Blig001/The Village Shaman

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= The Village Shaman =

He is my Storyteller character in my mortal storyDeathOfAnEmpire. He was based on a character from another story, which went very well. I think i will include a bit about it later on my userpage Blig001. we couldnt let his spirit die out, so I made this character. He may be put into other stories too.

He is a village shaman of a small village in a valley in the mountain range, a few miles below the city of the steel lotus. He is old (over 100 years old) and regularly takes age staving cordial to keep old age at bay. He is drug crazed and is almost always drunk.His methods of healing will always involve at least 5 times more pain than the injury itself. He has invented his own brand of wiskey- Jack Daniel's (didn't see that one coming)- and will tae a swig of the bottle he carries around with him. Aside from his potions, alcahol and drugs, he carries only a staff ( and robes) and several thaumaturgical talismans. He dosnt remember much of his childhood, but he does have a brother in the southeast- also a village shaman ...

== stats ==

Name: Jack Daniel

concept: village shaman

Motivation: to protect the village and its people

== attributes ==

Strength: 0

Dexterity: 000

Stamina: 00

Charisma: 000

Manipulation: 00

Appearance: 00

Perception: 000

Intelligence: 000

Wits: 000

== Abilities ===
=== war ===

Awarness:0 Dodge:0 Martial Arts:0 Resistance:0

=== life ===

Craft(air):0 Linguistics:000 (high realm,Riverspeak, flametounge, old realm) Performance:00 Presence:0 survival:00

=== wisdom ===

Investigation:0 Lore:000 Medicine:000 (favored)Occult:00000

=== advantages ===



essence: 2 (58 motes)

Wilpower: 10

Virtues: Compassion:00000(primary) Conviction:00000 Temperance:00 Valour:0

=== backgrounds ===

Knowlage:00000 (+32 bonus points for magical use only, may take 20 points of flaws)

Experience:00(+14 non magical Bonus points)



Manse:000(his big shaman hut)

(hearthstone) wellstone, air aspect, +30 motes

===merits ===

thaumaturge licence, 2 points, has gone through the realm's training and is a certified thaumaturge

Essence awareness(3 points) + essence mastery(5 points), gives the thaumaturge a mote pool equal to (essence+willpower+conviction+highest virtuex2)

the flow of essence x3 (-9, -3 each) the thaumaturge may spend 2motes per dot to raise an attribute for his next action.he can go over 5, but this costs 4 motes per dot. must make a willpower roll(difficulty number of dots added {if above 5 then add 2 difficulty per dot}).

manse attunement (2 points) can attune to a manse

Lucky (5 points) can reroll any dice pool for a point of luck. luck regenerates at 1 point per week. luck pool :5

=== flaws ===

Major oath: vegeterian (5 points)

legendary oath: whenever there is a decision, the shamn must choose the one best for the village. every action taken must be for the benefit of the village. (8 points)


  • ghost flower tea- (2 points)
  • sweet cordial-(3 points)
  • age staving cordial-(2 points)

Disturbing- (3 points) social interactions are harder

Disciple (2 points) a child who he is raising as the next village shaman

=== thaumaturgy ===

He has all 3 arts, with a specialty in beast summoning

He knows all sciences. he knows several rituals (im the storyteller, i make it up as i go along)

his alchemical formulas are-

  • blood staunching compress
  • Draught of blessed respite
  • Hero's recovery
  • Final Vengance
  • Magnificent antivenin
  • valiant warrior formula
  • wind fire potion
  • heavenly rtransmutation process
  • six deamon potion