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The Weight of Knowledge

art 2, attune 4, no MM bonus
spd 6, acc +1, dam +12B/4, def 0, rate 1, tags 2, O
mins: str 5
This enormous tome, plated in dull steel, was originally crafted as a pushishment device for young dragon-blooded understudies of a particularly cruel Solar scholar. Massively heavy, they would be forced to carry the tome around as they studied, etching their research notes out on the metal pages of the tome: to this day many of the hard yet thin pages are stained red from the blood of fingers worn thin from ceaseless effort.
The extreme heft and sturdiness of the tome allows it to be used as a weapon when desired. Furthermore the countless pages of notes and lessons--surprisingly well indexed--give more assistance than might be expected. The tome may count as 3 willing assistants for occult or lore rolls for the purposes of limited cooperation.