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As of 12-1-04

Maylin bide farwell to Alabaster and Mikoshi before leaving with Foam and a hand full of hobgoblins to help Filial Wisdom with the problem of the goat beast men that were attacking Rathess. When she arrived there, after a rather odd conversation with Foam about the way of the Fae, she was shocked to discover that the Dragon Kings she had seen die of the plague Han-Tha had released were coming back! She was doubly stunned to meet Grey Cloud, a Dragon King from the First Age! Filial Wisdom was pleased she had come, if he was not thrilled by her choice of company. He explained that goat-men had been attacking the city and he did not speak the language to send a message. His emissaries were still missing. Maylin listened and asked if they had any captives she could speak to. Foam mentioned that he could just tear the information from their minds. Maylin insisted that would be only a last choice. Unfortunatly Maylin was unable to speak the language of the goat men and had to allow Foam to tear the information of Ma-Ha-Suchi from them and impart to them that it would mean death if they failed to deliver the message that maylin wrote to Ma-Ha-Suchi demanding that he meet to speak with her about Rathess.

Once the goat-men has been sent, Maylin was shown around the new Rathess by Cloud. She discovered that Wisdom was employing the use of demons quiet often in his rebuilding. This disturbed her slightly, but that was soon ignored when she discovered that there was a way to awaken the Dragon Kings that had been found in Ruby's tomb long ago. Her mind has been churning with what that could mean to the sorcerer abilities of Zen and Ruby ever sense. Not to mention the secrets those Dragon Kings would hold about the First Age. She was pleased to discover that Wisdom had been able to turn his skills to returning the Dragon Kings from their fural nature, and had even set up a school-like system to help return them. She watched this for as long as she could, for it reminded her of her hopes for Thorns. At last Cloud told her that she needed to rest and maylin followed him to a room that she and Foam shared.

Curious now about the Fae powers, Maylin asked Foam questions about how he had made the goat men agree. At last the only way to understand was to see and so maylin opened her mind to the fae. She saw herself standing alone on a desert like plain, and feeling so very alone. As she looked around for anything familiar it grew colder. She cried out to Foam to tell her where she was and struggled to keep her dignity in the oppressing feelings of lonliness. At last she screamed that she could take no more and begged Foam to let her out. He did and Maylin found herself back in her room, the goosebumps fading from her skin. Worn out from her trip through Yu-Shan and everything that had happened, Maylin climbed into the bed and was asleep with a whispered question to Foam about how he could hate them so completly.

In the morning, Maylin woke and went outside to find Wisdom waiting for her with news that Ma-Ha-Suchi was at the gates of Rathess. She followed him there and looked at over a thousand goat men, armed to the teeth in a clearing in front of the gates. Among them stood a 11 foot tall man with silver tattoos over his arms and chest. Swallowing back her fear of Lunars, Maylin went over the walls and approached him, well out of range for Wisdom to help her if Ma-Ha-Suchi decided to simply strike her down. Maylin does not think that Lunars have the patience to talk, and Ma-Ha-Suchi proved her correct when he demanded that she dispense with her formal speech, something which Maylin did not do entirely. They spoke at length about Ma-Ha-Suchi's wish to enter Rathess to pillage it, Maylin telling him that the treasure he sought was not there for if it was it would be in use right now. At last they struck a deal (after a great many insults were thrown at Maylin) that Ma-Ha-Suchi would enter the city, alone and be allowed to search for as long as he wanted for his treasure. Once he was satisfied he would leave Rathess and never return under an aggressive banner ever again. He agreed to this and Maylin escorted him back into the city, after finding him disturbingly familiar, pleased with what she had done. Until she found out that Wisdom had known the treasure was there. Quickly she became disappointed in herself for making the situation worse. She pleaded for forgiveness from Wisdom, and while she recieved it, and praise that she had at least solved the problem without lose of life, Maylin does not forgive herself.

