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Solar Thrown Charms by CrownedSun

Red Rose Blossoms

 Cost: 6 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Thrown: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Returning Weapon Concentration

The thrown weapon slices through the air glowing with golden power, blasting through the target in a torrent of blood before quickly whirling back around to slice through the subject once again on its way back to the Exalts outstretched hand. The character rolls his attack as normal, but receives two sequential attacks that are parried as one. The first attack does additional damage equal to the Exalts Essence, and will maim most mortals as it tears through their form. The second attack only does the weapons normal damage.

Piercing Solar Bolt</b>

 <b>Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Thrown: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Falling Icicle Strike

The effects of this charm are instantly visible as the object being thrown leaves the hand of the character using Piercing Solar Bolt, as the weapon begins to glow with a brilliant aura of pure gold. With a loud burst of sound, leaving flaming contrails behind it, the object next seems to disappear as it races quicker than the eye can follow toward it’s target. Armor Based (but not Natural) soak is reduced by the characters Thrown against the Piercing Solar Bolt, and the weapon itself does +Essence in its damage rating. This attack cannot be blocked, only dodged.

Razor Pebble Grasp

 Cost: 1 mote/item
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Thrown: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: None

Sometimes one can’t quite find their favored weapon, or it’s simply not available for them at the given moment. In such cases this is a good charm to have for the Exalt can grasp any number of small easily held items, and with an investment of Essence convert them into shards of razor-sharpness. Each mote creates one ‘Razor Pebble’, though actual pebbles do not need to be used; Dominoes, coins, twigs, or any small item can be easily enchanted with this charm. The items created remain enchanted only as long as they remain in the possession of the character, and revert to normal if he should drop them or lend them to another.
The razor pebbles (or dominoes or whatever) themselves are quite potent weapons themselves and some Solars use this charm in favor of other thrown weapons. The pebbles do a base damage equal to (Essence/2, round up) lethal, with the character's Strength added in as normal. They have an Accuracy of +2, a Rate of 3, and a Range of 30 yards. Unlike many thrown weapons, they cannot be effectively used in close combat.

Greedy Fingers Prana

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Thrown: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Razor Pebble Grasp

A continuation of the magic taught in the Razor Pebble Grasp, the Razor Pebble Prana turns the Solar into a whirlwind of activity that can quickly leave an area barren of all it’s small easily-handled objects. For the remainder of the scene, anytime he needs an item to throw he quickly grasps something nearby and hurls it at his enemy with all the force and power of a Razor Pebble (with the same statistics shown above). The magic of the charm assists the character in his quick grabs, subtly pulling items closer to his grasp and weakening them when needed to allow the Solar to rip off banisters and hurl them when all of the smaller objects have already been used.
Note, in some locations where things are really barren and there’s nothing to either be grabbed easily or broken off, this charm won’t function. This might include a jail cell with nothing but hard iron bars (too strong to casually break) and hard stone walls (with no small bits you can crack off). This is the exception, however, not the rule.

Rain of Detritus Assault

 Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Extra Action
 Minimum Thrown: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Greedy Fingers Prana, Shower of Deadly Blades

“Hey?” the Dawn Caste Thrown-master thinks to himself, “Why should I bother picking up and tossing all these things at someone?” Maybe it was thinking like that which ultimately led to the creation of the Rain of Detritus Assault, one of the strangest Solar Mass Attack charms from the First Age. Similar to Greedy Fingers Prana, this charm makes use of everything that isn’t nailed down in the area where it is used – and even some things that are! However, instead of being thrown individually, the Solars Anima whips around and grabs all the item – hurling them toward his foes in a deadly maelstrom of castoff junk.
The Solar gets an individual number of attacks equal to his Dexterity + Thrown + Essence, each of which are made with his normal pool. Each individual attack uses the statistics given in Razor Pebble Grasp above, and each attacks a different person within the characters immediate area. If there are not enough targets available, the charm will not cause damage to a single person more than once.
This charm is not compatible with Cascade of Cutting Terror.

Maelstrom of Deadly Razors

 Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
 Duration: Essence in turns
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Thrown: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Rain of Deadly Detritus Assault, Whirling Razor Guardian Technique

Once a Solar sees the devastation wrought by a Rain of Detritus Assault, there is usually one thing on his mind. “Wow, how can I make that last longer!” This charm is the answer to that question, as it creates what is essentially a spinning chaotic tempest of everything in the immediate vicinity that purposely seeks out everyone nearby and skewers them as best as it’s able before coming back around for seconds.
This charm lasts for a number of turns equal to the Essence of the character using it, and during each turn it launches attacks identical to Rain of Deadly Detritus above. Similar to the above charm, the Maelstrom cannot attack one target more than once during a turn. It can attack the same targets, or different targets, during each individual turn of its duration.
This charm is not compatible with Cascade of Cutting Terror.


These charms are great, particularly the Razor Pebble Grasp. I love it! -Clebo

Note, the reason I changed Razor Pebble. It lets you create a number of projectiles at once, and is instant. Yet with full essence for the damage add-on, they could rapidly become THE best thrown weapon pretty much bar none. I considered my options; I didn't like the idea of making the charms duration (until used). I still picture this as a variant of the arrow creation charm:D I came up with this idea for lowering the damage to something more rational last night. 2 essence= +1L, 3-4 essence = +2L, and 5 essence = +3L. A nice round damage number for Thrown:D