth of the Anathema. He was there and then chosen by the Unconquered Sun.

Adria (Heroic Mortal and devoted daughter)

Mortals in the age of Sorrows typically have short, brutal and ignorant lives but as the daughter of the Scavenger Lord Calen she learnt of ancient wonders and bygone ages.

That was until her mother was murdered and her father became a broken man, giving his daughter all his worldly possessions as though he was already dead.

Adria was able to use her father’s knowledge of alchemy and ancient artefacts to establish a small empire of followers who strove to bring back the lost ages. Her words touched even the Dragon-Blooded who crossed her path.

One day her father returned to her proclaiming that he remembered… she thought he had gone insane with grief at first. Then he explained.

The Warriors

Are brothers in arms not also family?

Havoc Phoenix (Dawn Caste Solar Exalted)

Nobody knows his original name, however it’s presumed it was far less interesting than Havoc Phoenix. This Mercenary travelled all over the Scavenger Lands in the service of greedy merchants and treasure hunters.

It was in Sijan that his destiny was forever changed, upon entering a tomb he was confronted by it’s guardian who’s size and power would have made an ordinary man flee for his life.

Phoenix knew though, that if he ran he would not escape and that it was better to die in battle. Fate it seemed, had other plans for the mercenary.

Janos Umbra (Night Caste Solar Exalted)

Janos was raised in worship for the beings who came before the gods, powerful and benevolent Primordial forces who would one day return and make everything right.

He believed these sweet words, those of the Yozi cult he was born into.

It was when the authorities acting on behalf of the Immaculate Order became involved that Janos was given his Solar Exaltation. He lead the other cultists to freedom as only a Night Caste could.

Since that night he has learnt from his Sidereal mentors that the demonic Yozis were the beings his cult spoke of. What Janos didn’t say was that he still believes that the Yozis may be needed to repair Creation, this theory he keeps to himself.

The Allies

When surrounded with enemies it helps to have a friend.

Varil Masumi (Wood Aspected Dragon-Blooded)

For most of his life Masumi was a Justicar of Lookshy a patriot and paragon of law and order, this was until he had one of his Intelligence Directorate contacts inform him that the Gunzosha incident wasn’t quite the tragic accident he has been told it was.

Masumi dismissed this outright but the contact was never seen again, all attempts to contact them failed utterly forcing Masumi to start his own research into the fall of House Varil.

His personal quest lead him to the Gunzota readout itself where he took a fragment of the Everlasting Amethyst and had it forged into a Daiklave so that he would never forget the betrayal his house suffered.

The Engineer- (Alchemical Exalted Jade Caste)

On the surface she seems to be little more than a black Jade construct that is in unusually good condition. However the Engineer holds many secrets, most notably is that she’s not actually from Creation but rather that a Seventh Legion Force found her in the southern deserts hundreds of years ago.

In truth the Engineer was the leader of an expeditionary force from Autochthonia and though the damage she sustained originally compromised her memory it has returned over several decades.

For now she is happy to observe and monitor the Creation born, pretending to be little more than an intelligent construct. Eventually the Machine God’s followers will come in force.

The Void Touched

The enemy of my enemy...

Anton- (Ghost Blooded)

The Autocrat’s youngest son has suffered greatly over the past year, he was given to the twisted scientist known as Kohl for all kinds of demented experiments.

Anton’s flesh and spirit have been greatly warped by this exposure to the extent where he is somewhere between alive and dead with one burning desire in his heart.


The Ashes of the Sun - (Abyssal Exalted Moonshadow Caste)

A noble woman from Thorns who attempted to escape the Mask of Winters via the ruined Undercity, there began to manifest symptoms of plague and was forced to leave by the others who had no desire to catch the plague.

When she returned to the surface the Deathlord himself was waiting for her, and her death seemed assured. However he instead took pity upon someone who had fallen so far from her birthright, he restored her health and nobility with black exaltation.

Primary Antagonists

Reprehensible villains? They have their reasons for their actions...

The Mask of Winters

Recently the Mask of Winters has ceased to work on his own timetable, his hand has been forced by the actions of the First and Forsaken Lion who’s big push into Creation looks imminent and such a power in the South would threaten his destiny.

Lookshy effectively neutralised with plague and his mutual agreement with Mnemon will protect his interests for the moment at least.

The Bane of Sorrows (Casteless Lunar Exalted)

A Thorns native who exalted deep in the Shackle Maw Penitentiary, cheating death by any means necessary. He resorted to murder and cannibalism to remain alive and it seems his survival instincts attracted a Lunar Essence.

The insane, starved and demented Lunar Exalted swore loyalty to the Mask of Winters and is now one of his favoured servants. 

Kohl (Earth Aspected Dragon-Blooded)

A bitter and resentful Dragon-Blooded scientist, his skill with modifying living creatures knows few equals in the Age of Sorrows. Kohl is always attempting to create new and powerful servants to please the Mask of Winters.

Kohl’s dream however is an army of Dragon-Blooded who are born with a connection to the void that is equal to that of the Abyssal Exalted. These would serve his Deathlord in his conquest of the entire world.

Other major NPCs

Some of them were friends, others were foes many more weren’t all too clear on that.

Yoshi Ronin Sidereal (Chosen of Serenity)

Yoshi claimed to be formerly of the Gold Faction and now a free agent, though the players were never truly certain where his loyalty lay. He told the players how to break Mask of Winters control on Juggernaut and that the Lover Clad was responsible for the plague in Lookshy. How he came by this information is unknown…

The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears

Though far from in league with the Mask of Winters her actions in unleashing the plague on Lookshy proved beneficial to him. However after travelling far north, Dane was able to convince her to stay her hand for now.

The Grain Fathers

A group of powerful Forest Spirits who would trade blood sacrifices in return for power. Their use of the Endowment Charm on several members of the Circle was a significant boon, though there may be unforeseen consequences of dealing with these sprits.

Talla (Earth Aspected Dragon-Blooded)

On the return trip from the Fortress of Crimson Ice, Dane and Misha were able to rescue a 13 year old newly exalted Dragon-Blooded from an Ice Walker patrol. In doing this they made an ally for life, as she gladly accompanied them back to the Scavenger Lands.


Everything in the script must invariably explode!


Between the Jade Warstriders of Lookshy and the Soulsteel Warstriders of Thorns our intrepid heroes were very familiar with Warstriders used by both friend and foe.

Sky Barge

Stolen from the Seventh Legion in Lookshy the Sky Barge became the favoured form of transport for the entire Circle.

Gate Network

Diplomacy with The Lover Clad would have been impossible without the remains of the First Age Gate Network cutting thousands of miles from the journey to the North and back. Sadly the way-station in the Scavenger Lands had to be destroyed in order to prevent the Bull of the North’s scouts using the device to make their own expansion into the East.