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Jutsu that need flavor text, names, and stuff like that. =) If any names mirror current charms, that's an unconsious mistake, and new suggested naems would be wonderful. Charms are missing prerequsites... that's because i'm not usre what iw ant the tree's to look like. i'm trying to make tree's have more uniform appearances, but it's looking more and more like i won't... so instead, i'm trying to make tree's look like that they do... a fire melee tree woudl be a single sword, a water melee tree about dual weilding would look like 2 swords, an earth resistance tree liek a boulder... etc.


Fire Athletics\\ \\ Flickering Flame Movement\\ Cost: 1m\\ Duration: I\\ Type: Ref\\ Minimum Athletics: 1\\ Minimum Fire: 2\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: None\\ \\ You may reflexively move your normal combat movement speed in addition to any movement you have already made that turn. This jutsu may only be activated once a turn.\\ \\ Exploding Flame Strike\\ Cost: 3 m, 1 w\\ Duration: I\\ Type: Supplemental\\ Minimum Athletics: 2\\ Minimum Fire: 2\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Springing forward as an unimaginable speed, your attack hit with an incrediable force, devastation your opponent. Double the number of damage successes you roll. During a turn in which you use this charm, you may move up to your full sprinting distance instead of your normal combat movement.\\ \\ Blasing Bonfire Style\\ Cost: 5 m, 1 w, +1 m per turn\\ Duration: I\\ Type: Supplemental\\ Minimum Athletics: 3\\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: Exploding Flame Strike \\ \\ Adding to incredible speed a gout of scorching flames… Double the number of damage success you roll on this attack, and your attack cannot be dodged. If at least 1 damage is dealt to an opponent, they ignite, dealing 3L damage each turn, for a number of turns equal to the number of motes you spend. You may spend no more motes on this Jutsu than your Fire element. During a turn in which you use this charm, you may move up to your full sprinting distance instead of your normal combat movement.\\ \\ Fivefold Flickering Conflageration\\ Cost: 3 m\\ Duration: I\\ Type: Ref\\ Minimum Athletics: 4\\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: \\ \\ You receive 1 action, which you may not split, to preform a single attack, a parry, or a single dodge, or movement, without splitting your pool. This action may not be enhanced by any jutsu.\\ \\ Fire Blown by Wind\\ Cost: 4 m\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Athletics: 5\\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: \\ \\ You may move across any non-vertical surface as easily as you move across flat level ground. You move over liquid surfaces as if they were solid as long as you do not stop moving. You may balance on and stand on any solid surface regardless of support as if you were fully supported, and finally, you may “climb” smoke and clouds as long as you do not stop moving.\\ \\ Blasing Bonfire Style\\ Cost: 12 m, 1 w\\ Duration: Turn\\ Type: Ref\\ Minimum Athletics: 5\\ Minimum Fire: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: \\ \\ You gain one fully independent action. This is essentially grants you a second turn in the space of a single turn, with the following restrictions: • You may not activate extra action charms during a turn in which you use a fully independent action. • You do not need to finish all the actions of one fully independent action before you begin the actions of another, and you may delay actions from any fully independent action to any point in the round after you initiative. • You may split your action as normal. • You may not activate an elemental combo on a turn in which you use a fully independent action, but you may choose to use a different element with each subsequent fully independent action. • You may activate complex, supplemental, and reflexive jutsu as normal, and have a full allotment of charm activations for each fully independent action. • Charms with duration of one turn affect all actions they apply to in all fully independent actions taken by a character in a turn. • Only one movement action may be taken.

\\ Fire Presence\\ \\ Teritorial Stance\\ Cost: 6 m, 1 w\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Simple\\ Minimum Presence: 3\\ Minimum Fire: 2\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Choose 2 Effects: • Ignite area: All hostile charcters within the charcters Fire Element in yards suffer 3L damage. If this effect is chose twice, the damage increases to 9L. • Heat Mirage: All attacks against the charcter have their difficulty increased by 2. • Misleading Movement: All attacks made by the charcter are at a difficulty of 2 to dodge or parry. • Heat Buffeting Strikes: Any hand to hand attacks the charcter makes bypasses any non-perfect dodges, inflicting their Fire Element in lethal damage on any unsuccessful attacks that were dodges or partially dodges. This damage may be soaked as normal.


