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Gothic Lolita Melee Tree

  • Melee Insight of the Lolita (1/1)
    • Confusing Lolita Melee (2/2)
      • Absolute Lolita Melee (3/3)
        • Persistent Loli Melee Augmentation (4/4)
    • Bloodthirsty Loli (2/1)
      • Lolita’s Imposition of Superiority (2/2)
    • Subtle Loli Caress (2/2)
      • Gothic Lolita’s Censored Shower (4/2)
      • Pain of Lolita’s Rejection (5/2)
        • Obliteration of Moe Strike (5/4, also requires Gothic Lolita’s Censored Shower)
    • Moe Falsetto Technique (2/1)
      • Shinigami Iai Imitation Technique (4/2)
      • Miko no Mai Imitation Technique (3/2)
        • Wonderful Lolita Dervish Bloodfest (5/3)
          • Interlude to the Black Dance (5/4)
  • Gothi-Loli Bitchslap (2/1)
    • Moe Revenge Reverie (3/2)
      • Moe-Breaking Lolita Revenge (4/3)
    • Gothic Lolita’s Kawaii Palm Block (3/2)
      • Lolita’s Kawaii Random Slapping Defense (4/2)
        • Untouchable Lolita Stance (4/3)
          • Embodiment of Dark Desire (5/5)
        • Untouchable Lolita Omnipresence (5/3)
  • Loli’s Blade Silent Call (2/1)
    • Silent Demand of the Lolita (3/2)
    • NeverCute’s Weapon Locker (3/2)
      • Blade of No Fun (4/2)
      • Lolita’s Absolute Abolishment of All Things Fun Technique (5/3)
        • Reality Revision: Realm of Infinite Weapons (5/5, also requires Blade of No Fun)

Bloodthirsty Loli

  • Cost: 1 mote
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Melee: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: Melee Insight of the Lolita

The Gothic Lolita channels her Moe and her thirst for the angst of others to strike horribly devastating attacks. She makes her attack as normal, but successes count twice for the purposes of determining damage. The Charm must be invoked before making the attack roll.

Lolita’s Imposition of Superiority

  • Cost: 4 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 2
  • Minimum Presence: 1
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Melee Insight of the Lolita

The Lolita declares her presence and strikes with force multiplied by her cuteness and her power of authority. She makes a normal Melee attack, but he does double the normal base damage (extra successes do not double). Damage is rolled as usual, and then roll the character’s Charisma + Melee in a reflexive opposed roll against the target’s Strength + Presence. If the Lolita wins, the target is knocked down and stunned for one round, in which he shakes his head and blinks at the sudden apparition of cuteness before him.

Subtle Loli Caress

  • Cost: 1 mote
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Melee: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Melee Insight of the Lolita

The Gothic Lolita licks her lips. Her eyes grow larger and shinier, and her weapon shakes in her hand, both Loli and weapon eager for the feast that awaits them. The Gothic Lolita makes her attack as normal but regains 1 mote of Moe for every health level of damage inflicted. If the Loli uses a soulsteel weapon to strike a being with a Moe pool, she also absorbs the Moe stolen by her weapon. This latter bonus only applies if the character is attuned to the weapon.

Gothic Lolita’s Censored Shower

  • Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 4
  • Minimum Presence: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Subtle Loli Caress

While bath scenes involving minors aren’t censored, the expression of delight and moans of ecstasy a Gothic Lolita releases while she uses this Charm to feed should be. This Charm duplicates the effect of Subtle Loli Caress, but the effect applies to every attack made during the scene. This Charm cannot be stacked with itself to gain multiple motes per health level inflicted, nor may the Loli use Subtle Loli Caress while employing this Charm. A character cannot gain more Moe in a single turn from the use of this Charm than her Moe + Presence + Lore.

