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NAME                                                            HOMELAND
Dancing Ruby Wings                                              Nexus
CASTE                                                           ANIMA BANNER
Dawn                                                            Phoenix
NATURE                                                          EXPERIANCE
Hedonist                                                        15
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        3               Charisma        3               Perception      3
Dexterity       4               Manipulation    1               Intelligence    3
Stamina         4               Appearance      3               Wits            3
--DAWN--                        --ZENITH--                      --TWILIGHT--
■Archery       *               ■Endurance     ***             □Craft         
■Brawl         ***             □Performance                   □Investigation     
■Martial Arts  *               □Presence                      □Lore           **
■Melee         *****           ■Resistance    ***             □Medicine       *
■Thrown        *               ■Survival      **              □Occult         *

--Night--                       --ECLYPSE--
■Athletics     ***             □Bureaucracy                   --SPECIALTIES--
□Awareness     *               □linguistics  **               Melee ** (Daiklaves)
■Dodge         ****            □Ride                    
□Larceny                       □Sail                
□Stealth       *               □Socialize    **  

LANGUAGES: Forest Tongue, River Tongue, Old Realm
BACKGROUND                      DESCRIPTION
Resources    **                 Jade, Valuable clothing
Artifact     ***                Reaver Daiklave: "Answerer"
Artifact     *                  Shield Cloak
Artifact     **                 Daiklave: "Vengeance"
Allies       **                 Alaethis
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         ***             VIRTUES
Willpower:   6                  Personal:       15:__           Compassion        **
O O O O O O                     Committed:      None            Conviction        **
Limit                           Peripheral:     36:26           Temperance       ***
O O O O O O O O O O             Committed:      10              Valor             **
        Initiative:     7       Soak ([[LEndlessChase/B]]):    (2/4)            Mobility:         -2
ARMOR:  Reinforced Plate        w[[EndlessChase/Armor]]:       (9/10)           Fatigue:           1

   -0    -1         -2                    -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O O   O O O O    O O O O O O           O    O                O O O O 

Answerer                1(+1)      14(+3)      12L(+8L) 12(+1)
 (Answere ignores an amount of soak equal to the user's Melee rating.  This may be
 increased by spending 2 motes per point of soak ignored, up to double the user's melee)

Vengeance               3(+3)      13(+2)      9L(+5L)  13(+2)

Dodge:  6                
CHARM                   COST     DURRATION  TYPE           EFFECT
Ox Body Technique (x3)  None     Permanent  Special        -0 X 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 4
                                                           extra health levels        

Reed in the Wind        1 Mote   Instant    Reflexive      Adds 2 dice per mote to one
                        /2 Dice                            dodge action.  Must be aware.

Reflex Sidestep         2 Motes  Instant    Reflexive      Dodge attack you are unaware
Technique                                                  of with 2xPerm Essence dice

Golden Essence Block    1 Mote   Instant    Reflexive      Gain reflexive parry with
                        /2 dice                            purchased dice, up to normal
                                                           parry pool + bonuses

Dipping Swallow         2 Motes  Instant    Reflexive      Gain reflexive parry with 
Defense                                                    full parry pool

Excelent Strike         1 Mote   Instant    Supplemental   Adds dice to a single melee
                        /die                               attack

Hungry Tiger Technique  1 Mote   Instant    Supplemental   Counts extra successes twice
                                                           for determining damage

One Weapon, Two Blows   3 Motes  Instant    Supplemental   One attack roll, two seperate
                                                           damage rolls, each is soaked

Ferocious Jab           1 Mote   Instant    Supplemental   Counts extra successes twice
                                                           for determining damage
Sledgehammer Fist       3 Motes  One turn   Simple         Doubles pre-soak damage dealt
Punch                                                      to Inanimate objects

Increasing Strength     3 Motes  One Scene  Simple         Increases strength up to 
Exercise                /dot                               essence rating

Integrity Protecting    5 Motes  One Day    Simple         Grants protection from Wyld
Prana                   1 Will                             energies and mutations

Mastery of Small        3 Motes  One Scene  Reflexive      Fit into any social situation
Manners                                                    with no worry of faux pas

Body-Mending            10 Motes One Day    Reflexive      Speed normal healing 10x
ITEM                            QUANTITY                   NOTES
Reinforced Plate                1                          Worn
Answerer                        1                          Carried
Vengeance                       1                          Currently in the possession
                                                           of Elder Violet
Shield Cloak                    1                          Worn
Several Books in Old Realm                                 Carried
Tapestry                        1                          Carried
Crystals (Keys)                 5                          Carried: 3 spheres, 1 cube, 1 dragon
Ruby's Documents from the First Age                        Carried
Answerer     ****     8 Motes         Reaver Daiklave, SPD:+1, ACC:+3, DAM:+8L, PRY:+1
                                      (Answerer ignores an amount of soak equal to the 
                                      user's Melee rating.  This may be increased by 
                                      spending 2 motes per point of soak ignored, up to 
                                      double the user's melee)

Shield Cloak *        2 Motes         Functions as a Target Shield, No mobility Penalty.

Vengeance    **       5 Motes         Daiklave, SPD:+3, ACC:+2, DAM:+5L, PRY:+1
                                      Not Commited