= The Cathedral =
The Cathedral is the home to the Glorious Archangels and their followers. It is located in the heavenly city of Yu-Shan, south east of the Jade pleasure dome. It is where the Chosen live, and so it plays a very major part in their lives.
To attackers this cathedral is an impenetrable fortress, housing all kinds of first age defence systems and armour.
=== The Libary ===
The libary is a subsection to the hall, and is located next to one of the spires. It is owned by the Librarians, who keep it, and its old, powerful tomes in pristene condition.
=== The Headquarters ===
The Headquarters is the main centre of operations. it is where the co-ordinators reside. They make sure all the angels are doing their duty. They co-ordinate everything, from the way angels fight on the battlefields to the way they drink (heavenly)tea.