She returned to Lookshy with Foam the next day, still upset at what she sees as more of a failure than a success, and only counts it as such because she stood up to an 11 foot tall Lunar when she is terrified of them. After meeting Bright Wind and finding out what happened to the others, as well as telling Ruby that she is pregnant with Alabaster's baby, her mood improved for when she told everyone what had happened in Rathess, she was also praised. She was also given AShraielle's spear, Shamira, and Alabaster was given Maenin's coronet. When he put it on through, his anime banner exploded and he fell to the ground screaming in pain as his caste mark turned gold then black, bleeding heavily until finally he fainted and the coronet rolled off. In a panic, Maylin struck a few of her circle members to get to him, washing his face and ordering him put into their bed. She refused to leave his side, holding his hand and watching him, even as Zen tried to examine what had happened to him. It wasn't until he awoke and told them that he had seen the Unconquered Sun shaking his head at him that they were able to get an idea of what had happened. Maylin's drive to save him was renewed once again.

The next day found Maylin and the others on the bridge of a Skywolf, flying to attack Thorns and get revenge on the assassination of the Daimyo Anato. She felt alone for Alabaster was with Walker's army and would be arriving more slowly below her. As they approached the city, Maylin became distrubed by the magic clouds that blocked the view. She warned Mikoshi, who said it was to be suspected, before they discovered that their tracking equitment was being jammed and they were flying into a trap! Maylin began to immediatly call up her own clouds to defend her friends with lightening as giant bone creations began to drop zombies on the decks of the Skywolves. Maylin just hopes that everyone will survive.

As of 11-1-04

THe morning of Walker's arrival dawned with Maylin in a panic of trying to make herself perfect to meet Alabaster's master. Between fighting her curls back behind a tiara and applying cosmetics, Maylin tried to figure what she would say to the Deathlord, deciding that she would let the conversation go as it would and not ask any of the questions she wanted to ask. After all, it didn't matter why Alabaster had been sent to her, only that he stayed.

When a guard came to escort them to the meeting room of Mikoshi, Maylin flinched at seeing Endless Chase in his leather apron and made a mental note to arrange for him to get a tailored suit...soon! But her biggest shock was when Endless Chase insisted on getting the door for her and entered the room announcing her as the "Lady Maylin" as if she was some sort of true dignitary. Maylin is still unsure of what to make of this new Endless Chase. The conference centered on a plan for destroying Mask of Winters, not nothing about destroying Juggernaut, which set Maylin on edge for her plans with the conquered Thorns. It's hard to set up a town in a shadowland, much less a shadowland with a three-mile long corpse in it! Maylin became slightly disturbed when the plan did not seem to make room for what limited help she could give (namely her tiara), and when Walker left behind another Abyssal. As much as Maylin would like to believe, she can't shake the worry that GLory was left to spy on her and Alabaster.

THe next morning, Maylin sought an audience with Mikoshi where together they worked out a plan that would maximize Maylin's usefulness without hurting her allies. Afterwards Maylin left for the city to inform her Emporium that she approved the expansion and that she would be in Lookshy for the rest of the season at least should anything arise that would require her immediate attention. Now to sit back and wait for the guild back lash. When she returned to the Rock, she found Alabaster catching up on news with Glory and told him about the plan she and Mikoshi had agreed to. In the hopes of distracting themselves from the talk of the war, May and Alabaster went to play with the girls while Endless Chase and Glory talked. While May and Alabaster talked, Maylin confessed that she worried about Glory's presence, and thought that Walker might have left her there with the duel purpose of spying on them. Alabaster laughed and asked why Walker would want to spy on him and Maylin confessed that she had been looking for a way to help Alabaster cleanse his shard. When Alabaster was unable to speak, Maylin excused herself to talk to Chase, a conversation which left her more than a little confused. What was Chase doing complimenting her? Telling her that her voice would rule nations? Maylin doesn't want that kind of power anymore, yet here was someone she had ruled to be her nemises telling her that he hoped she did.

After talking with Endless Chase, Maylin returned to find Alabaster leading the girls in a game from his childhood. If there were any hurt feelings, Alabaster had set them aside as he comforted Maylin. Just as the air between the two cleared, a message arrived from Filial Wisdom in Rathess, asking for Maylin to come help him with some trouble. Already Maylin knows she will go, after all the problem is probably with some fae...and Maylin has delt with fae before.

