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Key Players: Euclid, Night Caste; Unnamed, Zenith Caste; Unnamed, Changing Moon; Unnamed, Earth Aspect.

Extras: Walker in the Mist, local folk-lore demon; Unnamed, Dragon-Blooded huntsman; Unnamed, Dragon-Blooded huntsman; Unnamed, Dragon-Blooded huntsman; 20 Extras for Wyld Hunt; Gregor Oakfield, Guild caravan master; Casius Bic, Guild Merchant Prince.

On the 14th day in the Resplendence of Wood the Guild docked in Dargon's Pier. Once a month this small harbor town bustled with all the citizens of the area eager for trade. The Guild had made it a regular stop along their route down the river. Easily set up off the docks the Guild could trade and sell from the luxuries of the boat and save vast amounts of time in the lack of loading and unloading that normally occurred in other cities along the river. The people were more relaxed here and always extending a great sense of hospitality to the Guild. For the entire middle week of the resplendent month the Guild filled the town. Rooms, pubs, brothels and streets were filled with all of the Guild's entertainers and merchants. Throughout the rest of the time Dargon's Pier awaited the next visit from the Guild becoming dependant upon their visits for their livelihood.

During these visits the locals would bring all of their wares to sell and trade. The entire region would make time to travel to Dargon's Pier in order to do business and to see what new wonders were being discovered around the world. It was a time to forget the horrors of the world, the demons that stalked the area and the growing rumors of Anathema and undead rising up from the ground everywhere one looked. The majority of the locals are farmers and miners constantly on the lookout of predators or cave-ins that constantly threaten their families’ lives, these visits from the Guild brought them security and comfort for nothing had even gone wrong while the Guild was in town. A naive notion that would quickly be shattered.

On this day, as the Guild began to fill the streets, with the festivities just begin to roll out a band of Dragon-Blooded came to town. Cutting a path through the crowds and silencing the joyous sounds as they stormed through the town they scoured they streets searching for their prey. On the other side of the pier a large explosion could be heard. The entire town fell quiet fearing the worst. All at once a group of Guild merchants started clammering and pushing each other aside to see what had happened. It turns out the Guild had a new weapon it was showing off to the town.

The Dragon-Blooded split up throughout the crowd as they searched, their mortal foot soldiers shadowing their movements. The streets again began to fill with lively sounds as people did their best to ignore their new guests. Cautiously watching, Euclid, our unExalted Night Caste, moved his way through the crowd towards the new weapon brought to town. There amidst all the salvating merchants stood someone who he recognized from the area but did not know anything about. He was standing there with a flamewand resting over his shoulder still smoking from the discharge. Thirty feet away in the side of a large boulder were shards of crystalline jetting out in a cluster. THe merchants had gathered around him to learn his secret and to persuade him to sell his goods to only them. A few answers make it out of the droning of questions, "Alabaster powder" is the only intelligible muttering that escapes the crowd. Handing the flamewand back to the merchants he calmly watches as they step on each other not only in person but in price to secure trade with him.

Seeing a firewand in person excited Euclid to no end. He had heard wonderous stories of them and what all they could do so he took advantage of this opportunity to buy one. No sooner had he laid his hands upon the brass chamber of his new prized possession did the Dragon-Blooded call out.

"Now!",/i> Shouted the fire-aspected Dragon-Blood and with that all three Dragon-Blooded ignited their animas. A brilliant hue of red filled the area around the leader. The other two were surrounded by billowing fiery white auras depicting their earth-aspects. The streets cleared quickly as the locals ran for cover leaving Euclid standing there with weapon in hand and an innocent look on his face. Turning to the merchant he just bought the weapon from he takes a single shot for the weapon and says <i>"I'll pay you for this shortly."

Remaining in the street is Euclid, a simple monk watching everything with an amused interest and a shadowy cloaked figure. Watching from the brothel porch stood a drunken hermit who mutters "This won't turn out well ..."

Realizing that perhaps he is overwhelmed, Euclid decides to outwit the closet earth-aspect to him. Raising the flamewand up to the Exalt's face he quietly says "I hear these things make a big mess out of someone's head."

Faster than he can recognize the earth-aspect snatches him off his feet and holds him in the air by his neck. "Listen ... boy. We are here to slay a monster that is in the area. We don't have time to deal with the likes of you."

Tossing back her cloak, the shadowy figure stands up and says "Release him!" as she shifts her body into a were-panther and faces down the Dragon-Blooded. The Dragon-Blooded all amile as they have flushed out their prey. The hunt would almost be a challenge if they didn't care so much for the lesser beings populating the earth. The smile on their faces is soon washed away though as the adrenaline pulsing through Euclid soon rages beyond anything he has ever felt. The fiery anima of the earth-aspect begins to mute and then is overwhlemed by the aura of the Night Caste. Slowly turning his head he realizes exactly what he is holding onto as the blazing sigil of the Night shines from his forehead. He never sees the Lunar strike him.

The drunken hermit calls out to the fire-aspect "It's best time you kids go home before someone gets hurt." Turning from the fight he looks at the old man and retorts "Dodderish old man, we ARE what keeps you from being hurt." "Wrong," as he stands up straight "I am what keeps this town safe!" as he explodes into full anima.
