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The Crimson Conception of Radiance style was developed by a Solar exalt who had met and fought one too many Sidereal of the Bronze faction with a fondness for useing the Violet Brier of Shadows and proclaiming that she was fated to die. Dispite being a solar and having effectively no room to talk, the lady solar found this opinon of her chances to be extremely obnoxious, and grew swiftly and heartily sick of faceing the techniques of the Violet Brier with melee alone, and in response developed the Crimson Conception of Radiance style as a direct social comment on the themes of the Violet Brier. Not being a Sidereal Sifu with centuries of experience in creating martial arts, her art is in many ways not as polished as the Violet Brier for combat purposes, but the polish of it's theme is sufficient, and many of the secrets of the Violet Brier were stolen by it's creator.

Crimson Conception of Radiance Style is a Celestial Martial art. Swords and spears are treated as unarmed attacks by this style and it is not compatible with armor, but all of it's charms are compatible with Thrown attacks, archery attacks and any form of essence bolt.

Heartbeat of the Firstborn

-Initive adder, derived from Secreets of Future Strife. Does not allow autowin, or double initive. Instead adds (essence) to initive score at all times? 

Invigorateing Assault Style -Essence recharger opposeing Joy in Adversary. Invokeing this charm cancels JIAS and JIAS cancells this charm. Regain essence for a successfull attack. Roll dice=successes on an attack roll? although essence might be better..

Stillness of Gaia -Counterpart of Flight of Mercury. Not sure what this does yet.

Mothers Frenzy -Counterpart of Blade of the battlemaiden. Creates a 'pool' of dice that can be reflexively added to martial arts actions and refreshes at a set rate (Either once per turn or (essence) dice per turn. Slightly more flexible, much less effective, but cheaper.

Crimson Conception of Radiance form - Turns one's Anima into both weapon and armor. An 'aura of power' charm with a total power based on Virtues/wp? Eg, a total number of points equal to sum of virtues divided between armor soak and weapon stats?

Following charms To be researched