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Arriving Travelers

The following groups will be arriving in the town during the period concerned:

  • The Stone Crow merchant caravan. They deal in drugs, spices, gems, and other small, easily portable luxuries.
  • The Circus of Adventure is passing through. They have a number of attractions: Strongmen, Acrobats, Wirewalkers, etc. Currently the band No Moss Gathers, led by the Outcaste Radiant Blossom, is traveling with them.
  • Several members of the 5th Thorns' Dragon are here on leave.
  • Tepet Yumi and her entourage. She is one of the Realm Advisers loaned to Thorns, returning from a trip to Puyo.

High Command has managed to narrow down the possible agents responsible for leaking the military plans to the following four persons:

  • Iron Dog: Ostensibly a drover for the Stone Crow merchants, we suspect he may actually be the Lookshy agent known as the Mist Shadow, a Water Aspect who takes menial jobs in to gather sensitive information.
  • No Moss Gathers: This group of traveling musicians may actually be a cover for a group of Lookshy spies. As the Circus of Adventure has been touring Realm outposts recently, this is worrying.
  • Steel Owl: The Quartermaster of the 5th Thorns Dragon, he could easily have divined the information from the supply requisition forms.
  • Yui: Personal Maid to Tepet Yumi. It is possible that she recorded her mistress's papers.