Aura of Majesty\\ Cost: 5 m, 1 w\\ Duration: I\\ Type: Supplemental\\ Minimum Presence: 2\\ Minimum Fire: 1\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ The charcter adds their Fire element to any Prensence rolls they make for the scene.\\ \\ Mirage of Damage \\ Cost: 3 m\\ Duration: Until released\\ Type: Ref\\ Minimum Presence: 2\\ Minimum Fire: 2\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ The character gains a single temporary -0 health levels, which is lost before any other health level is lost. This health level may not be healed by any means, and a character may not benefit from this charm more than once a scene. Multiple applications of this charm do not stack. \\ Shimmering Mirage of Life\\ Cost: 4 m, 1 w\\ Duration: Until released\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Presence: 4\\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: Mirage of Damage\\ \\ The character gains 3 temporary health levels, and all of the characters allies within the characters Presence in yards when this charm is activated gain a single temporary health level. These health levels follow the same rules as the health levels granted by Mirage of Damage.\\ \\ Mirror Image Heat Shimmer\\ Cost: 5 m, 1 w\\ Duration: Until Relesed\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Presence: 4\\ Minimum Fire: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ The character is bathed in radiating waves of heat, giving the impression of being in multiple places at once. The character gains a number of illusionary clones equal to their Fire Element. Any time the character is attacked, they may roll Charisma + Presence against a difficulty of the number of successes rolled on the attacks. The character gains a number of automatic successes equal to their Fire Element on this roll. If the character succeeds, the attack is directed to one of the clones, and the clone acts exactly as the character would if he were hit, then shimmers and disappears. \\ \\ Conflagration of Impassioned Destiny\\ Cost: 10 m, 1 w\\ Duration: I\\ Type: Supplemental\\ Minimum Presence: 5\\ Minimum Fire: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ The character is surrounded in an aura of flame, granting them a terrifying and commanding presence. All attacks against the character are at a difficulty of the characters fire element, and all attacks against characters obviously associated with the character invoking this charm are at ½ that difficulty.\\ \\ Fire Melee\\ \\ Group Die Adder\\ Cost: 1 m / 1 die 1 w, + 2 m per person\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Melee: 2 \\ Minimum Fire: 1\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Adds 1 die to your melee rolls for a scene for each mote you spend, and applies to an additional person for additoanl 2 motes you spend. You may not more than double your Dexterity + Melee score with the use of this charm, and may not add more dice to others than their Dexterity + Melee score. \\ \\ Speed & accuracy booster\\ Cost: 3 m\\ Duration: Turn \\ Type: Suplemental\\ Minimum Melee: 3\\ Minimum Fire: 2\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Add you Fire Element to the Accuracy and Speed statistics of your weapon for the remainder of this turn. \\ \\ Semi-Perfect Parry\\ Cost: 4 m\\ Duration: I \\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Melee: 3\\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Your perfectly parry any non-perfect attack directed against you.\\ \\ Burning Strike (+dmg and light)\\ Cost: 3\\ Duration: I\\ Type: Supplemental\\ Minimum Melee: 4 \\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Add your Fire element to the damage of an attack you make, and if even one die of damage is rolled, your opponent ignites. They take 3L damage, soak able only by natural soak, each turn. This lasts for a number of turns equal to your Melee score. Multiple applications do not stack.\\ \\ Glorious Carnage Typhoon\\ Cost: 8 m 1 w\\ Duration: Instant \\ Type: Extra Action\\ Minimum Melee: 4 \\ Minimum Fire: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Flickering form strike to Strike, the character may make an attack, against any targer within hand to hand combat distance. If that attack is successful, they may move up to their Melee in yards, and make another attack ginst a new target. This may be repeated until the attack is successfully defended against, or there are no targets within range. No character may be attacked more than once per turn with the use of this charm.\\ \\ Blazing Firestorm Strikes\\ Cost: 6 m 1 w\\ Duration: Instant\\ Type: Extra Actions\\ Minimum Melee: 4\\ Minimum Fire: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Roll the characters Dexterity + Melee. For each success, the character may make a single attack at their full pool against any target within range. Additional attack may be at the same target, or against a new target. \\ \\ Perfect Parry + Flaming backlash\\ Cost: 7 m 1 w\\ Duration: Instant\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Melee: 5 \\ Minimum Fire: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ The character parries any attack, even if that attack would normally be unparryable or states that it is unparryable. Roll the characters Fire Element + Melee against a difficulty of the Minimum Element of the incoming attack, or 1 if it is a non Jutsu generated attack. For each success on this roll, the attacker suffers one die of unsoakable lethal damage. \\ \\ Heat-Shimer Blade, Perfect Attack\\ Cost: 2 m, 1 w\\ Duration: Instant\\ Type: Suplemental\\ Minimum Melee: 5 \\ Minimum Fire: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ The characters attack seems to come from every direction at once, rendering it completely undodgeable and unparryable. \\

