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A Day Dark as Night (Exalted 1)
ISBN: 1-58846-859-3
File Size: 1.3 MB
Original electronic format

In the Name of the Unconquered Sun<b>

Harmonious Jade is one of the deadliest women in the legendary time that is the Second Age of Man. Chosen by the Unconquered Sun itself, she has been remade into a demigod whose bow can fell whole companies of men. With that exaltation, however, have come echoes of ancient memories and a sense that she must use her gifts for a greater purpose. Chasing these phantasms of a past life, she has come to the trading city of Nexus, where others of her kind may hide. But are they long-lost companions, deadly enemies, or worse - both?

Exalted: A Day Dark as Night is the first in a new, unlimited series of novels based on the wildly successful Exalted game line.

About the Author
Carl Bowen is the author of popular White Wolf novels such as Tribe Novel: Silent Striders and Tribe Novel: Silver Fangs. He is an editor at White Wolf Publishing and the author of several game supplements.

U.S. Page Count: 288. Author: Carl Bowen. Cover Artist: UDON
ISBN: 1-58846-859-3