AS of 10-4(?)-04

The good news is that the Emporium is ready to expand with a store and a warehouse in Sijian...the bad news is the Emporium is ready to expand with a store and a warehouse in Sijian. Maylin heard horror stories on the trip to Rathess about the Guild, and expanding into Sijian would bring the Guild knocking at her door with an invitation of "Join or Die...please". Because Lord Leothis was a member of the Guild, Maylin enjoyed all the perks of membership without being a member while she was his...secretary *ahem* but being a full member might bring more attention to the Emporium than the Solar might like. Wyld Hunt, anyone? In the end Maylin has decided to go ahead with the expansion and deal with the Guild when it happens.

With Kitsune gone to find other Lunars to learn with, Maylin is finally able to relax a little. Of course Endless Chase being back counters that, but he's been nothing but curtious to her. It seemed there would be a few days of blissful time with Alabaster, until he announced that Walker would be coming to Lookshy--the next morning! With someone so important coming, Maylin becomes a flurry of panic and anxiety between what will she wear to how will she act and how will the others behave? In the middle of her panic state Maylin slipped back into her childish state and told Alabaster she was pregnant, which calmed her down like a bucket of cold water when he was unable to speak. When she told him that there were enough people to help her should he decide to leave, he refused saying his concern was how he could be a good father. When Ruby asked Maylin to watch Ember and Onyx while Zen, Ruby, Alaethis, and Pathian went to Zen's tomb. Quickly she agreed and as such the two will be practicing being parents.

After months of having an unannounced debt from Endless Chase, Maylin has found a way for Endless Chase to repay her and maybe free Alabaster at the same time. She has asked Endless Chase to use his first age Solar connections to locate Autochthon so that Maylin can find out how to go about cleansing a tainted shard.

As of 9-27-2004

It seems as if Maylin's word is crashing down around her. DUring a pre-dawn meeting with Kitsune, the Damyio, and everyone else, including the improptu entrance of Endless Chase and Alaethis, Maylin heard that the Abyssals of Thorns were behind the barbarian raids and are gearing up for a full scale attack. WHile this was getting explained, the map in the war room lit up, and Pathian burst in to announce that there were ghosts inside Lookshy. The Daimyo raced out shouting for the troops to deploy and defend the city, leaving the Exalts to their own devices. Being the least able to help in the true defense, Maylin rushed to defend the children should the ghosts get in.

Between the Seventh Legion and the Exalts the ghosts were held back until Alabaster pointed out that it didn't make sense to attack now since it was nearly dawn and ghosts can not linger after sunrise. Then it struck everyone that they were a distraction to get to the DAimyo. As the Circle raced to Anato's aid, Alabaster rushed to check on Maylin, and while battle raged outside, Alabaster promised that he would take Maylin to meet Walker in Darkness so she could get the answers Alabaster can't tell her. The circle got there too late to save Anato, but Ruby was able to take care of his assassian. When the death toll rang out at dawn, Alabaster announced that he had to leave to inform Walker of the Daimyo's death. Before he left, Maylin gave him a gift: a silver ring shaped like a torc with the tongues of the dog heads twineing around a black diamond. Although she said she did not expect him to wear it, Alabaster put it on and kissed her good bye before leaving.

Lonely as usual when he leaves her, Maylin wandered outside to see the others. She sneered in disgust at the sight of the decapitated corpse of the assassin before approaching the others--just in time to hear Alaethis gush about how Maenin and Hikari were the most celebrated love in the First Age. Maylin glares at him, but is even more surprised when Endless Chase kneels to her and asks her forgivness for leaving before he had repaid his debt. Shocked (and a little embaressed) Maylin tells him not to worry before explaining why Kitsune's shard wasn't tainted, taking the chance to remind Alaethis cruelly that he had abandoned Ashraielle to die while Hikari had come to Maenin's defense. Before things could get really ugly again between Alaethis and the reincarnation of his wife, Endless Chase insisted on telling the tale of his journey to the wilderness and why his left arm was decayed and scared. Once in the room, he told the story of finding Nine Lives, Shining Star's mate, and getting bit by the insane Lunar. He announced that his journey had taught him that his place was with the circle and that he was back to stay.

Two days later, the Exalts were gathered before Mikoshi and the council of Lookshy. At the announcment that Mikoshi had been elected the new Daimyo, the circle was assured a continued stay in Lookshy, as well as access to a few fun First Age toys. The circle would continue to help Lookshy in the coming battle against Thorns, and Mikoshi would see that they were used properly.

