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Shroud of Voharun (Artifact •••)

The crows of Voharun, being created from heroic souls, are inclined to acts of selfless heroism themselves; as such, it is not uncommon for them to fall in the line of duty. When one of his crows dies, Voharun honors its sacrifice and service by dispatching his servants to retrieve the body, pluck the feathers, and cremate the remains on a hero's pyre. While removing the feathers may seem undignified and insulting to the memory of the fallen bird, such feathers contain power, and Voharun keeps them safe and preserved. When Voharun has collected enough of his servants' feathers, he fashions them into a hooded cloak that confers several martial powers upon its bearer; The Battle Crow usually grants these cloaks to his favorite servants or mortal champions who have caught his attention. Thus do the crows of Voharun serve their master and the heroes of the North even in death.

The Shroud of Voharun appears as a hooded cloak of black crow feathers. The feathers shine iridescently in the light, and closer inspection reveals subtle color variations in the feathers; from jet black, to midnight blue, to deep, blood red. When worn, the Shroud confers several minor defensive benefits to its wearer; the protective powers of the feathers grant him 2L/2B hardness, +2L/2B soak that stacks with other worn armor and does not count as armor, and a +1 cover bonus to DV.

(to be continued)

Soak       Hardness   Mobility   Fatigue    Rating     Attune     Tags      
+2L/2B     2L/2B      -0         0          •••        2          -