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Suppose a very ancient Exalt has developed a high-end martial art that permits him to dramatically change fundamental principles of spatial relations, geometry, and physics? Mechanically, suppose this martial art culminates in a scene-length Charm, under the effects of which that character no longer uses the Exalted system for combat, but instead uses, say, GURPS, with all his stats derived in one particular manner or another.

What does this look like? What does swinging a sword in a broad, perfectly circular arc look like when the swinger of the sword can decide, in the midst of the stream of combat, "I think that Pi shall be equal to 5 today"? What does a character operating under a different set of mechanical constructions and concessions look like in combat? The best I've been able to come up with thus far is "it looks wrong, but sort of inexplicably wrong, like the character does these normal things, but they're done in strange ways that everything seems misaligned and imbalanced", but that seems woefully insufficient. Surely there are ways to effectively describe this.

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