Alabaster is back with her, the new Daimyo is more accepting of the circle, and Zen and May are even being curtious to one another. Maylin can demand Endless Chase's aid on any task because of his debt, and she gets to stay in Lookshy. With all this good news, why is Maylin so stressed that she has missed her courses? It is because of stress...right?

As of 9-13-2004

Maylin, Ruby, and Zen got a jump start on helping the Daimyo plan for the war by going into the war room and looking at a variety of documents. Most of it was pretty standard, but the random attack of an outpost by barbarians made all three girls worry. Once the Daimyo had arrived, Maylin jumped into informing him of the situation at hand while Ruby and Zen departed to talk of other things. After some conferncing the Daimyo and May decided that there was the chance that the attack could have been Abyssal prompted. She decided to use Ruby's knowledge of sorcery (Zen had disappeared)to send a message to Alabaster and ask him if Walker's spies had uncovered anything. Afterwards she realized that something was bothering Ruby and discovered that Zen was pregnant...with Alathis's baby. Maylin swore not to tell the father but did not promise not to tell Zen she knew. She worries that Zen will use this as a bartering chip to continue getting the wanted attention from the First Age Lunar. Maylin doubly worries because Ruby is also pregnant again and by the same father, but at that news, she was a bit happier since she was hoping to make up for her past mistakes with Alathis by pushing him to take Ruby as a mate.

As a way to cheer her up, get out of the fort, and get on Ruby's good side, Maylin offered to take her out to lunch. On the way to the restuarant, Maylin spotted Zen on what looked like a date with none other than Mikoshi, the DAimyo's son. Logging that information away for a later date, Maylin was about to enter with Ruby when she realized that Alabaster was working his way through the crowd. Maylin sent Sayjin to fetch him while she made sure that Ruby and little Ember were comfortably seated inside. When he joined them, Maylin recieved a pleasent surprise from the normally reserved Alabaster when he took her hand in public. Lunch was going well, espacilly when Alabaster Chimes announced that he was back a while. When asked why he replied that Walker had said he would see what needed to be done. Maylin laughed and said that could take time since they still didn't know why Walker had sent Alabaster to Maylin's store. SUddenly Alabaster grew sullen and said that he would tell Maylin if he could. At finding out that he knew, Maylin murmured an excuse about needing air and left quickly, hurt that he would not share with her something that has bothered her for some time.

Alabaster and Maylin come from two different worlds and serve two differents lords, Maylin serves the DAimyo and Alabaster serves Walker. Maylin will not hesitate to keep Alabaster informed, and worries when it's not recipocated. If that isn't enough, what about when the war is done and the time has come to decide what to do with Thorns. Can thier love survive the peace talks with Maylin behind the Daimyo and ALabaster behind Walker?

As of a date that is undisclosed because I can't remember

Despite the seething hatred that is stirring in Maylin's mind about Kitsune, something resembling civility, but more resembling the silent treatment, has evolved. After dragging Pathien with her around the business and artisan districts of Lookshy, as well as sending a message to the Emporium and requesting a copy of the books and a special order for Alabaster (a ring made to look like a silver torc with a black diamond). For perhaps the first time, Pathien has revealed what he wishes to be done with the world once the Solars return to power. He seeks for justice, to paint it with a thick brush, including swift and harsh punishments for criminals. Using this as a jumping point, Maylin explained to him what she would like to see Thorns turned into: a haven for Exalted to learn to use their powers and cultivate relationships. He listened as she explained why she thought that attacking the realm was pointless since it was bound to collapse soon and when it did, if things did not change it would be the Abyssals who would take over since they were the only ones with the organization skills to control Creation. Either because he saw the wisdom in this, or because he wanted to get out of the cold soon, he agreed to help Maylin to earn the trust of the Daimyo (which she has realized Zen will no longer help her with) by aiding his spies.

For two months, Maylin became rather secluded studying military tactics and reviewing the books of her Emporium. She was often alone as Alabaster was away with Walker for often weeks on end. In the end, however, the Daimyo summoned his pet Solars to his war chambers and sent out Kitsune and Pathien to find out why Mask has not made any move even though he knows Lookshy is gearing up for a war with him. Maylin proved that her love for Alabaster was not fleeting when she staked her life on Alabaster's loyalty to Lookshy and that this war was not just some scam to crush the city between Abyssal fists.

