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<ST`> -----

ST` sets mode: +ooo Arkadi Gia haren

ST` sets mode: +oo Malic Osprey

Malic reclines in one of the comfortable chairs under the blue and gold stripped pavillion where the Circle is meeting today, a small but brightly lit area of his Bazaar. "Well, if we wish to go after this dark Chosen, it looks like we'll be on his turf. And I doubt anyone is happy to let us waltz into the Underworld."

<Arkadi> "They wouldn't let us waltz to an OUTHOUSE if it didn't serve their purposes, Mal."

<Malic> "Well, I think this *wouldsuit their purposes. If some Underworlder is messing around in Yu-Shan, getting Lions to accidentally eat people."

Arkadi just shakes his head

<Arkadi> "God drunk WAS that Underworlder when he came up with that plan?"

Osprey scowls. "Not as drunk as the lion when the plan was carried out, it would seem."

<Arkadi> "Yeah, yeah, I know."

<Malic> "Regardless, it removed two Chosen."

<Arkadi> "Yeah, do we go about getting access?"

<Malic> "Well, contacting our superiors for the 'Ok' head into the Underworld seems a good first step. Then we might want to have some idea of where the guy is. Ya know, the Underworld being all large."

<Arkadi> "That's...gonna be tricky."

<Arkadi> "He's gotta be some deathlord's lackey, right ?"

<Arkadi> "Maybe if we can narrow down WHICH dead-head, we can find out where the hell living dead guy there came from...areas of influence and all that."

<Malic> "Why yes, I can tell you that because I am personally in contact with all Deathlords. We can't make *anyassumption. He could just be a rogue."

<Gia> "I'd really like to know who let him into Yu-Shan in the first place."

Arkadi glares at Malic

<Osprey> "I share sister Gia's concern. I also wonder what plans he has for young Phion. If he can assassinate two of our brethren within Heaven itself, surely killing a single mortal would pose no challenge. He must have some purpose in mind for the boy."

<Arkadi> "How do you know that there's any connection whatsoever?"

<Arkadi> "But yeah, let's figiure out how he got in here..."

Osprey glowers, the striped canopy casting parallel lines of shadow across his face. "Surely you recall the baneful astrology which cast its pall over the entire region."

<Osprey> "And which we suspect prevented Phion's Exaltation to begin with. You would have to be a fool not to suspect some connection."

<Arkadi> "I consider myself a realist...I'll beleive a connection when I see solid proof."

Osprey regards Arkadi levelly.

<Malic> "We don't need proof, we need a permit. We can get that on candies and coins."

<Arkadi> "Then we get the sodding permit."

<Malic> "But, aside from the permit, we need to know where to *gowith it."

<Arkadi> "Well, why don't we find out where and how he got in?"

<Arkadi> "With any luck, it wasn't the calibration gate, and that gives us a rough geographical area to fosuc on."

<Arkadi> *focus

<Malic> "I think the Celestial Lions will help us, since this guy is the one who got their drunken buddy in trouble."

Gia nods.

<Arkadi> "Plus, they'll want to see the kackass who let him onto their turf stomped."

<Malic> "Let's see the Bureau of Enforcement then. And after them, our superiors."

Arkadi nods

haren is now known as Princess

Princess is now known as haren

Arkadi is now known as ST

ST is now known as Arkadi

<Malic> ::Accompanied by Forge, the four Sidereals leave Malic's Bazaar and make their way to the Bureau of Enforcement where they find one of the Celestial Lions and ask to speak to the Lion in charge of the Gate Guards.::

<ST`> ::The gate-lion sends them through to see Guardian-of-Thresholds.::

<ST`> The Celestial Lion bows perfunctorily. "The Scroll and Sword Circle honours the Bureau with its presence. What can I do for you, gentles?

<Arkadi> "We're attempting to track down an incursion into Yu-Shan."

<ST`> "An incursion? Hm."

<Arkadi> "It's connected to an investigation into the deaths of two Sidereals (dunno how many) nights ago."

