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Kolorthi - The Fetter-Bound

When I first saw it, I thought it was a dream. But no dream this. T'was a nightmare born of blackest pitch, that shrouded apparition. I have seen it every night for thirteen weeks, ever since I acquired that jeweled broach. I feel certain now the two events tie together, for each time it seems to fawn over it, though the bauble is clearly for a woman of elegance and this rotted thing with claws of bone has no such features. Alas, the clock soon strikes twelve, and my writing may...

 Last Words in Journal of Aldefar Seven-Leaf, antiquitarian.

What are Kolorthi?

All ghosts know the tug on their souls that binds them to certain places and objects. All know and recognize those things that are called Fetters by some. Some ghosts, particularly those attached to powerful Fetters of great importance to the living and the dead alike, however, feel no simple tug. Rather it is their sole reason for existence, and a reservoir of spiritual power. Such spirits often appear to have more in common with nephwracks or hungry ghosts than the more normal citizens of the Underworld, but seek no simple things as Oblivion or mere sustenance. The circumstances of their creation push them to obsessive protection of this single tie to life, and they are as capable of rational thought and long-term planning as any ghost animated by it's higher soul. Their bonding and the pain it induces, however, ensures that their P'o remains close to the surface, easily wakened by simple acts.

Because of their unique and overpowering connection to their Fetters, the Kolorthi have earned their name, which translates from the Old Realm as "Fetter-bound." The bonding enables the Kolorthi to tap both halves of his soul, enabling rapacious rage, power and hunger to be paired with rational thought and goal-oriented action. Kolorthi are greatly feared by the few who are aware of them, and the stories told of their wrath when their desires went unsatisfied can be more gruesome than recounting the depredations of any Abyssal. Other ghosts, when they see them, tend to keep safe distance, for one never knows when their will will be overcome by their hunger, or their ties to their Fetter will drive them to actions most would rather not consider.

Terms of the Kolorthi

The Kolorthi and those who study them have developed a few words not native to many tongues, to describe some of their unique conditions and terms.

 Candlemer - The primary Fetter that binds a Kolorthi to the lands of the living.
 Egosial - Kolorthi's (often jealous) term for normal spirits.
 Kirstas - The term for a Kolorthi currently under the control of his higher soul.
 Konastaeri - The term for Essence touched by the P'o.
 Konastas - The term for a Kolorthi currently under the domination of his P'o.
 Vissotorun - The Arcanoi unique to the Kolorthi, or the act of calling on such Charms.

Kolorthi Traits

Creating a Kolorthi goes just as creating any other ghost. Differences begin to loom at the Virtue stage, where Passions and Fetters are normally assigned. Kolorthi do not choose multiple Fetters. Instead, they possess a single Fetter, which was in all likelyhood an Artifact of some measure in their lifetimes. This Artifact remains at it's original rating, if it had one, for most individuals, but when in the hands of the Kolorthi bound to it - or a powerful sorcerer or necromancer able to tap into the essence it contains - it is considered to be a number of levels higher equal to the Kolorthi's Permanent Essence. Thus, even the most insignificant objects are at least Artifact/2s when used by such individuals.

Kolorthi choose their Passions as normal, but their highest Passion is considered "tainted," corrupted by their P'o. While this can lead to violent outbursts and increasing incidents of anger when situations attached to that Passion or Virtue arise, it also allows a Kolorthi to tap into his primal soul and perform feats that would be considered beyond the skill of other ghosts. Most often this Passion is tied to their Fetter, though it doesn't have to be.

Kolorthi choose Arcanoi as normal, but at least one of them must be a Vissotorun Charm.

Kolorthi's Essence pools are generated by the following equasion: (Essence * 10) + (Willpower * 3) + (Tainted Virtue * 7). This represents the standard amount of Essence that all ghosts have. Kolorthi also have a smaller pool, called Konastaeri, which can only be called upon while under the dominance of their P'o. Konastaeri is equal to the Kolorthi's Willpower + (Tainted Virtue *3).

Kolorthi Rules

Kolorthi operate as any other ghost, most of the time. But remember that their Higher and Lower Souls are integrated into this being, with the personality traits of both being exagerated, and the character should be roleplayed appropriately.

Changes come in when the Kolorthi is in and around his Fetter. If the Kolorthi has, through some means, actually claimed his Fetter in physical form, things only get worse. A Kolorthi currently in physical contact with his Fetter may add 2 dice to all Arcanoi and Virtue rolls, in addition to using all special effects the Fetter has - since they are all Artifacts - at half cost. If the Kolorthi is not currently in possession of his Fetter, rolls against the current owner gain 2 bonus dice, instead.

Kolorthi may channel their Tainted Virtue, and their Tainted Virtue alone, with the expenditure of a Willpower point. Channeling this Virtue can be rather dangerous, however, as it rouses the P'o. Any time a Kolorthi channels his Tainted Virtue, roll the Virtue's dice seperately. If any of these dice come up "10s," the Kolorthi enters the state of Konastas, his Higher Soul rudely shoved out of the way by his P'o, driving him to acts of hatred and rage even more obscene than those he might normally commit. This state lasts for a number of hours equal to the Tainted Virtue's rating.


I like this, but just a little question. Is this for an alternate version of Exalted? I recognize the obvious sources, but in Exalted the Po and Hun seem to always divide, leaving the Po around the body (possibly as a Hungry Ghost), and maybe a ghost if they don't Reincarnate right away. So I'm just wondering if something causes this merger to happen? :) - haren

I haven't been paying much attention to the page lately, sorry. Heh. Anyway, they're for the standard Exalted world. The P'o and Hun get blended together due to their bonding with their fetter. The Hun side just "can't let go," like a normal ghost, but the P'o side is willing to go to any lengths - including forcing itself into unholy amalgamation with the Hun - to make sure it gets what it wants. - Ashande