Pain of Lolita’s Rejection

  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Melee: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Subtle Loli Caress

Every guy knows that being rejected hurts. When a Lolita rejects someone, the damage done is not really that great, but for some reason it hurts A LOT. The Gothic Lolita focuses her Moe and strikes her opponent. Figure damage as normal for the melee attack. A target taking damage from this attack suffers a penalty to his dice pools equal to the health levels of damage taken for the rest of the scene. The character must actually do damage to her target to inflict this penalty. The effect of multiple uses of this Charm is cumulative, but no penalty can reduce a creature’s dice pool below their Moe.

Obliteration of Moe Strike

  • Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 health level
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 4
  • Prerequisite Charms: Gothic Lolita’s Censored Shower, Pain of Lolita’s Rejection

Lolitas can strike in many levels and at many points. They can destroy a person’s flesh as easy as they tear apart their self-confidence. But the mightiest of all Lolitas are those who can strike at the most important thing a creature could possibly have: their cuteness.

When this Charm is invoked, the Lolita’s weapon flares with cold fire and the Loli releases a wicked laugh that can be heard as far as a mile away: the little devil knows that, even if the Charm fails, it will still hurt like the dickens. The character makes one attack at her full dice pool, which is fully effective against both material beings and incorporeal spirits and does normal damage in addition to this Charm’s effects. If the roll hits, the victim’s player must immediately roll permanent Moe at standard difficulty

If this roll succeeds, the victim takes unsoakable dice of lethal damage equal to the Gothic Lolita’s Moe rating. If the roll fails, the victim loses one point of permanent Moe (ouch!). A botch inflicts both permanent Moe loss and damage. If a character’s permanent Moe drops to zero, her life force is instantly snuffed out, and her maimed soul falls screaming, claimed by the Nevercute.

Spirits and Alien Princesses slain in this manner are likewise destroyed. Damage inflicted by Obliteration of Moe Strike is purely spiritual and cannot be soaked or prevented with magic that solely defends against physical assault. All effects of this Charm are applied before resolving the strike’s normal damage. This Charm does not work on automata, the walking dead or other beings without souls.

Moe Falsetto Technique

  • Cost: 1 mote per die
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Subtle/Mental
  • Minimum Melee: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: Melee Insight of the Lolita

The Lolita winks and bats her eyelashes, momentarily confusing her opponent with this sudden and unexpected display of light and cutesy kawaiiness, and then she strikes. The Lolita makes her attack normally, but the target loses one die from his first defensive roll for every mote spent. The Lolita may not reduce a character’s dice pool below his Moe rating. If Moe Falsetto Technique is placed in a combo with Melee Insight of the Lolita, the Moe cost of both Charms is increased to 2 motes per die.

Shinigami Iai Imitation Technique

  • Cost: 4 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Melee: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Moe Falsetto Technique

With Moe Falsetto Technique, the Lolita demonstrates that she can imitate other Exalts’ sickening cuteness and use it to her advantage. As she progresses in skill, she learns how to mimic more complex techniques. This is one of them, in which the Lolita walks by the opponent’s side and stops a few paces behind him. Only when the victim turns to look at the Lolita’s back does he realize she has already made her deadly attack. The Gothic Lolita takes no penalty for drawing a sheathed weapon and strikes whenever she wishes without regard for initiative. Although the character’s first action must be a Melee attack, she can still split her dice pool normally to take other actions later in the turn. However, the character cannot take any dice actions after the first attack until her regular initiative. If the character faces an opponent with similar magic, normal initiative determines who strikes first. A character can only use Shinigami Iai Imitation Technique once per turn, and in order to use it, her weapon must be sheathed. For the purposes of this Charm, sheathing a sword as part of a split action is a dice action that requires no roll, but is counted as one of the character’s actions for that turn.

Miko no Mai Imitation Technique

  • Cost: 3 motes per attack
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Extra Action
  • Minimum Melee: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Moe Falsetto Technique

Like the elegant priestesses, a Gothic Lolita can revel in a beautiful dance of unmatched grace. Unlike priestesses, a Gothic Lolita’s dance only brings chaos and destruction to those who oppose her. The character may make one additional attack at her full dice pool for every 3 motes spent, but she may not purchase more extra attacks than her Moe score. Characters must activate this Charm before taking their first action and may not split their dice pool on the same turn they employ Miko no Mai Imitation Technique. Defenders must dodge or parry each attack separately.