<ST`> He makes a gesture with his tail, and a servant god brings him a jade tablet. "Do you know when the incursion occurred? Can you tell me more about...the intruder?"

<Arkadi> "Well, we have reason to beleive he was a Deathknight."

<ST`> "That could present a problem, as deathknights are notoriously difficult to track. They don't tend to stay on the record long, because..." The lion drones on about their double-checking policies which involve the Bureau of Destiny.

<Arkadi> "Yeah, yeah, outside of fate,w yadda yadda...don't you folks keep logs?"

<Arkadi> "Wait, scratch that, illegal entry."

<ST`> "We can look up the register of erroneous, deleted entrances."

<Arkadi> "That could help...but if he bribed or blackmailed his way in, why would the guard have recorded it?"

<ST`> The lion smiles. "All our Bureau's records are automated. It's the latest thing. We requisitioned a contingent of Pattern Spiders to track the motions of..."

<Arkadi> "Okay, okay, okay...

<Arkadi> "Why don't I ever get MEMOS about this stuff?"

<Malic> "Is there any record of an unknown man entering by any of the gates? Presumably, he'd have been alone and left that same day."

<Arkadi> "Likely kinda pale, sorta dead-looking...pretty."

<ST`> "Half a moment."

<ST`> The lion takes a stylus from his desk and scribbles on the tablet for a few moments.

Osprey produces the chocolate figurine -- slightly melted by now -- and mutely presents it for the lion's inspection.

Gia supresses a smile at the amusing contrast between Osprey's somber expression and gooey, chocolatey fingers.

Arkadi pauses a moment "Mind if I smoke?"

<ST`> "Not at all." The serving god reappears with a fan to circulate the air. "A record of such an unauthorized/erroneous entry exists for Gate 39, both entering and departing."

<Arkadi> "Thanks."

Arkadi lights up and puffs gratefully

Osprey scowls. "And it has not already been investigated?"

<Arkadi> "Welcome to the Bureaucracy."

<Arkadi> "Leave your common sense at the door."

<ST`> "It has, but to no result. Our Bureau does not customarily investigate beyond the Heavenly City's borders."

Osprey gives Arkadi a withering look.

<Arkadi> "Case in point."

<Arkadi> "Well, looks like we dig."

<Malic> "Thirty nine..that's the Skullstone Gateway."

<Arkadi> So we're going west..."

<Arkadi> "Figures, I hate boats."

Gia wrinkles her nose slightly.

Osprey looks stoic.

<Malic> "I'd be more concerned about the Deathlord and his Abyssals that sometimes hunt down anyone entering their domain if they don't leave promptly."

<Arkadi> "So...we bring a fruit basket?"

Gia rolls her eyes at Arkadi.

<Malic> "We leave inside the two days mandated by the pact, that's what."

<Arkadi> "48 hours in a deadland...lovely."

<Malic> "Well, Master GateKeeper, we would appreciate it..greatly..if you would inform my Familiar should any further intrusions from this individual be recorded."

<ST`> "Are you volunteering to extend our investigation into Creation and beyond?"

Malic nods. "It is our duty."

<Gia> "You can run off earlier if you're scared, Arkadi," Gia murmurs, putting a hard edge on the word "scared."

Osprey nods, simultaneous with Malic.

Gia nods as well.

Arkadi shrugs "Babe, think what you want...I earn my pay."

<ST`> "Very well. Do what you like."

<Arkadi> "so, when do we leave?"

<ST`> "Master Malic, I will keep Forge apprised."

<Malic> "Today. We can get to Skullstone at first light and have the maximum time."

<Malic> "Thank you, Gatekeeper."

Osprey bows to the spirit guardian and turns to go.

<Arkadi> "Let's haul ass, then."

<ST`> "You're welcome. Farewell."

<ST`> ----

<ST`> **Beyond the Skullstone Gate**

<Arkadi> "I ever tell you how much shadowlands give me the wiggins?"

Gia stifles a laugh at Arkadi getting the "wiggins."

<Malic> "Yes. You did. Repeatedly. Now, get over it. We have work to do."

