Interested2/Quicksilver Locust

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Quicksilver Locust


A Night Caste from the borderlands, Locust was a participant in the local fight club from a young age - first as bait, and then, after he continued to survive poundings from fighters far more aged and experienced than he, as a fighter. In the arena, he learned a lesson that guides his life even today: speed, not strength, wins the day every time. Quicksilver Locust Exalted only recently; nevertheless, he has possession of a wide array of artifacts taken from the possessions of opponents and fallen allies alike in the time since his Second Breath. Unfortunately, his desire to avoid the arena has led to him wandering far and wide, and he has few possessions to his name aside from the gear on him.



Quicksilver Locust is a decidedly average looking young man, neither fat nor thin, tall nor short - wholly unremarkable. He prefers baggy robes and cloaks, and conceals his armour and weapons beneath them.

Character Sheet

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wits 3
Virtues (Virtue Flaw)
Compassion 1, Conviction 3 (Heart of Flint), Temperance 2, Valour 3
Abilities (Caste or Favoured)
Melee 5, War 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 5 (+2 from armour included), Dodge 5, Stealth 3, Integrity 3, Presence 3, Resistance 3, Lore 1
Manse •••••, Artifact ••, Artifact •, Artifact ••, Artifact ••, Resources ••
Athletics (2nd), Melee (2nd)
Athletics (Thunderbolt Attack Prana), Dodge (Shadow over Water), Melee (Hungry Tiger Technique, Fire and Stones Strike), Resistance (Essence-Gathering Temper, Ox-Body Technique, Durability of Oak Meditation, Iron Skin Concentration)
Absorbent Defense (Essence-Gathering Temper, Iron Skin Concentration)
Join Battle: 9 (+3 from armour included)
Dodge DV: 7
Parry DV(with Daiklave): 6 (+1 from buckler included)
Soak: 11B/10L/8A (Orichalcum Falcon Armour, Mobility 0, Fatigue 0)
Lightning Punisher - Speed 2, Accuracy 12, Damage 15L/3 (O), Rate 3
Join Debate: 6
Dodge MDV: 5
Parry MDV: 3
Locust is good friends with his manse, Sinoya.
Essence: 2
Willpower: 6
Essence Pool: Personal – 0/12 / Peripheral – 29/29 / Commited – 12
Health Levels: -0 / -1 / -1 / -1 / -2 / -2 / -2 / -2 / -4 / Incap
Burlap sack-type baggy coverings
The Lightning Punisher
Orichalcum Fivefold Harmonic Adapter
Orichalcum Falcon Armour
Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers
Buckler - +1 Parry DV in close combat

Background Expansions

Manse •••••
Locust is good friends with his manse, Sinoya. Strange as it sounds, Sinoya is fully sentient and in point of fact smarter than he is. He has a Hearthstone of Perfect Mobility from her, which reduces all of his actions to half normal time (round up).
Artifact ••, the Lightning Punisher
The Lightning Punisher is a unique Blue Jade Reaver Daiklave with special powers. First, when swung, it transforms into a slab-like blade of crackling electricity that is extremely effective against those wearing armour composed mainly or entirely of metal (ST's discretion) and against metal objects. The Lightning Punisher gains Piercing against such targets. Because of this unique transformation, the Lightning Punisher is exceptionally difficulty to parry - it reduces the effective Parry DV against it's attacks by 1.
Artifact •
Orichalcum Fivefold Harmonic Adapter
Artifact ••
Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers, currently socketed with his Hearthstone.
Artifact ••
Orichalcum Falcon Armour, lethal unarmed damage and parry lethals with unarmed, +3 join battle, +2 awareness

Experience (BPs)

Current: 7
Spent: 0
Total: 7
History: first session: 4, second session: 2, third session: 1


As of session 2: 1 temporary WP spent.
