[hide]Island of the Invincible Willow
General Description
So called for the 1,000ft willow tree that grows at the center of the island. Home to a number of Sages and Savants who spend much of their time in discorse or research at the large library. Noted for the organic look to the houses and the prevalence of vegetarian food. The ruler of this island is a thaumaterge who long ago discovered how to operate the controls of the tree-manse, allowing him near total control of all the plants on the island. He has used this control to ensure housing and food for his community, so that they can spend their time on more noble pursuits. A long standing Realm holding, it has been under Cynis control for most of that time. The Current Satrap, Cynis Falan Saki, is unique in that, while she is certainly a product of her house, she is also a skilled doctor, herbalist, and, archer, as well as being well trained in several other pursuits.
Government & Economics
As previously stated, this is a Realm Satrapy. However, as House Cynis doesn't really care about this island as long as it keeps the drugs and elixers coming, the Satrap generally spends her time in her mansion with her slaves.
The actual government has more in common with an academy or research facility than anything else. The current Head Librarian, Seventh Season, is an excellent Doctor and Alchemist, although all of his time is currently spent making sure quotas are filled, that the Manse is operating properly, settling disagreements, and other bureaucratic nonsense. While he would rather be researching, he apperently runs the island well and keeps the Realm happy, which suits the sages and thaumaterges well.
This island is suprisingly prosperous. They seem to have everything a thaumaterge could want. This is due to two things: The high demand (and thus high cost) for their drugs and most of their basic needs are supplied by their trees. The common drugs are apperently gathered by tapping the sap of certain trees from the First Age, such things as Age-Staving Cordial or Seven Bounties Paste. They refine and reprocess other things to make their more complex preperations, like Sweet Cordial or even the legendary Six-Demon Potion. In this way they are able to keep up their high standard of living.
While they do buy slaves from the Guild, they seem to want little from them except for minimal cleaning and other housekeeping duties and do not treat them badly, although this seems to be as much from disintrest as enlightenment.
Food and Housing
Aside from some of the more dangerous labs and the Satrap's Mansion, all of the buildings appear to be grown from various types of trees. Food is also freely avalible from trees, bushes, and vines that grow in all the common areas. Many different kinds of fruit grow from these plants, including some unusual ones that taste like various kines of meat. These grow all year around. The freely avalible food and easily expanded shelter allows the government of the island to concentrate it's money on the few supplies that they cannot make themselves and on luxuries for those inhabitants that are less attracted to the pursuit of knowledge. Their apples are quite delicious.
The library is freely open to all, but Heaven help you if you hurt a book.
Metaphysical Notes
This island lies on the confluence of five strong wood dragon lines. It is the strongest known Wood Manse in the West. Through some miracle of First Age engineering, most of that power has been safely harnessed to create the abundance of plant growth on the island. There are some indications that it can be controlled and directed for a number of purposes, such as excellerating the growth of specific plants, shaping trees into houses, or even producing new plant types. The Manse is said to create two Stones of Healing.
Hidden on this island is a secret pirate cache.
Outer Door- only opens for solars. Doesn't even appear to be a door until a Solar gets with in 10 yds.
Dock- has basic facilities for working on ships
Living quarters- basic accomidations for 20 men and 1 exalt. Guarded by two Denandsor type Automatons
Storage- large storage room for supplies and non-sensitive loot. Guarded by two Denandsor type Automatons
Vault- For sensitive loot. Currently contains enough talents of jade to make one resources 5 purchace, to provide one person with resources 3, or multiple people with resources 2. Also has a Gem of Adamant Skin Earth-Aspected hearthstone set into a power system.
Entering the room will cause a holographic message to play from the stone and reset the map to point to the next island.