Wonderful Lolita Dervish Bloodfest

  • Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Extra Action
  • Minimum Melee: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Miko no Mai Imitation Technique

A blissfully radiant Lolita dances through the battlefield, her nimble figure flowing like spring breeze and her hands instruments of beautiful death. She’s the perfect image of peace and bliss, even if her surroundings are a typhoon of gore and limbs and lots and lots of sliced guts. So long as the character hits her intended target and inflicts damage, she may immediately make another attack at her full dice pool. Each attack must be leveled at a different victim, and the Exalt cannot move more than her Melee score in yards between each target. This Charm ends when the character misses or strikes every possible victim within the reach of her blade.

Interlude to the Black Dance

  • Cost: None
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Type: Special
  • Minimum Melee: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 4
  • Prerequisite Charms: Wonderful Lolita Dervish Bloodfest

The Gothic Lolita has perfected the most optimal succession of steps to increase her efficiency in battle. Every single move serves a purpose, and she can tear apart hordes of lesser beings without moving more than a few steps. This Charm increases the maximum number of attacks received from Miko no Mai Imitation Technique and Wonderful Lolita Dervish Bloodfest by two (which effectively means two poor souls will take an additional attack when the Lolita uses Wonderful Lolita Dervish Bloodfest). It may improve custom Melee extra-action Charms at the discretion of the Storyteller.

Gothiloli Bitchslap

  • Cost: 1 mote
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Melee: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: None

The Lolita laughs at her opponent’s foolish attempt at harming her with a swift strike of her own. If the Gothic Lolita’s player rolls more successes that the attacker, any leftover successes are treated as a Melee attack against the aggressor. This counterstrike cannot be blocked or dodged without magic. A character cannot use Gothiloli Bitchslap in response to other counterattack Charms. Note that this Charm does not grant the character a free parry or extra parry dice.

Moe Revenge Reverie

  • Cost: (Weapon damage + 1) motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Melee: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Gothiloli Bitchslap

Gothic Lolitas delight at humiliating their rivals, and there are few better ways to humiliate someone than leaving him effectively useless. This Charm helps accomplish such a feat by channeling her twisted cuteness to her defense to rust or rot the opponent’s weapons. The Gothic Lolita’s player rolls Dexterity + Melee in response to any close-range attack. If even one success is achieved, the attacker’s weapon shatters to splinters and rust without injuring the defender. The Lolita must spend motes of Moe equal to the weapon’s base damage modifier plus one. The character can only disintegrate actual weapons, so it doesn’t work against fists or claws. Also, this Charm cannot destroy weapons made of pure Moe or the Five Magical Materials.

Moe-Breaking Lolita Revenge

  • Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Melee: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Moe Revenge Reverie

This Charm covers the deficiencies of Moe Revenge Reverie by dissipating the Moe empowering a magical weapon, rendering temporarily useless. It may be activated whenever the Gothic Lolita parries a magical weapon. Her player need not deflect the attack entirely, but the Gothic Lolita character’s player must roll at least one success on the block attempt. The defending character’s player then makes a reflexive Moe + Melee roll, with a difficulty equal to the target’s permanent Moe. If it succeeds, the weapon becomes an inert hunk of steel and Magical Materials, although it may be reattuned normally by its owner. Of course, this reattunement takes between 15 and 30 minutes. The victim can avert deattunement by immediately spending a number of motes equal to the attunement cost of the weapon.

Gothic Lolita’s Kawaii Palm Block

  • Cost: 2 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Melee: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Gothiloli Bitchslap

A Gothic Lolita’s hands are too quick to be followed by the human eye. Anyone who tries to touch her painfully learns this fact. For this reason, Gothic Lolitas are untouchable. The Lolita’s player may roll her character’s full Dexterity + Melee dice pool to parry any one close-range attack the Lolita is aware of.

