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Evasive Maneuver Prediction Node</b>
 <b>Cost: 3 motes
 Installation Cost: 1 mote
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Perception: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: (Either) Augmentation of Perception

This charm is a set of tiny glassy optical sensors installed in a ring around the Alchemical's normal eyes, often glowing a soft red or green, which blink or pulse in apparently random patterns when in use, projecting tiny glittering traceries of light out from the alchemical and marking the motions and positions of everyone they can percieve.

If used in combat, it allows an alchemical to gauge their own typical motions as well as those of their opponents in the current situation, which allows the alchemical to gain a situational bonus by choosing the most efficient movements and attacks.

Mechanically speaking, although it takes up the action on the turn it is used, this grants a bonus equal to the alchemical's perception rating to any and all combat rolls (attacks and defenses) made -next- turn against targets the alchemical could percieve this turn. These bonuses are considered artificial specialities(specializing in "this turn" for the turn in question) rather than dice bonuses granted by a charm.

This charm cannot be comboed effectively with anything much, as neither extra action or supplementary charms will aid it, although reflexive defenses are suggested if it is to be used without risk.

If the character has active perceptual enhancements active, such as those from Optical Enhancement or the Cross-Phase scanner, then those can increase the number of percieved targets, thus enhancing the effects of this charm.

Target Lock Designation System</b>
 <b>Cost: 4 motes (8 motes if activating both at once)
 Installation Cost: 1 mote
 Duration: One Scene
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Perception: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Evasive Maneuver Prediction Node

Expanding upon the evasive maneuver prediction node, the target lock designation system is a ring of orichalcum surrounding a jade prism, linked with polished metals appropriate to the caste to surround and encompass one eye and its associated sub-sensors. When in use, this jade prism projects a flickering beam of light coloured that specific colour of jade (again, often red or green) towards the designated target.

One target the alchemical can percieve is tracked and marked by the shimmering light, and this grants a bonus equal to the alchemical's Essence to the accuracy of any attacks by them aimed at the target. Unlike the previous system, this one is geared towards offense, and grants no bonus to defenses against that target by default (see submodule)

If the target leaves the view of the alchemical, the designation system will remember their profile and scan the area constantly, trying to re-aquire them. Aside from meaning the charm only ends when desired or at the end of the scene, this grants a +2 artificial speciality (which stacks with everything as usual) on any awareness rolls to redetect the designated target.

This charm can be installed twice, and if so, each designator applies to a separate eye, and can track a separate target. They may not both be stacked onto the same target, but can be activated at the same time for a total cost of 8 motes. Two installations is still the limit even if the alchemical somehow has more than two eyes, although they may be assigned to whichever eyes the alchemical desires, which might change their field of designation. A designator can also be detached and 'loaned' to a mobile sensory drone, in which case the drone has full use of it but the parent alchemical does not - if the drone is destroyed, this system is rebuilt at the same time.

There are also some expansion modules, these cost 6xp or 2 bonus points if bought at character creation.


Retaliation Detection Processor - this small processor activates and controls the subsensors installed with the evasive maneuver prediction node, and causes them to shine on and trace around any weapons or other dangerous parts of a designated target, helping to predict their movements more specifically. This allows the +Ess bonus to apply to defenses against the targets as well as attacks against them.
Reallocation Protocols - this processing subsystem allows the alchemical to switch who/what is being targetted for a cost of 1 mote. This does not count as charm use, but must be performed at the start of the alchemical's action, and may be done only once per turn for each designator.

Too powerful? Not enough options? Needs some (more) submodules? Please suggest! ^_^
-- Darloth