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[name to be determined]-the fo;owing is by the mouse

A straight razor with a blade that is an alloy of Starmetal and Moonsilver; the handle is ivory with Orichalcum screw holding it together.

When a person takes the razor to their skin, they find that they can cut their flesh without any pain or discomfort. Given about 5 minutes, a person could cut off all their flesh, and underneath there would be new (although gory) flesh. In fact, there would be a new person underneath, complete with a new fate which is completely separate from the fate of the former person (who now is considered to no longer exist, including all Astrology effects on him). The new person will have a different Nature and many new tastes. For example, if a Solar bully who liked to eat fish but hated candies were to use this, he might find that his new incarnation might be officious and like to play boardgames but hate dogs.The "new" person remembers everything of their former else. Fate doesn't deal with the past, only the present and the future. Yes, the person looks totally different, sometimes even changing sex. This doesn't change any memories at all.

The way I'm thinking of this is that you cut away your identity and get a new one. This won't totally change you since you keep your memories. The designer of the thing would want to keep major things (such as a desire to hunt down the folks that made him feel that he needed to use the thing), but would be willing to sacrifice minor ones. Does it realy matter what your favourite food is when you can become a new person, a person who can walk right up to your own parents and they won't know who you are, never mind the DBs who have been trying to kill you? So you won't like your mother's decorations anymore. So what?

Up to two points of Virtures may be moved around to fit the new person, although this may not bring any Virtue to 5. A new Nature must be chosen.

A Valor roll to use it makes sense. Perhaps diff 2 the first time, then diff 1 after that.

Memory: Perhaps when you use it, you have to make a roll to remember who you were. I'm thinking something like Essence + Willpower. Something like this:

  • botch - you totally forget who you were
  • failure - you remember who you were about as well as most Celestial Exalts remember their past lives
  • 1 - you remember major details (your closest friends, sworn enemies, whom you are running from that made you do this, etc) but little else
  • 2 - all major details are perfectly clear, and many minor ones are knowns as well but without perfect clarity (ie you can remember that you liked to eat at a certain restaurant, but you can't remember what it was about their food that you liked)
  • 3. minor details come more clearly into focus now, although recollection is not perfect (ie. you know you liked to eat the curry at the restaurant, but you can't remember which kind of curry)
  • 4 - perfect recollection