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Two Shafts of Sunlight Technique Cost: 2 motes Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Minimum Melee: 4 Minimum Essence: 2 Pre-requisites: Two Swords Style
Description: Like two intersecting shafts of sunlight, two gleams of steel flash as the character deflects an attack with both weapons she wields.
Effect: Building on the defensive aspects of wielding two weapons, a character may use this technique to roll another full parry (Dex+Melee+modifiers) against any attack he has already parried once. This second parry uses the character's other weapon (any single other weapon, if more than two are wielded) and stacks to reduce successes. Even with this Charm, a character may not parry a single attack more than twice, and this Charm grants no special ability to parry exceptional attacks (though if the first parry it stacks onto has this capability, so does the second).