<Arkadi> "Hey, you can still work while bitching, that's the wonder of work."

<ST`> ::The land here does not seem to be as death-twisted than it is in some other places, but this is counterpointed by the dead-black, motionless sea.::

Malic steps out of the gateway's shadow, looking about for agents of the Silver Prince that might have something to say to them.

Malic shrugs as nothing appears from the dead and dying forest around them and starts toward civilization, doubting the mysterious Chosen will be found in the forests.

Gia doesn't look particularly discomfited-- unless you notice how tightly she's "resting" her hand on her chakram.

Arkadi , despite his bitching, falls into his usual lockstep 'proceeding' walk, hand resting on his sword for comfort, not for quick access (though it does that, convineiently)

Osprey glances cursorily about. His expression is hidden behind his cloak's high collar, but his eyes betray a look of mild distaste at the sickly landscape.

Malic continues his walk toward civilization, hoping he can find someone that will speak with him about this man and be actually well-informed.

<ST`> ::The Silver Prince's palace rears into the sky just at the border of the shadowland, shimmering in and out of sight. Its deathmask face glares at the city below.::

Malic heads toward the city, avoiding the palace's baleful gaze as much as he can. The sight of such a haven of evil discomforts Malic a great deal.::

Gia takes in the dark vista laid in front of us, scrutinizing the landscape for unfriendly daces.

<Gia> (Er, faces.)

Osprey 's eyes flick over his companions in turn as they approach the border of the shadowland.

<ST`> ::Entering the shadowland, the air becomes still and the temperature seems to drop sharply.::

Gia edges towards Osprey almost inperceptibly as the Circle enters the shadowland.

Osprey wrinkles his nose as a breeze wafts by, bringing the scent of decaying seaweed and spoiled fish with it.

Osprey falls into step with Gia and Malic, the three wordlessly forming up as the massive iron gates loom ahead of them.

<ST`> ::The four arrive unmolested at the borders of Onyx, and enter. The denizens of that benighted city recoil at their bright and foreign dress - it is a brave visitor indeed who leaves the docks.::

Malic starts searching for his element, that of the criminal and the merchant. They'll know something, even if only where to search for further information. Letting his hat fall back, Malic searches the area with bright, eager eyes.

Osprey scans through the crowd, looking for personages who betray some sign of importance.

Arkadi eyes them for weapons, hands in pockets, etc.

<ST`> ::A moment's thought directs Osprey's eyes to those dressed in the deepest black and the purest white.::

<ST`> ::The three mens' attention settles at once on a man bargaining with a talismonger. While arguing about the prie of one item, the richly-dressed man slips three more up his sleeve.::

Malic slowly approaches the man, putting on his best friendly face and waiting for the men to finish their bargaining.

Arkadi arches an eyebrow

Osprey looms darkly.

<ST`> "Five bits for this amulet? What, do you think I died yesterday? I know how much this is worth!"

<ST`> "I'll give you no more than two."

Arkadi bristles somewhat...urge to curbstomp crook bastich...rising

<ST`> ::Eventually they settle on three.::

Malic steps forward as the ghost begins to move away. "Hello, sir. My friends and I just arrived in Skullstone and, seeing your performance back there, I assume you're the sort of man with a good deal of experiance with merchants. Someone with your skills surely gathers a good bit of news as he negotiates and I had hoped you could help us out. We're looking for a friend."

<ST`> The man pauses long enough to listen.

<ST`> "I'd be glad to. You look like a nice enough young man. Here, why don't we get a little snack while we talk? Your friends as well."

Malic nods. "That'd be very welcome."

<ST`> A few steps away is a noodle bar. He orders the four "the usual", which appears to be a light broth with twining noodles and deep-fried spiders in it. You've eaten more exotic food, perhaps, but none so forthright."

Malic is quite used to eating bugs and digs right in. "Mister...I didn't catch your name?"

Gia still has issues with spiders, and quietly requests a glass of water.

Osprey settles down on one of the stools, ignoring the food in favor of watching the somber passers-by.

