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Apathetic Affliction</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes\\
Duration: Instant\\
Type: Simple\\
Caste: Lost Shore\\
Min Essence: 3\\
Prereqs: AmbitionObscuringChaosVeil

The fae stares into her opponent’s eyes and says a particularly evocative phrase, which seems to take as much time as it needs to sink in with dramatic effect despite the viciousness of combat. The victim hears this phrase in his mind even if he cannot hear it with his ears, and it takes the form of some universal, innate language. Upon hearing this phrase and staring into the bleak eyes of the fae, the victim of this charm suddenly feels a cold and desperate isolation, upon realizing that he is merely the offspring of random bubbling chaos, with no noble beginning and no end in sight. The profoundly disturbed victim suffers from Apathy for the rest of the scene. He cannot spend any temporary Willpower and does not benefit from stunts.

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