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Tissendra the Vain

So titled due to her overly high opinion of herself, Tissendra lived up to all her own high expectations during her life. Her crowning achievments in art and her unsurpassed beauty attracted the eye of the Unconquered Sun, who Exalted her as one of the Eclipse Caste. Flaunting a once-insulting title as a badge of honor, having risen above those who have it to her, Tissendra earned it anew taking her place as one of the First Age's greatest craftswomen as well as the forestmost voice to the Faerie Courts outside the bounds of Creation. Best known in her time for the core role she played in the pacts and accords that she forged with the Fair Folk, she would have much preferred to be remembered for the beautiful artifacts and monuments that she erected (many for her own glory). Somewhat obsessed with the arts of the Faerie, she improved much of her crafting methods from these shapeless beings and as a result much of her work has a somewhat ethereal air to it. The malaise of the Great Curse was a light burden on Tissendra, her sociopathic disregard for others was hard to distinguish from her natural self-centeredness. In the end, that proved her downfall.

Tissendra was working in her forge when she heard the great wailing keen that lofted over Meru, and it so distracted her that she left her forge and went out to her patio to see what had occured -- only to be surprised by the falling rain, and the billowing smoke from the center of the city. She made it halfway to the Palace of the Deliberative before she learned, first hand, what had happened to her friends when she ran into a patrol of Terrestrials and Warstriders looking for stragglers. They responded to her screamed commands with an attack, and it was all she could do to get away from their merciless onslaught. Barely managing to escape onto the Inner Sea, dodging patrols of craft, she had half-made it to the Eastern Forests. There her Lunar Husband had promised to help hide her, but she was ambushed. Leading a pack of Terrestrials was Saan Lee, her husband. Having loathed the self-centered Tissendra for decades, he was almost joyous when the Dragon-Blooded brought her low. He vanished during their kill and disappeared from the sight of all as did many of his kin.

Note: Tissendra's Godspark is incarnated in the form of Callandra.

Associates of Tissendra

Saan Lee, River's Peace\\ Cunning and smooth-witted defender of the River Province, the Saan Lee was famous among the Children of the Waxing Moon for his efforts in the River Province where he acted on his duties as peacekeeper, defender and negotiator. As stubborn as his Goat Totem, he was none the less gifted with a powerful charisma and mastery of the range of human responces and emotions; often times outperforming the Eclipse Castes who were his fellows, an almost primal appearance outperforming the guile of the Sun's Chosen. Already two centuries old when he was married to the Eclipse Caste Tissendra, he almost instantly took a dislike to his wife -- a feeling which was largely mutual, the Eclipse only consenting to the match because of the Lunars great and fabled beauty. The two erupted into many arguements, until they eventually took to living on separate landmasses and meeting only when absolutely necessary.

It was these arguements, along with his glowing dislike for the Deliberative as a body and the Solars as it's rulers, that ultimately doomed Tissendra in her last few hours. She had called upon him to hide her from the treacherous Dragon-Blooded, unknowning that he had been aware of the betrayal and had known of her plea for sanctuary -- courtesy of one of the Chosen of Secrets -- long before she had actually sent the working of sorcery to his Manse. The fact that it was a crass demand only made him more willing to assist in her final destruction, and he led the Terrestrial Party that slew his wife himself -- though he refused to take part in her actual death. He fled then, after the bloody work was done, leaving the states that he had nurtured toward the edges of Creation with his brethren.