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Name: Gauntlet
Caste: Soulsteel
Nature: Pragmatist
Anima: Arcs of electricity that illuminate dark patches in the nearby area, momentarily showing spectral faces.
Concept: Reborn regulator and dimensional explorer

Strength 2, Dexterity 4 (5), Stamina 4
Charisma 1, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Perception 4, Intelligence 3 (4), Wits 4 (5)
Numbers in parentheses are modified by Sustained Augmentation of (attribute)

Archery 3 (Energy Weapons +1), Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 3, Investigation 3, Larceny 3, Lore 1, Martial Arts 1, Occult 1, Presence 3 (Intimidation +1), Socialize 3 (Sense Emotions +1), Stealth 4

Backgrounds: Artifact 5, Backing 2, Class 3, Vats 3, Whispers 2

Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Clarity: 0 (TBD)

Willpower: 6
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 2
Essence pool: 12 motes Personal (10 committed, 2 remaining), 34 motes Peripheral (4 committed, 30 remaining)


  • General

Sustained Augmentations of Wits
Sustained Augmentations of Dexterity
Sustained Augmentations of Intelligence

  • Close Combat

Tactical Analysis Engrams
Accelerated Response System

  • Stealth and Disguise

Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier
Optical Shroud

  • Cognitive

Imprinted Data Cluster

Charms in Panoply:

  • General

Sustained Augmentation of Perception

  • Close Combat

Chemical Fog Generator

  • Ranged Combat

Aim-Calibrating Sensors

  • Might and Mobility

Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus

  • Sensory and Spiritual

Tympanal Receptor Upgrade
Deception Recognition Module

Equipment: FIXME

Merits: Ambidextrous [1], Tactical Instincts [3]
Flaws: Amnesia [-2]: cannot remember personal history before Gate mission, Disturbing [-3], Mute [-1]: cannot speak above a whisper

Base initiative: 10
Soak: 14L/15B/12A (reinforced soulsteel breastplate, 12L/11B, -1 Mobility, Fatigue 1)
Dodge: 7
Plasma Tongue Repeater: Acc 11 Dmg 10L Rate 1 Range 20(!) Ammo 5
Martial Arts Punch: Spd 10 Acc 6 Dmg 2B Def 6
Martial Arts Kick: Spd 7 Acc 5 Dmg 4B Def 5

Power Combat Attacks:
Plasma Tongue Repeater: Acc 11 Dmg 10L Rate 1 Range 20(!) Ammo 5
Martial Arts Punch: Spd 10 Acc 7 Dmg 2B Def 8 Rate 5
Martial Arts Kick: Spd 7 Acc 7 Dmg 5B Def 3 Rate 3

Character Description

A character description should probably contain some sort of backstory, as well as a description of the character's physical appearance and personality.

Expanded Backgrounds