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Swan Song Method
Cost: - Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3 Type: permanent
Keywords: Martyr
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Soul Stirring Performance Method

Most Dragon-Blooded would consider their ideal death to be upon their deathbeds, when they are long past their prime and surrounded by their weeping decedents. War does not reflect this reality and important things can be left unsaid. Swan Song Method suffuses the Dragon-Blooded with the life-giving essence of wood and allows them to live on, even if it's just a little longer...

When the Dragon-Blooded looses her final dying health level this charm automatically becomes active and provides her with full consciousness and the ability to communicate verbally (including making social attacks at appropriate targets) but is otherwise unable to move. Anyone attempting to prematurely silence her must pay 1 willpower or be forced to respectfully hear the Dragon-Blooded out.
Upon the end of the scene the Dragon-Blooded dies and may immediately enter Lethe if there is simply nothing left to say.

Notes and Comments

Inspired by various Metal Gear Solid bosses who insist upon telling you their life story before they die