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Requiem for the Fading Light at Eventide, Midnight Caste Abyssal Exalted

Nature - Caregiver

Concept - Bard

Anima - A great curtain of blackness, against which the suggestion of a pair of wings can be picked out in even deeper darkness (Eva style).

Str 1 Cha 4 Int 3

Dex 4 Man 3 Wit 2

Sta 3 App 4 Per 4

Arc 0 End 2 Cra 0

Bra 0 Per 5 Inv 0

MA 0 Pre 4 Lor 3

Mel 0 Res 0 Med 5

Thr 5 Sur 0 Occ 0

Ath 0 Bur 0 Specialties:

Awa 2 Lin 3 Song (Perform) 1

Dod 4 Rid 0 High Realm (Ling) 1

Lar 0 Sai 0

Ste 0 Soc 2

Compassion 4 - Suffering must be ended.

Conviction 3 - Let the will of the Malfeans be done.

Temperance 1 - Oblivion must be spread to all things.

Valour 1 - No! Not the face!

Willpower 7

Essence 3

Personal - 16

Peripheral - 37

Committed - 8 or 12 (depending on whether his bracers are worn)


Whispers 5. Requiem believes he hears the voice of Oblivion Itself, and that he is better connected to the Cause than all but the Malfeans.

Spies 3. Requiem is well-connected among death cults in Creation, and may draw upon some of their intelligence.

Liege 2. Requiem is not obedient enough to be taken into his liege's inner circle, but due to his Whispers and his spies he is useful to his master.

Underworld Manse 1. Requiem has been allowed the use of a small Manse not far from his liege's citadel. He bears the Hearthstone, a Flawed Gem (level 2).

Artifact 3. Requiem carries a pair of soulsteel throwing knives ("The Painkillers") which return to his hands when thrown. (They are a level 3 artifact, seeRequiem/Artifacts) He wears a soulsteel breastplate which resembles a cage of drawn wire about his chest. He owns a pair of soulsteel Hearthstone bracers, in which his Hearthstone is mounted, but does not wear them outside of the Underworld without good cause.


Flesh-Mending Discipline

Touch of Gentle Repose

Blood Mastery Technique

Crypt Bolt

Haunting Inflection Technique

Withering Dirge

Lamenting Ghost Technique

Aid of Ill Wind

Ivory Spine Attack (slightly modified; the poison is painless, in keeping with his theme)

Elegant Tyrant's Majesty

Not quite a starting character; has seen service as an NPC and (with additions) as a PC.

Brief biography.

Requiem was born in Sijan about 24 years ago, to the wealthy Latten family. His parents named him Teren after a dead grandfather (he does not know he was named after a ghost). From an early age, he showed a great aptitude for music, and he was duly sent to whatever passes for a Conservatoire in Sijan. His talent always set him apart from the others; he never really had any close friends. Despite his silver tongue and charming demeanour, there was always something a bit odd about Teren that drove people away. He withdrew into himself, spending long days in contemplation of philosophy and death as the young people of Sijan are prone to do. Finally, he arrived at what he thought was the right answer. He composed a song about it, and performed it at the academy's graduation concert. That night, twelve people committed suicide as a result of hearing his starkly bleak observations upon the pointlessness of life and death. It was then that Teren realised that his presence in the world did nothing more than cause suffering. He went home to his family, and killed his ageing parents as they stood in the doorway to welcome him home, to punish them for bringing him into the world. As he prepared to take his own life, Walker in Darkness' sending appeared to him and showed him that his vision had been correct. It offered him the chance to spread this vision and to help end the suffering of Creation as an Abyssal Exalted. Teren gladly sacrificed his name and his destiny in order to help bring Oblivion to Creation, and from that moment on he has tried to be Oblivion's most devoted servant. He has learned how to fight to defend himself, but has never really gained the taste for it, although his insight into death lends him supernatural skill. He was taught the medical arts in the hope that it would cure him of his (to the dead) disturbing tendency towards sentimentality, however he merely applied his knowledge of death in a new area and used the skills to end his patients' suffering one way or the other. He has spent the last couple of years working closely with death cults in Creation, gradually guiding them towards worship of Oblivion as well as of death.

Appearance: Tall, gaunt, long dark hair. Face like an alabaster angel - perfect features, often with a twist indicating a long-held inner pain. Breastplate is barely visible under a long flowing white cloak originally designed as a shroud, which is the only item of clothing not black.

Could someone who can code better than me, refactor this to make it look prettier? Thanks muchly...