Lolita’s Kawaii Random Slapping Defense

  • Cost: 5 motes
  • Duration: One turn
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Melee: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Gothic Lolita’s Kawaii Palm Block

The Lolita tightly closes her eyes, and her hands become a blur of frantic arm shaking. While this might be seen as cute by most, it is in fact one of the best defenses Lolitas have in their arsenal, for anyone who enters the range of her chaotic arm movements risks terrible injury. The Gothic Lolita cannot actively attack, dodge or move faster than one yard per turn without breaking the Charm, but his player automatically rolls a full Dexterity + Melee attack against everyone who is currently within or who subsequently approaches within three yards of the character.

The character may also reflexively attack an incoming projectile of which she is aware. This is a difficulty 4 Dexterity + Melee roll and adds the weapon’s parry modifier as well. Success destroys or swats aside the offending missile. Note that this Charm does not distinguish between friend and foe: the Exalt must attack everyone in range.

Untouchable Lolita Stance

  • Cost: 5 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Melee: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Lolita’s Kawaii Random Slapping Defense

The Gothic Lolita may effortlessly deflect any attack she is aware of without even making a roll. This Charm can turn aside assaults normally impossible to parry. This is a perfect defense.

Embodiment of Dark Desire

  • Cost: None
  • Duration: Instant(Permanent)
  • Type: Special
  • Minimum Melee: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 5
  • Prerequisite Charms: Untouchable Lolita Stance

The greatest Lolitas are the subject of the dreams of perverts everywhere. They might strike in any place at any time, so Lolitas must be ever-ready for these disgusting, drool-pouring acne-filled threats. Even worse, the lolipedo might actually turn out to be a hot Bishounen, which makes things much more difficult. It is for these special cases that this Charm was conceived.

This Charm allows a character to prepare s ingle invocation of Untouchable Lolita Stance in advance. The character can have at most one invocation prepared at any given time. The character invokes the Untouchable Lolita Stance Charm, paying the normal five motes. She can later use it against one attack of her choice, in any circumstance when using the Charm would be legitimate. Preparing the Charm counts as a Charm use, but invoking its abilities later does not. The motes remain committed until the Gothic Lolita uses the Charm to block a single attack.

If the Lolita has Moe 6 or higher, she may prepare up to her Melee score in invocations of the Untouchable Lolita Stance, and the cost to activate that Charm is reduced to 4 motes.

Untouchable Lolita Omnipresence

  • Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Lolita’s Kawaii Random Slapping Defense

The Lolita sees everything, and is fully aware of her surroundings. While she’s apparently relaxed, she’s a point of serene tension, ready to stop any attempt at reaching her and tainting her true cuteness. The Gothic Lolita’s player may use his character’s full Dexterity + Melee dice pool to parry all physical attacks of which the Lolita is aware.

Loli’s Blade Silent Call

  • Cost: 1 mote
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: None

Even her inanimate weapons respond when the Lolita demands their assistance. Summoned weapons can overcome friction and gravity, but cannot defeat walls, chains or similar obstacles. The character must be able to see her weapon and have a hand free to receive it. Furthermore, this Charm can only call weapons the Exalt has previously wielded.

Silent Demand of the Lolita

  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Loli’s Blade Silent Call

While summoning your weapon from a distance is cool to say the least, claiming it from the hands of an opponent is much more humiliating……and useful. The Exalt reaches out an empty hand and her player rolls Dexterity + Melee at difficulty 3. This effect cannot be parried or dodged. If this roll is successful, the effect is resolved as a normal disarming attempt. If the disarming succeeds, the targeted weapon is torn from the enemy’s grasp and flies to the Lolita’s own. This Charm can steal any weapon in the character’s line of sight, although it cannot seize magical weapons attuned to their wielders or weapons made entirely of Moe. Otherwise, this Charm duplicates the effects and limitations of Loli’s Blade Silent Call.

