Name: Marasune
Caste: Dawn
Motivation: Atone for past crimes in a previous life
Anima: A flying pheonix with a body of bright white fire, wings of pale gold with tinges of red in the wings.
Concept: Redemption seeking knight
XP Left/Total: 0/671
Strength •••••, Charisma •••, Perception ••••
Dexterity •••••, Manipulation •••, Intelligence ••
Stamina •••••, Appearance •••••, Wits ••••
<b>Archery •••••, Athletics •••••, Awareness •••••, Dodge •••••, Integrity ••••, Linguistics •, Lore •, Martial Arts •••••, Melee •••••, Occult •••, Presence ••••, Resistance ••••, Ride •••, Stealth •••, Survival ••••, War •••
<b>Allies •••••
Artifact ••••• (Grand Lightning, Superheavy Orichalcum Plate, Orichalcum Celestial Battle Armor)
Influence •••(Homeland)
Manse •••••
Resources •••••
<b>Compassion •••, Conviction ••, Temperance •, Valour •••••
Virtue Flaw Berserk Anger
Willpower ••••••
Essence ••••
Personal 18
Peripheral 55/37 or 55/35
Health Levels 0*1, -1*3, -2*4, -4*1, Incapacitated
Bog Mod, Her Equipment, Her family
<b>Excellencies: First Melee Excellency(1m/die), First Martial Arts Excellency(1m/die), First Archery Excellency(1m/die), Second Dodge Excellency(2m/success), First Occult Excellency(1m/die), First Awareness Excellency(1m/die), First War Excellency(1m/die), First Survival Excellency(1m/die), First Stealth Excellency(1m/die), First Resistance Excellency(1m/die), First Integrity Excellency(1m/die), First Presence Excellency(1m/die)
Athletics: Graceful Crane Stance(3m), Monkey Leap Technique(3m)
Awareness: Keen Smell and Taste Technique(3m), Unsurpased Smell and Taste Discipline(2m), Surprise Anticipation Method(1m)
Dodge: Shadow Over Water(1m), Seven Shadow Evasion(3m), Reflex Sidestep Technique(1m), Flow Like Blood(5m, wp)
Integrity: Righteous Lion Defense
Martial Arts: Striking Cobra Technique(3m), Serpentine Evasion(3m), Snake Form(5m), Essence Fangs and Scales Technique(6m), Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike(4m, 1wp), Snake Strikes the Heel(4m), Uncoiling Serpent Prana(3m), Striking Serpent Speed(6m), Essence Venom Strike(7m, 1wp)
Melee: Hungry Tiger Technique, Fire And Stones Strike(1m/die), One Weapon Two Blows(1m), Peony Blossom Attack(2m/attack), Iron Whirlwind Attack(5m, 1wp), Dipping Swallow Defense(2m), Bulwark Stance(5m), Heavenly Guardian Defense(4m), Fivefold Bulwark Stance(5m, 1wp), Invinceable Fury of the Dawn, Solar Counterattack(3m), Ready in Eight Directions Stance(5m)
Occult: Terrestial Circle Sorcery(1wp), Spirit-Detecting Glance(3m), Spirit-Cutting Attack(1m)
Presence: Majestic Radiance Presence(7m)
Resistance: Ox-Body Technique, Body-Mending Meditation(10m)
Stealth: Easily Overlooked Presence Method(3m), Invisible Statue Spirit(5m)
Survival: Friendship with Animals Approach(3m), Hardship-Surviving Medicant Spirit(10m), Trackless Region Navigation(7m)
<b>Light on the Water: Golden light glints in the eyes as she drops into a ready combat stance. Golden contrails of light follow her blade and all strikes against her risk a return blow with ferocious force that causes a small burst of light as blade cuts armor and flesh. Combo of Fivefold Bulwark Stance, Solar Counterattack, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Hungry Tiger Technique, First Melee Excellency and Surprise Anticipation Method. Mote Cost of 5m, 2wp to start if just Fivefold Bulwark Stance is put up.
Water Touching the Light: Golden light glints in the eye and her body is suffused with solar energies. She assumes a fluid defensive stance with a glimmer of light with each movement. Combo of Flow Like Blood, Seven Shadow Evasion and Suprise Anticipation Method. Minimum Cost of 5m, 2wp.
Emerald Counter Magic(10m or 20m), Death of Obsidian Butterflies(15m), Invulnerable Skin of Bronze(20m)
<b>Join Battle 8, Soak 2B/1L/0A or 19B/18L/17A, Hardness 11L/11B, Dodge DV 14/2 or 12/2, Mobility Penalty -2, Fatigue 2
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 5B, Parry DV 12/2, Rate 3, Tags N
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 8B, Parry DV 8/2, Rate 2, Tags N
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 5B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags C, N, P
Grand Lightning: Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 18L/4, Defense 11, Rate 2, Tags 2, O, P, R
Celestial Battle Armor Combat</b> Has Essence Shield, Spirit Bane, Essence Wings
<b>Join Battle 10, Soak 16B/15L/14A, Hardness 9L/9B, Dodge DV 14/2, Mobility Penalty , Fatigue 1
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 12B, Parry DV 12/2, Rate 3, Tags N
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 13B, Parry DV 8/2, Rate 2, Tags N
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 7B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags C, N, P
Grand Lightning: Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 20L/4, Defense 11, Rate 2, Tags 2, O, P, R
Social Combat</b>
<b>Join Debate 8, Mental Dodge DV 14/2
Presence: Speed 4, Accuracy 7, Parry 7/2, Rate 2
Performance: Speed 6, Accuracy 3, Parry 3/2, Rate 1
Investigation: Speed 5, Accuracy 3, Parry 3/2, Rate 2
<b>Plot Hooks</b>