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Session 3 took place on October 13th, 2007. In attendance was Orani Mina, Arimus, Crys Gattz, and Threefold Shadow, who recieved 3 XP each.

Return to Darzoni/WarManse13

Out of the Fishbowl Part 3

Logfile from Planar Pathways.

The sub's engine looks... esoteric to say the least. There's starmetal filaments interfacting with moonsilver spheres with orichalcum electrodes, set into blocks of rune-inscribed white jade... and it doesn't work, apparently. Crys looks over the engine for a long moment "This isn't my area of skill but i think it would be best if we spoke to thousand hands about this, i'm certain he'd be willing to give us the parts from stroage to fix this."

Crys has just departed to speak to her superiors about getting the needed tools and parts for Arimus to be able to fix the sub hopefully it wouldn't take too long

Arimus would nod a little at Crys. "Please go talk to him about it then, would you? I'm going to stay here and look over the engine.." Pushing his glasses back and carefully poking and prodding at various pieces of the engine. "By the Machine God, this is -beautiful-.. It's a masterpiece.. Bloody crying shame that it's been left to rust.." Stroking the machinery gently. "I'll fix yah up.."

Shadow is probably still in the great hall, telling stories and getting moderately ripped and otherwise thoroughly enjoying himself. Sooner or later, he'll fall asleep in a corner and his loyal minions will get him back to his quarters to sleep... but perhaps not yet.

Umari Thousand-Hands hmms at Crys' request. "Unfortunately, I am unsure if we even have the resources after all this time to repair such a wonder... but, Arimus is welcome to the scraps down below. I'm sure that between the other Lawgivers and Arimus, there will be a way now."

Crys nods to her leader "Thank you Prophet." She boys respectfully and departs, she's also made request to get what tools from the old ship bays to br beought down to the sub dock for Arimus's convience.

Shadow peers up at Crys for a moment or two, and then shrugs. "You could at least stay and enjoy the party a bit... it's not like it's just every day we can feel free to lay about, eat good food, tell wild tales of the past, and get smashed, after all..." Well, some might feel that they could, but Shadow isn't one of them.

MEANWHILE! The sub's AI hums a song idly as it plays chess against itself... again.

The rumor mill in this place is quick. Soon everybody is talking about the yellow submarine and where the hell the newcomer might have found it! Some of the older dragon bloods though, laugh and say the damn thing has been there all along, but nobody could fix it.

Arimus would stare intently at the machine for.. Several hours in point of fact. "If we don't have the necessary parts we can jerry-rig or manufacture them ourselves, good sir." In response to the Thousand Hands' statement. "By the Gods this -will- work again!" Rolling up his sleeves and taking off his gloves.

Among the scrap bins and spare tools are the tools of a master craftsman, which had been hidden in a remote corner of the Manse eons ago when it was first built by the First Age Realm. The tools are of surpassing quality, and hang in a belt neatly and without fear of losing one. There are also a good deal of scrapped machines that have simply stopped working over the ages.

Arimus watched as some random Vault Dweller.. Err, Manse Dweller, brought him the tools. "..By the Machine God.." Staring with a slacked jaw. "Such gorgeous craftsmanship.." Slowly taking the tools and running his fingers over them. "Truly you lot have wonder upon wonder in here.." Wrapping the belt around his waist. "This will do just wonderfully. I thank you.. Unfortunately before I get to work, I must speak with Thousand Hands.." And he'd start heading up to go speak with the Solar.

Crys is helping with tool stuff while Ariums goes to talk with Thousand hands

Umari hmms and ponders Threefold Shadow. "So what do you foresee happening if the people knew they could taste the air outside of these walls?" He says, offering Shadow some tea from the table, the quieter moments of the feast upon them.

After a talk with Thousand Hands, Arimus would return to the sub-dock. With the wondrous tools in his possession, he would spend several hours putting the submarine's engine back together. The few people present would find themselves pressed into service as aides, handing Arimus whatever parts or tools he requested. Shockingly enough, the repairs would not take as long as others might have expected..

Shadow turns toward his leader, accepting the tea with a small bow. "I... I'm not sure. For myself, I would like to see how things have changed since the time of my... other memories. There must be churches of the Unconquered out there, priests I could speak with, expand my own knowledge."

Umari Thousand-Hands nods quietly. "You may get that chance..."

Crys has been helping long an hard and she says "I'm just overjoyed to have the possiblity to see the outside world."

Arimus would, just before getting his work started- head to the chamber to speak with Thousand Hands. The mere mortal would stand in the middle of the 'court'. "I don't mean to barge in and intrude, but I do need to pester you for just a few minutes, lord Hands.."

Umari peers at Arimus. "Shouldn't you be working for Mina now?"