Fire MA\\ \\ Clinch TN changer\\ Cost: 2m/Target Number increase\\ Duration: Turn\\ Type: Supplemental\\ Minimum Martial Arts: 2 \\ Minimum Fire: 2\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ All actions of your opponent in a clinch or hold have their target number increased by 1 per 2 motes spent on this Jutsu. This may not increase the target number above 9. \\ \\ Burns = +wound penalty\\ Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower\\ Duration: Turn \\ Type: Supplemental\\ Minimum Martial Arts: 3 \\ Minimum Fire: 2\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ For each damage die you roll against opponents this turn, increase their wound penalties by 1.\\ \\ Light Self for +damage & L clinch\\ Cost: 3 motes\\ Duration: Until released \\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Martial Arts: 2\\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\ Burning the air around your body, you create a deadly heat, increasing the damage you deal in a clinch by your Martial Arts, and making that damage lethal.\\ \\ Light Opponent, lingering damage\\ Cost: 3m\\ Duration: Instant \\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Martial Arts: 3\\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: \\ \\ Set any opponent in a Clinch or Hold on fire. They take 6 lethal damage each turn, soakable only with natural soak. This fire continues for a number of turns equal to the user’s Martial Arts. This is magical fire, and may not be put out by normal means, such as depriving it of oxygen or submerging yourself in water. \\ \\ Bursting Knuckle\\ Cost: 4 motes\\ Duration: One Turn\\ Type: Supplemental\\ Minimum Martial Arts: 3 \\ Minimum Fire: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: \\

You surround your body in fire, and use fire’s interaction with air to propel yourself forward at incredible speeds. Your base unarmed damage is increased by your Fire Element, and you may move up to your Dexterity + 12 yards this turn, instead of ½ that value.\\

Explosive Grab\\ Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower\\ Duration: Instant\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Martial Arts: 5 \\ Minimum Fire: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu:\\ \\

Burning the pure hydrogen and oxygen in the air, the martial artist creates an explosion that propels her forward at incredible speeds, allowing her to immediately move her Martial Arts + Fire Element x 5 yards in any direction (even straight up) as long as it is a straight line. She may then make a reflexive clinch or hold attack against any opponent along that line, which may not be parried or dodged. If the martial artist succeeds, she and her target are moved to the maximum range of this jutsu. If they encounter a solid obstacle before reaching this range, resolve it as if the target was subjected to knock back, with no ill effects to the martial artist. If the martial artist fails at her clinch or hold attack, she is still carried the full range, and suffers any ill effects as normal for knock back if she encounters a solid object.\\

