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Geistesser (level 5 Familiar)

Barely sentient, Geistesser are vicious monsters that sometimes arise when the Po soul is unable to escape its fleshy prison at the moment of death. They are not ghosts, nor are they entirely zombies. They are rare, malignant beings that seek out the living to devour their flesh and, by doing so, consume their souls. The Geistesser eat the souls of the living to gain strength and power. They appear as rotting corpses with milky eyes and vicious, gnarled fangs. Geistesser have enough intelligence and self-control to dress themselves, disguise themselves as humans and stalk their prey with patience. Their favorite food source are Awakened Mortals, for they provide a rich source of power to the Geistesser while not offering the deadly threat of God-Blooded or Exalted.
Occasionally a Geistesser will form alliances with Exalted, becoming bound as the Exalted's Familiar. So far this has only occured with Abyssal Exalted but there is nothing specifically preventing any other type of Exalted from binding a Geistesser as his Familiar.

Attributes: Str 7, Dex 3, Sta 7, Cha 0, Man 0, App 1, Per 4, Int 1, Wits 2
Abilities: Awareness 1 (By Breath x3), Athletics 2 (Hopping x2, Strength x1), Brawl 5 (Bite x1, Against Wounded Targets x2), Endurance 4, Resistance 3, Dodge 3, Occult 1 (Sensing Essence x2), Linguistics 1 (Old Realm), Survival 2, Presence 1 (Intimidation x3) Dodge & Soak: 8 | 7B/7L
Essence: 2 (50 motes)
Willpower: 5
Health Levels: -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, Incap
Virtues: Compassion 0, Temperence 4, Conviction 4, Valor 4

  • Fist - Acc 14 | Dmg 9B | Def 10 | Rate 5 | Spd 8
  • Bite - Acc 12 | Dmg 10L | Def 8 | Rate 3 | Spd 6
  • Clinch - Acc 9 | Dmg 5B | Def 8 | Rate 1 | Spd 5

Special Notes:

  • Feeling the Breath - Geistesser are unable to see in the conventional sense, instead relying on their other senses to detect prey. They can, however, track living beings by detecting the Essence released when a creature breathes out. If a living creature holds its breath, the Geistesser is at +4 difficulty to locate it.
  • Respect of Thresholds - The boundaries of a home or other building are solid as mountains to the Geistesser. They cannot pass the threshold of a building without invitation. Doing so by any means instantly destroys them.
  • Strength of the Corpse - Expending 10 motes of Essence, the Geistesser can convert all his Strength dice to automatic successes for the rest of the scene.
  • Resiliance of the Corpse - Expending 10 motes of Essence, the Geistesser can double his natural Soak for the rest of the scene.
  • Feast of Souls - The only way for a Geistesser to regain Essence is to consume the soul of a living being. In order to do this, the Geistesser must kill their victim. At the moment of death the Geistesser absorbs the victim's soul, turning it into motes. When killing an Essence User the Geistesser gains the victim's Essence in motes plus any motes the victim had in their pools at the moment of death. Normal humans provide 10 motes, Extras provide 3 motes and animals provide a number of motes equal to their Essence.
  • Kiss of Torments - Geistesser are able to reproduce in a limited fashion. If a Geistesser kills a human Essence-user and does not devour them (a difficulty 3 Willpower roll is required), they can choose to expend 50 motes to convert their victim into a Lesser Geistesser. Such creatures have the statistics of a Common Zombie, but gain all the Geistesser powers except for Kiss of Torments. It takes 10 Calibrations of existance for a Lesser Geistesser to gain maturity and reach the level of power described here. Lesser Geistesser can be controlled by the Geistesser that created them. They must make a difficulty 5 Willpower roll to resist any direct verbal command given by their creator.