<Osprey> Without looking, he pulls Gia's bowl over next to his, and positions himself so she won't have to see Malic shoveling the leggy arachnids into his mouth.

Arkadi digs in and after a bit asks what he beleives to means "What's in this?"

<ST`> "I'm Lintha Water Strider. You are?"

<Arkadi> (Err...can we keep away from describing the spiders much folks...I'm rather arachnophobic)

Gia flashes a greatful smile to Osprey.

<ST`> (certainly.)

<ST`> The man at the bar makes a slightly irritated face at Arkadi and replaces his bowl with a seaweed salad.

Arkadi blinks

<Arkadi> "...I asked what was in this...not for a salad..."

<Malic> "My name's Serken Coralraider, I'm from Seyda Neen."

<ST`> He nods politely.

<Osprey> Hearing what he is fairly certain are awful blasphemies against the ancestors coming from Arkadi's mouth, Osprey half-turns to the noodle vendor.

<ST`> "You said that you were looking for someone."

Arkadi looks at osprey "What did I say?"

<Osprey> "I am apology for my friend; he is not speaking your language well." While his grammar won't be winning any awards, his dour expression discourages the man from commenting on this fact.

Malic nods. "I was, indeed. I was given his description, but not his name. He's a friend of one of my contacts, we're supposed to bring him something." Malic describes the man.

Osprey flicks indigo eyes at Arkadi. "It would be best if you kept your mouth closed."

Arkadi scowls "Well crap.

<Osprey> "Yes." Osprey turns away, watching a carriage drawn by a team of skeletal horses pass by.

<ST`> The ghost's eyebrows rise a bit at the description. "Are you -certain- that you're looking for precisely that man?"

Malic nods. "Why do you ask?"

<ST`> He makes a gesture that somehow expresses, "I'm not entirely comfortable with people who are friends of friends of that man," and meanwhile explains, "I wouldn't want to misdirect one of his couriers."

<ST`> "At any rate, I think that you will be most likely to find him in his meditation grove. You're lucky that you met me - not many people know this." He explains how to get there.

Malic nods, expressing understanding "I would feel better delivering to another, but my friend was..most insistant.." Malic's tone implies the friend isnt so friendly. "Can you direct me to him? I'd prefer to finish my buisness as soon as possible."

<ST`> ----

<ST`> **At the Meditation Grove**

<ST`> ::Here, white-flowered vines climb dead trees. The centre of the grove is an open circle of sand.::

Malic steps into the grove, looking around carefully for this...creature that would twist and break the skeins of Fate so brazenly

<ST`> A man dressed in close-fitting black robes emerges from the trees. Butterflies festoon his white hair, and his hands are empty, dripping with blood. He aims a strike at Merciful Osprey's back.

Osprey whirls, his cloak billowing out like dark wings. Well-oiled steel rasps free of its sheath; a long hunting blade flashes through the air. Vermilion motes twine through the air like burning strings, crawling back to the attacker's bloody hands. The man's attack is stopped dead, its destiny evaporating in a shower of red sparks.

Arkadi 's blade sings a single note as it frees itself form the confines of its sheath, arcing out to releive the attacking man of his outstretched hand

ST` is now known as Triumph-of-Melancholy

<Osprey> The man pulls his hand back, Arkadi's blade catching only the tip of a single fingernail.

Triumph-of-Melancholy punches a tree, making his knuckles burst open. His eyes turn into red wells as the gout of blood from his fist shapes itself into a barbed blade - a khatar made of dried blood. Its edges glow malevolently scarlet.

Malic puffs out his chest, grinning as his anima swirls slowly around him, amber fire that surrounds his outspread arms and swirls into a beak-like corona around his face, giving him the faint appearance of a pheonix in flight. The golden metal of his Firewand glitters from within the amber fire. "You have interfered with our plans, Triumph of Melancholy. It will be no great pity that your own plans are permanently disrupted."

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> "You came looking for me again?"

Gia sighs dramatically. "I hope you've learned something since I decimated you in the East. We shall see."

