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Storm Calling Perfomance

 Cost: 7 motes
 Duration: One hour
 Type: Simple
 Min Occult: 3
 Min Essence: 2
 Prereqs: Harmonious Wind-Luring Song

Like Harmonious Wind-Luring Song, this Charm allows the Dragon Blood to sing to the spirits of the wind, inviting them to direct the wind to the Exalt's wishes. Unlike the Charm upon which it is based, however, Storm Calling Performance summons up an actual storm. As in the previous Charm, it requires a five minute song, over which time clouds will begin to gather and a light rain will begin to fall. When the invocation is over, the clouds will open up and begin to rain harder. The rain is only moderately heavy, but it is enough to interfere with visibility, ruin bowstrings, make the ground slippery, and so on. It can also be used to water crops if there is a drought. The storm lasts for an hour.

Gail Summoning Aria

 Cost: 7 motes
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Min Occult: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Prereqs: Harmonious Wind-Luring Song

This Charm is similar to the effects of Harmonious Wind-Luring Song, except the wind called is much more powerful. After ten minutes of singing (or other methods, as described in Harmonious Wind-Luring Song), during which the wind steadily increases, the full effects of the song are unleashed in a tremendous blast of wind, capable of knocking down small houses, blowing people off their feet (test for knockdown, difficulty 2), and even uprooting trees. The wind makes archery and other forms of ranged combat (barring Charms) completely impossible. During the duration of the Charm, the Exalt may change the wind's direction by singing for a round. The Dragon Blood is unaffected by the wind.

Symphony of Wind and Rain

 Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One hour
 Type: Simple
 Min Occult: 5
 Min Essence: 5
 Prereqs: Gail Summoning Aria, Storm Calling Performance

The anger of an elder Exalt can be a terrible thing, especially if they possess this Charm. A Dragon Blooded with Symphony of Wind and Rain has learned the songs necessary to call the spirits of the air to unleash their fury upon his enemies. During the ten minute song (or other method of music), the skies above the Exalt swiftly darken with storm clouds and the wind picks up. By the time it has concluded, the winds have risen to a fever pitch and the sky is pouring down sheets of water. This Charm summons a very powerful thunderstorm, which will rage over a number of square miles equal to the Dragon Blood's permanent Essence (centered on him) for a full hour. It reduces visibility by quite a bit, makes all ranged combat (except for Charms which ignore environmental penalties) impossible, destroys houses, crops, and hurls people off their feet (resist knockdown at difficulty 4). Anyone in metal armor, or in a flat place, has a one in ten chance of being struck by lightning every ten minutes they are outside. Lightning does 12 dice of lethal damage, and metal armor provides no protection from it (this does not include artifact metals like Starmetal). Anyone out in the storm for more than a few minutes will begin taking bashing damage from the enormous hail that accompanies the storm--every five minutes, they must soak a number of dice of bashing damage equal to the Dragon Blood's Permanent Essence. The Exalt as, as before, immune to the effects of her own storm, though any allies caught within are not.

Note that use of this Charm counts as martial weather, and there are parties in Yu-Shan that may take note at its use. Only Air Aspect Dragon Blooded can use this Charm.

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