From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
Hello everyone!
I'm a sort-of newcomer to this site, though hardly a newcomer to playing or writing for Exalted. You can find my fanbuilds here.
I played an Abyssal and (for a few sessions) a Xenomorphic in a kick-awesome Exalted campaign that lasted... good god, it had to be around four or five years. Our Storyteller was awesome, and you will see him credited with naming and/or inspiring a lot of the ideas I'm writing out here. I am in the process of building up a canon in which to run a campaign of my own, and my fanbuilds you see here are my process of fleshing out my Exalted universe. :)
I welcome any contribution or criticism, though I reserve the right to disagree. Aaaand, that's about it for me! ^_^