Shadow is standing some distance away, conversing in low tones with an air-aspected Dragon Blood. They both fall silent as Arimus speaks, turning to see what the human is up to. The Zenith reaches up and casually runs his fingers through his short hair.

Crys has come to escort Arimus to meet with the Prophant and is like any good siloider sh' very quiet unless she's got reason to speak.

Umari taps his foot expectantly at Arimus, then looks at Shadow. "So where-ever have you put that new shrine to the Unconquered Sun, young priest?"

Arimus shrugs a little. "I should be, yes.. However what I'm about to discuss should be done with the one in charge." Taking a quick sip from his hip flask. "My repairs should not take all that long, but once we're outside.. I must request that you have inventory taken of all the various artifacts and whatnot you have here. I request that you decide which ones are ultimately most important to you, and allow me to take the rest to my homeland, Lookshy.. We have great need of such weapons, as we are on the brink of war with some.. Very dangerous enemies.. Many of the things you have here may very well ensure the survival of my country. Which, if that country falls... Well, the rest of the truly free world very likely falls shortly afterwards."

Shadow bows slightly at being singled out by the manse's lord and master. "In an unused storeroom on one of the lower levels, my lord. Perhaps not the most auspicious place for it, but everything more suitable is already in use for other, 'more essential' purposes."

Umari glances back to Arimus after nodding to Shadow. "We'll maintain it in your absence when you go outside." He turns to Arimus. "Outsider, we have already re-purposed every tool we could over the long centuries. The Dragon-Blood artificers have already turned weapons of great power into tills and earth-movers so that we may continue to survive. The only places that may possibly have what you are looking for are locked to us, sealed by their owners an Age ago. There are vaults in this manse which vaporize a man with but a glance, and likely one for every Lawgiver there ever has been."

He points to Shadow, and other Solars in attendance. "Those who remember the past well enough have already claimed what is theirs from the vaults." Then he gestures to the Dragon-blooded guardians and the Gunzosha like Crys. "The armors and more conventional weapons have already been in use for many generations as family heirlooms."

Umari shakes his head. "We have nothing to give you other than the vehicle you found."

Arimus lifts a brow slightly, peering. "You have no spare parts, no machines that you aren't using? I don't necessarily just mean weapons and armors, sir. As nice as those would be, we desperately require parts and tools too, mainly for Warstriders and heavy energy cannons and such."

Umari scowls at Arimus. "What little we have goes to maintaining our way of life. It is not comfortable here, but we manage to live. We have scraps from machines that have broken down, and you're already asked for those to try and repair the vehicle.

Crys nods iat this, "We make use of evergything we can, we have no way to resupply we must make do, cannablze what is no longer useable...."

Arimus puts his hands up, trying to show that he means no offense. "I understand, but you must understand my predicament as well. Outside of these walls is an unfriendly world that, for the most part, hates you and everything you stand for. And hates me as well, because I stand for a country that refuses to knuckle under to anyone."

Shadow takes a step or two closer to Arimus. "You must realise that unlike yourselves in this Lookshy place, wherever it actually is, in all the time we have been here we have had no way of going out and looting other locales for replacement parts. Everything we have has been here for centuries, and nearly all of it has a use. Perhaps -- /perhaps/ -- if you wish to risk death, you could disarm one of the vaults of which Lord Umari has spoken. I believe we'd all appreciate it if you were to withhold that course of action until after we've successfully opened an exit...."

One of the Air aspects coughs and rasps, old beyond a human lifetime and old even for a Dragon-Blood. "The city you describe is on the other side of the world, youngster. How can we be helped by them when Deleshen is in the East and we are in the West?"

Arimus looks at Shadow for a moment. Resisting the urge to frown. "I will look at them later.." Then at the Air-aspected DB- "Deleshen- Lookshy as it's now called- can't help right now, I will admit. But.. Once I figure out where we are, and get you folks out of here.. I should be able to figure out how to get a message there." And then he'd bow slightly to Thousand Hands. "I really do not mean to aggravate, but I am in a desperate situation, as I don't know if my comrades survived their trip home.. The supplies we carried were vital." Then he'd stand back up. "If you'll excuse me, I'll return to my work."

Shadow flinches as if someone had just slapped him on the back of the head, turning sharply to face the Dragon Blood elder. "Deheleshen... hmmm, yes, I was there once... and it is indeed far away. Many months of sailing in a mundane vessel, although perhaps this ship that's been found will expedite the journey somewhat." He pauses with a distant look his his eyes, "One can hope; I was never that fond of the sea."

Crys stares at Arimus for a moment not being able to grasp hating the Lawgivers. Sure they were differnet but they'd done a lot of good too she just can't understand it.