NeverCute’s Weapon Locker

  • Cost: 1 mote
  • Duration: Indefinite
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Loli’s Blade Silent Call

Not even the greatest savants have found an explanation to the reality distortion known by most as “Mallet Space”. The only thing know about it is that it seems to exist for the sole purpose of allowing cute girls to store weapons and quickly summon them to their grasp when they’re needed (normally for whacking a cute boy’s head for comic relief). Despite its name, Mallet Space can store any kind of weapon, from paper fans to Harem Age Moe Cannons. This Charm allows a Gothic Lolita to store her weapon in the portion of Mallet Space controlled by the NeverCute. The weapon vanishes and remains hidden and inaccessible until the character reflexively ends the Charm can draws his weapon forth. This Charm can only banish one weapon at a time, one the Gothic Lolita is intimately familiar with.

Blade of No Fun

  • Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: NeverCute’s Weapon Locker

The Lolita raises her hand and makes a long speech in her cold, emotionless droning voice, as she channels Moe into her ideal weapon. This Charm can make any kind of weapon, despite its name. When Blade of No Fun is purchased, the Gothic Lolita’s player must decide the form of the weapon. He then divides a number of points equal to twice the character’s Melee score between the weapon’s Speed, Accuracy, Damage and Defense. As usual, the damage bonus of the weapon is added to the character’s Strength to determine its base lethal damage.

Once selected, this Charm always summons the same weapon. The blade’s statistics remain constant unless the character raises her Melee score, permitting her to divide two more points to its characteristics. The Gothic Lolita must purchase this Charm again to conjure a different form of blade. Weapon created by this Charm behave like soulsteel weapons, draining motes equal to their owner’s permanent Moe score on any hit that inflicts actual damage.

Lolita’s Absolute Abolishment of All Things Fun Technique

  • Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: NeverCute’s Weapon Locker

The Lolita screams bloody murder at her enemy, and attacks him with a high-density bolt of raw Gothic Cuteness. The world shakes as the bolt streaks through the air towards its target, and cute girls everywhere shiver for no apparent reason whenever this Charm is used. This Charm is treated as a Melee attack, with a dice pool equal to the Gothic Lolita’s Dexterity + Melee + Moe. It has a range of (Moe x 10) yards which cannot be exceeded. It cannot be blocked or dodged without the use of Charms and other magic. It ignores cover, including shields, but it cannot otherwise strike around obstacles. It deals lethal damage with a base damage, before adding attack successes, of (the Lolita’s Strength + Willpower). It deals aggravated damage against Magical Girls, Alien Princesses and Bishoujos (but not Bishounens, for some reason).

Reality Revision: Realm of Infinite Weapons

  • Cost: 9 motes
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Melee: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 5
  • Prerequisite Charms: Blade of No Fun, Lolita’s Absolute Abolishment of All Things Fun Technique

The Lolita whispers the name of the Charm and transforms her surroundings into the Realm of Infinite Weapons, a barren land domed by a crimson sky and nothing but scattered copies of the Lolita’s Blade of No Fun, which respond to her thoughts and will to tear apart her opponent. For the rest of the scene, the Lolita has two fully independent actions per turn. The independent action follows the same rules as taking single actions on multiple successive turns, except that:

  • Only one turn passes, which counts for some Charm effects and durations.
  • One of the independent actions can only be used to attack or parry incoming attacks, as this independent action isn’t actually performed by the character, but by the infinite weapons at her service. Multiple action penalties do not apply to this independent action (as the blades aren’t limited by the character’s agility) but the total number of attacks and parries made in a turn cannot be more than the Loli’s Wits + Moe.
  • Characters who have split dice pools can interweave their actions. For example, she can split her normal action’s dice pool between two attacks and a parry, attacking once, then sending the infinite blades to attack and then attacking a second time, saving a parry in case it becomes necessary.
  • The character only moves once.
  • Characters cannot also use Extra Action Charms or Combos containing those Charms when taking more than one independent action.

The character does not have to use the infinite blades in a given turn if she would prefer to use an extra action Charm or a Combo.


Good Independent Action charm. --JohnBiles