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Caste: Night

Nature: Survivor

Concept: Haltan scout

Experience: 0


Strength 3,Dexterity 4,Stamina 4

Charisma 2,Manipulation 2,Appearance 3

Perception 4,Intelligence 2,Wits 3


Archery 3, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Craft (Fletcher) 1, Dodge 3, Endurance 1, Investigation 1, Linguistics 1 (Forest Tongue; Riverspeak), Lore 1, Martial Arts 2, Medicine 1, Stealth 3, Survival 3

Specialties: Woodland environments (Archery) +1, Sneak (Stealth) +1

Favored: Archery, Endurance, Martial Arts, Medicine, Survival

Caste: Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Larceny, Stealth


Artifact 3 (Orichalcum breastplate, Orichalcum Powerbow), Familiar 3 (Tree-Pard: Jer'n), Manse 2 (Gem of Youthful Suppleness), Resources 2 (Military wage)


Wise Arrow: Type: Supplemental, Duration: Instant, Cost: 1 mote/die. Adds 1 die to archery pool per mote spent

Sight without eyes: Type: Supplemental, Duration: Instant, Cost: 1 mote. Reduces all visibility penalties for bad light to 0

Graceful Crane Stance: Type: Reflexive, Duration: 1 scene, Cost: 3 motes. Can stay balanced on anything

Monkey Leap Technique: Type: Reflexive, Duration: 1 turn, Cost: 1 mote. Can jump 10 strength in yards vertically or twice that horizontally

Lightning Speed: Type: Reflexive, Duration: 1 turn, Cost: 1 mote. Doubles sprinting speed

Spider-Foot Style: Type: Reflexive, Duration: 1 Scene, Cost: 3 motes. Can move vertically and upside down no matter how slick the surface is

Sensory Acuity Prana: Type: Simple, Duration: 1 Scene, Cost: 5 motes. Adds permanent essence to awareness checks.

Reed in the Wind: Type: Reflexive, Duration: Instant, Cost: 1 mote/2 dice. Adds 2 dice per mote spent to dodge roll

Shadow over Water: Type: Reflexive, Duration: Instant, Cost: 2 motes. Can dodge attack with full dodge pool

Easily Overlooked Presence Method: Type: Simple, Duration: 1 Scene, Cost: 3 motes. Can move through crowds without being noticed unless looked for


Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 1, Valor 3

Virtue flaw: Foolhardy Contempt

Misc Stats

Permanent Essence: 3, Personal: 15, Peripheral: 36 (30 after commitment), Committed: 6

Willpower: 6

Health levels: 0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/ Unconscious

Soak: 2L / 4B, With armor: 10L / 10B / 8A

Dodge pool: 7 dice


Omnidextrous: can use hands and feet equally well to handle objects

Weapon stats

Orichalcum Short Powerbow: Spd 7,Acc 10, Dam +8, Rate 2, Range 300 yards

Kick: Spd 4, Acc 6, Dam +5B, Def 4

Punch: Spd 7, Acc 6, Dam +3B, Def 6


Orichalcum Breastplate (Soak +8L / +6 B, mobility penalty 0, Fatigue Value 0, Commitment 2)

Orichalcum Short Powerbow (Acc +3, Dam +3L, Rate 2, Range 300 yards, Commitment 4), Quiver with 30 broadhead arrows

Bark cloth clothing

Knife for daily use

Gem of Youthful Suppleness
