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The Unclean

In the beginning, the Twilight Caste were created as the scholars of the Unconquered Sun. Their knowledge was unprecedented, and they brought their god's illuminated thought to all of the populace. They explored the arts of artifice and shared this with their celestial kin, for they only had use of this intriguing knowledge. They experimented with the limits of Charms and compared with but their colleagues, for it was fascinating lore. They plunged deep into the sorcerous arts and kept their findings to themselves, for these enthralling secrets were too dangerous to share.

But this was not enough to sate their thirst for knowledge, and they plunged deeper. Unlocking the secrets of demonology, they summoned aspects of the Yozis, first as slaves but quickly as assistants and equals. They befriended them and took them as lovers to be told of devastating secrets none save the Celestial Incarna should know. With their association rendering them unclean, their devotion to individual study broke them apart and made their slaying easy. It was the solar Essences of this time, steeped deep in unnatural knowledge, that the Yozis captured.

In this time of discovery, there are those possessed of the same scholastic vigour as those old savants, but with all of their failings. Demonologists, torturers, alchemical weaponsmiths and other malignant hoarders of knowledge have no hope of divine recognition, but instead bring themselves to the Yozis by their own research, their lust for secrets making them easy prey.

And so they were drawn away. At the Demon Princes' whim, they are kept in a darkness of the senses, forced to learn a thousand nonsensical litanies until all all memory of fact and logic is scoured away. Left as a hulk barely remembering its own name, the Yozis present their prisoners with a simple fact. Immediately, their curiosity awakens, their mind clings to the sole shard of coherent information and their curiosity blossoms into something more addictive than any mundane drug.

The Yozis offer with false reluctance a treasure trove of lore - the chance to learn from masters whose knowledge of Creation's secrets is endless. The prisoner accepts without question, and is united with an ancient Solar shard to become Infernal Exalted at last, a chimera of foul divine savancy and the worst of mortal curiosity. Now, they travel Creation forging hideous creations and unraveling new knowledge at the Yozi's behest.

Anima Banner: Unclean Infernals are marked by Caste Marks of depthless green, filled on their upper half. Their animas are shimmering clouds of shadow, a thousand different colours within diffusing from the green blotch at its heart.

Anima Effects: The Unclean can pour Essence through their anima to warp reality, forming a field of entropy and warped dimensions around them. If, after damage is rolled, an Unclean would lose health levels, then he may spend 5 motes of Essence to elude attack. The character rolls his Essence, and for each success he can subtract one health level from the damage the enemy would have done.

Caste Abilities: Members of the Unclean excel at discovering and retaining forgotten secrets. They have a natural affinity for the Abilities of Craft, Investigation, Lore, Medicine and Occult.

Associations: The season of autumn, the colours of spilt and clotted blood, the western direction and the cult of The City Of Mirrors

Sobriquets: Descending Madness, Children of the Arcane, Maniabringers, Verdigris Barbules, Minds of Malfeas, the Unclean

Concepts: Dabbling demonlogist, alchemical weaponsmith, sadistic psychologist, blackmailing child-about-court, mad doctor, cruel teacher


A godling was born

And discovery was his birthright

He had to wait

No more


"I'm bored of this game. You lose."

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