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The Black Chase

Located a mile or so north of Sijan, the Black Chase is a dark and shadowy expanse of ebony pine and black ash. Two paths twist through it's expanses, the first and safest keeping to the edges of the shadowland while the other cleaves through the heart of the forest. People disappear from the safe path now and again, dragged off to some dire fate, but it is the most reliable route between Creation and the Underworld. The route into the deep forest, however, where the light fades to black and sounds echo and wander, is a place never entered into lightly. The number of people that have emerged from the depths of the forest in the entire history of the Shadowland can be counted on one hand, but their tales none the less tell of a few things which have been discovered by Men.

The Dead know the Depths of the Black Chase somewhat better than the Living. Hungry Ghosts and Shades are endemic to the Forest, the first commonly resulting from the unburied bodies of those who fell while the others seem to emerge from the trees themselves. No few Ghosts brave the woods themselves as well, seeking entrance to the Labryinth for some fell deed or simply an trip into Creation. Yet, at a certain depth, the forest grows silent and pure, as not even the Dead venture so deep...

Sites within the Black Chase

  • the Fallen Temple is, of all the secrets of the Chase, the one most 'commonly' known. A tall crumbling expanse of black stone, rising up to meet the trees. Finely chiseled stairs lead up to the main floor, pillars supporting the heavy ceiling. They are cracked in places, the stone having given way and the ceiling crumbled in. Standing in the midst of the Temple, atop one of the crumbling stones, you can look up into the dark night sky and sometimes pierce the clouds and see the Stars of the Dead -- the canopy of the Black Chase does not blanket the top of the temple. The temple itself is quite expansive, albiet in no little disarray, and was almost certainly once a major temple of some forgotten faith. No signs of that Faith can be found, however. All Holy Symbols have been scourged from the stone, and inscriptions chipped away into dust, as if whomever finally gutted the temple wished to destroy all trace of those that once worshipped here. Of all the places in the Chase, this is one of the safest, for the Ghosts will not venture into this place even during the Midnight hour. Yet, all those who sleep upon the cold stone of the temple experience dark and troubling dreams -- the details of which they will not speak.
  • the Ruined Settlement can, rumor is told, be located far along the path leading into the deepest parts of the Chase, though at least one traveller has passed the entire trail without seeing it. Ringed, the stories say, by a low crumbling stone wall, the village itself has not seen life in hundreds of years. Most of the buildings have long since been brought low, but the foundations remain and one who is diligent in his search can find all manner of artifacts; burnt wood, shattered pots, broken arrowheads. In what would have been the center of town, they say, lay a single intact stone house -- the likes of which would belong to a mayor or sherrif. None have seen what lay inside and survives, and all tales say that the structure radiates pain and anger.
  • the Copse of Bones is largely legend, for none can actually find anyone (living nor dead) who has actually been there, but stories of it are fairly common. Far off either of the roads loading through the forest, the Copse looks much like any other expanse of the virgin forest at first glance. Eventually, however, the nameless traveller of whatever story is being told steps on a rusted sword, old bone, or broken shield. Once the sight of a great battle, the remains of many hundreds of soldiers lay here -- brought down by some unknown foe. No remains of any enemy or foe can be found, only those of the soldiers themselves.
  • the Caverns of the Chase are widely whispered of in the City of the Dead, and the focus of infrequent pilgrimages by old and weary ghosts. On occasion, the sweeping terrain of the chase is broken up by small wooded and rocky hills. At some of these hills, crypts have been built that lead down into a natural limestone cavern system. The dripping of water is omnipresent, and the caves themselves dangerous enough on their own. Some of the tunnels lead back into Creation, out of the Shadowland, while at least one leads into the Catacombs of Sijan. If one follows the tunnels deep enough, however, the stone turns black and one finds himself in the twisting passages of the Labryinth. Some rumors hint at a fairly reliable route through the Labryinth near the Chase to Stygia, but if this is true the secret is well-guarded. Other secrets no doubt linger within the Caverns as well.