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Dragon king paths are cool, but they seem too limited to make and maintain a culture, I recognize that they are SUPPOSED to be limited, and I’m not saying they shouldn’t be, but the limits still miss too many important things. For example: they can not deal with fair folk very well – they have no defense against the wild or against unnatural mental influence. I’m assuming that they had to deal with fair folk many times in the pre-human age. They would have ways to deal with fair folk.

And the philosophies are cool, but they seem too limited too. In real life philosophies “cross pollinate.” This might be the solution. As dragon kings master multiple paths perhaps they could mix paths to create a single new step between those two paths. It would allow limited mastery of a few other things that the paths miss, while still keeping the path structure intact.

what if each dragon king could fully master 1 of their favored/racial paths – we will call this the dominant path. When they have 6 levels in this path then can buy two other types of charms.

1st: they can buy a charm that lets them use their philosophy to gain limited defense against unnatural mental influence. (perhaps each dominant paths version has a different emphasis and weakness). This makes sense because they adhere to a path of "truth" that makes them difficult to sway. An example version of this charm might be: * Jimcrimson/DKmentaldefense

2nd: There might be other benefits to having a philosophy that guide your life with that kind of strength. here are a few (less cannon) thoughts. Jimcrimson/DKVirtueofPhilosophy

3rd: if they have 6 in their dominant path and 5+ in any other they can use a special path step between the two paths. An off-the-top-of-my-head example might be that if solid earth is about building and endurance, and celestial air is about interacting with and becoming like a spirit. If earth was dominant perhaps the step between them would let you endure (earth) the spiritual energies of the wild (Air). If air is dominant maybe you learn to build air manses.

It might be that these in-between steps can be individually created by the DK master, but that they only get one for each path combination, or they might all already exist, like the normal path steps.