War is brewing, may and Zen still will not speak to each other, and now the Daimyo knows Maylin can control the weather with her pretty little crown

As of 4-27-2004

After the side step to Stonewall and Pathian's manse, the group traveled back to Lookshy. Maylin might have been more upset that she was not given the time of day by the Daimyo, being the Eclipse after all, she is supposed to handle those situations, but something else distracted her from that. The group was given a girl by the name of Kitsune, a Lunar that turned up in Lookshy, who was formerly known as Hikari, Maenin's wife. Maylin, already a rather possessive person about what is hers was set off even more when Kitsune slapped Alabaster Chimes across the face. In talking about it, Maylin noted that Kitsune was "pretty" Alabaster Chimes replied with a compliment, but in truth nothing he said would have been right. Ashraielle had been one of the most beautiful women in Creation, something Maylin is not, and that had not been enough to hold Maenin...

If Maylin lets Alabaster and Kitsune spend time together remembering and coming to terms with what happened, will she lose him...and will he run if she doesn't? Right now Maylin needs the support and comfort of her friends, but they all seem more intrested in Kitsune and she and Zenleigha have still not worked through the split that happened between them in Rathess.

As of 4-13-2004

Well, the peace negotiations went off without a hitch...too bad the only ones that actually witnessed it were there in case Filial Wisdom tried much for the support of the group. Anyway, while Maylin was proud of herself for helping to stop the senseless killing of beings that should all work together, the treaty was finalized with the promise that Filial would help to destroy Han-Tha. Maylin stayed back with the children and with Foam while the others went to battle the god.

While they were successful in killing the god, Zen called on Maylin to help figure out how to end a disease curse that had been put on the party. She guided Foam and Endless Chase in destroying the alter, which saved the party, but not the Dragon Kings.

Eager to return to Lookshy and civiliazition, Maylin took the news that the party was thinking of going back to Stonewall to activate Pathien's manse and get a hearthstone very poorly. She argued that she would be more useful in Lookshy and that she was useless back in Stonewall. While the rest of the party did not seem to find fault in this idea, Zenleigha had had enough. Calling Maylin a child and slapping her across the face, Zenleigha said that if Maylin wanted the support of the group she needed to be part of it to which maylin asked where her support had been before. It was only at Alabaster Chimes's insistance that she eventually agreed to go to Stonewall, but she is only speaking and looking at Alabaster and Ruby. This is the third time in Rathess alone that she has been called a spoiled child...there is little telling how many more times she will take it before she demolishes the gap between her world and Alabaster's...

As of 4/1/2004

As of 3-30-2004:

Maylin confessed that she has not really lost her feelings for Alabaster Chimes, and he in turn confessed that he had never really gotten over her either. As perfect of a moment as that sounds, Maylin asked that he not tell her that since she was supposed to be focusing on getting the Daimyo to marry her. Before Alabaster CHimes could explain what his thoughts were, Pathian joined them at the fire, ending all conversations of that nature.

Additionally, Maylin found the journal entry that revealed Endless Chase was thinking of leaving since Ruby had decided to begin a real relationship with Alaethis. As far as she knows, she's the only one that knows his plans. HOwever, can Maylin, who left the group as well for something she felt dedicated to, bring herself to convince him to stay? What right would she have telling him not to run away?

As of 3-16-2004:

Maylin suceeded in talking Filial Wisdom into meeting with the Dragon Kings to establish "peace" in Rathess (reality she wants to make sure a Solar's there to provide more connections)after a rather stressful discussion with Filial's god, Han-Tha, who refused to let even the idea through. Despite this victory, Maylin became heart sick after she used Know the Soul's Price on him. Her nightmare of becoming her First Age self is becoming more and more real to her, and the fact that her former husband is now with the group again, there is a very poinant reminder of the consequences of that happening.

On top of that, Alabaster Chimes, formerly Maenin has returned to the group after parting at Lookshy. Although they met each other through a business agreement, memories and dreams have surfaced: Maenin was Ashraielle's first love. Some of those feelings haven't faded. Too bad Maylin has also seen vision of the Daimyo...