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And so it came to pass that Beguiling Eye's Memories, the speaker of tales and now forsaken god of Storytelling, ordered that a pattern spider famous for spinning the destinies of thousands of heroes be brought before him.

"Tell me a story" he said, and in return, the spider bowed its glittering jewelled head and scuttled away.

At first, he was incensed - how dare it mock him, a powerful god in the Bureau of Destiny! Later though, he learned through his many channels that the spider had picked its way to the centre of the loom and disassembled itself, its component parts being eaten, consumed and re-used by its brothers and sisters, in accordance with recycling protocols laid down by Autocthon himself many ages past. In time, he forgot the incident, spinning a tale of a spider that had tasted so many wild destinies that it itself became arrogant, before being punished for its crimes. Later still, Beguiling Eye's Memories was in turn forgotten, cast out of the Bureau for some minor infraction, and exiled to the reaches of Yu Shan where even today he is only worshipped by a handful of travelling storyfolk and the occasional learned minstral, subsisting on purloined essence and tidbits of unintended prayer.

But the spiders have not forgotten. His order, divinely sanctioned by the Maidens themselves, still roils within the minds (if you can call them that) of the spiders which devoured the pieces of their brother. Each of those spiders, linked by resonance and history, now weave a tale spun from a single thread, wrapped out and round and drawn most eloquently into separate seeming strands, yet joined in what amounts to a single closed circle. And above it all, to while away the time between this and that, the Maidens watch, tweaking the weave with elegant touches, each favouring a certain thread above all others. After all, the Maidens like a wager as much as the next girl.