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Revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2010 by Conversion script (talk) (link fix)
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This is the Perl code used to calculate the Favorites list. It assumes the existence of *.txt files containing the wiki text of the root favorites page and the pages to which it links. Creating such files is left as an exercise for the reader.

#Author: Wordman

use Time::Local;
use strict;

my %seen;

my $rootpath='/path/to/files';
my $contents="$rootpath/content";

my $rootfile="$contents/Favorites.txt";

my $now = localtime time;
print "Run begins: $now\n";

my @links;

my %results;
foreach my $link (@links)
  my $path = "$contents/$link.txt";
  my %favs;
  foreach my $fav (keys %favs)
    $results{$fav} ||= 0;
    $results{$fav} += 1;
    print "Counting vote from $link for $fav\n";

# Now build an inverted result map
my %groupres;
foreach my $fav (keys %results)
  my $count = $results{$fav};
  $groupres{$count}{$fav} = '';

# Dump results
foreach my $count (sort { $b <=> $a } keys %groupres)
  print ":'''Favorite of $count users:'''\n";
  my $list = $groupres{$count};
  foreach my $fav (sort keys %$list)
    print "::[[$fav]]\n";

sub get_bullet_links
  my ($path,$list) = @_;
  if (open(DAT, $path))
    my @existing=<DAT>;

    foreach my $line (@existing)
      my $link = extract_bullet_link($line);
      next if !$link;

sub extract_bullet_link
  my ($line) = @_;
  return "" if !($line =~ m/^\*/);
  chomp $line;
  my $test = $line;
  # Check for explicit links like [[TheLink|a label for the link]] or [[TheLink]] at the start of a list
  $test =~ s/^\*+\s*\[\[([\w\/-]+).*/$1/;
  if ($test eq $line)
    # Check for wikiword links like [[TheLink]] at the start of a list
    $test = $line;
    $test =~ s/^\*+\s*([A-Z0-9][\w\/-]+[A-Z0-9][\w\/-]+).*/$1/;
  my $link = $line eq $test ? "" : $test;
  return $link;

sub count_favorites
  my ($path,$favs) = @_;
  my @links;
  # Count each link only once
  foreach my $link (@links)
    $favs->{$link} = 1;