Arkadi silently wonders why he's always the last to find out abotu trivial details like them havign CLASHED WITH THIS JOKER BEFORE ?!

Triumph-of-Melancholy only nods as a blood khatar forms over his other fist.

Osprey stands loosely, blade hanging at his side. He sways minutely, reacting to the bloody man's slightest movement.

<Osprey> "You know this man?" His eyes do not leave said person as he asks the question.

<Malic> "He accosted us in the East and was defeated. He will not survive this meeting."

Gia shoots him a withering look. "He likes to pretend he knowskung fu."

<Arkadi> "Sure doens't look pretend to me."

Triumph-of-Melancholy only stands among the trees, looking relaxed and unconcerned.

Arkadi sways into the attack, like a rolling tide as he feints a kick to ToM's knee before continuing the circular motion with a vicious sword swipe at his foe's torso

<Osprey> Before either man even begins to move, Osprey circles around his opponent with smooth, deceptively slow steps, flanking him. A flurry of slashes from his knife drives the man straight into Arkadi's attack.

Triumph-of-Melancholy coolly parries Osprey's attacks. With the third, he twines his blade around to strike at the man's arm, as well.

Osprey glides back in perfect time; the distance between the two men does not change by an inch.

<Osprey> Triumph-of-Melancholy's carmine blade whistles harmlessly through the air.

Triumph-of-Melancholy stumbles into Arkadi's attack just as Osprey had planned.

<Osprey> Arkadi's sword slashes across his side, leaving a gash in his robes and the flesh beneath.

Malic snarls and brings his out-spread arms together, a pheonix fannin the flames with its blazing wings. As his hands come together, the golden firewand in his grasp spits three grasping talons of fire, a burning talon that lashes across Triumph-of-Melancholy's chest and face, scouring deep, smoking furrows into his dark body.

Malic curses under his breath as the fire washes over the dark Exalt and prepares to charge him down, the Burning Wind suddenly replacing the firewand in his hand, it's firey aura adding to Malic's own

Triumph-of-Melancholy blocks two shots and takes the third in the leg. Ow.

Osprey weaves gracefully to the side, Malic's errant blast streaking past his head to strike one of the dead trees. The fire quickly spreads, making a torch of the dry trunk.

<Gia> The Chosen's eyes harden into emeralds as she regards the man who had the audacity to attack her friend. She leaps forward, glittering motes of Essence shattering the dreary darkness of the Shadowland. Her hands move in a blur, attacking every sensitive area she can see in grim determination.

Triumph-of-Melancholy somehow manages to look discomfited and graceful at once, sliding back across the sand field with every wound.

Triumph-of-Melancholy somehow bursts into flames -before- he collides with the flaming tree trunk.

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> (hm, too many somehows.)

<Arkadi> "That's a new one."

<Arkadi> " know, he really shoudl be alive enough to answer some questions."

<Osprey> Triumph-of-Melancholy's impact knocks free a shower of sparks and burning twigs. Fire races through dry leaves, quickly spreading from tree to tree.

Gia stands with her arms akimbo and her head tilted to one side. "Last time you wished to get away after the first blood. Are you going to talk to us, or have you become less fond of that blood? You certainly seem less attached to it, or rather, it's less attached to you."

Triumph-of-Melancholy adjusts his robes carefully.

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> "Let's talk. But a moment-"

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> He raises a hand above his head. A fountain of blood gushes from the brand on his palm; it fills the grove with a stinking red mist, and extinguishes the flames.

Gia raises her brows.

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> "Sorry if that stained."

<Gia> "Not a problem. Mind telling us what you were doing in our city?"

Triumph-of-Melancholy looks confused.

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> "I assume you don't mean -this- city."

Gia gestures back towards the gate.

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> "Of course. Witnesses."

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> "Accomplices?"

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> "Covering tracks, call it that."

<Arkadi> "Pretty ludicrous way of doing it."

<Triumph-of-Melancholy> "Sensible methods are a little too easy to track down."
