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Familiar Charms

Bonds of Trust Approach</b>

<b>Cost: 1 mote per 2 dice
Type:: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Minimum Familiar: 1
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: None

A familiar is its own being, but it is also an extension of the self. With this Charm, the character makes his familiar an extension of his self. The character increases the number of dice that the Familiar may roll on a single die roll. No more dice may be added than the character's Familiar score, and the total die pool may not exceed the character's natural die pool in that task.

Two Move As One Approach</b>

<b>Cost: None
Type:: Special
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Familiar: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Bonds of Trust Approach

A veteran Regnant finds that his familiars may become targets for the enemy; in fact, their simple presence can lead to danger for them. With this Charm, he integrates his familiars into his personal Essence. The character's Familiars may use all of the character's Supplemental or Reflexive Charms, at a cost of the normal Charm +1. Essence is spent from the Familiar's pool first, then from the character's. Any Charms thus activated count as the character's Charm usage for the turn, and may be activated as part of a Combo by the character. The character and the familiar may use the same Charm in the same turn, but not different turns.

Man's Best Friend Approach</b>

<b>Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower
Type:: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Familiar: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Two Move As One Approach

The character's familiar gains all the powers needed to support the character. The character chooses a single Familiar. For the duration of the scene, the Familiar has full access to all of the character's Charms and Combos. The Familiar spends her own Essence first, and then the character's; she spends only her own Willpower. The Familiar may use Charms and Comboes independantly of the character.

Family Understanding Method</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes
Type:: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Familiar: 3
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: None

Through his connection to his familiar, the character gains a connection to the natural world. Upon activating this Charm, the character chooses a species that corresponds to one of their Familiars. The character may speak with any animal of that species; the character will make the normal noises of that species when speaking such, and may switch as with any other language. Remember that unless that animal is a magically intelligent creature (such as another Familiar, a shapeshifted Lunar, or an Animal Avatar), complex concepts will be beyond it.

Master of the Wild</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes
Type:: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Familiar: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Family Understanding Method

The character demonstrates her mastery over the wild, standing as a lord of the animal kingdom as well as the human. For the duration of the scene, the character will register as someone dangerous to all animals; they will avoid him if possible, will not attack or approach him unless coerced, and even then will suffer a penalty equal to the character's Essence to all actions. All Ride rolls to force animals to attack the character suffer a difficulty penalty equal to the character's Essence. Sentient animals must succeed at a Valor roll to oppose the character (Lunars and other shapeshifter are affected only while in a fully animal form).

One With Nature Approach</b>

<b>Cost: 8 motes
Type:: Simple
Duration: One Day
Minimum Familiar: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Master of the Wild

To a true scholar of Familiars, all of nature is as your garden. With this Charm active, the character may cross even the roughest natural terrain as though it were a paved road; she suffers no penalties for thick grasses, thickets, forests, swamps, or similar terrain. No animals will attack her for the day, and will pass her by, and no plants will bar her way or oppose her. The character may include up to her Familiar + Essence worth of people in the Charm's effects. If anyone affected by the Charm deliberately brings harm to a plant or animal, the Charm ends instantly.

Animal-Training Technique</b>

<b>Cost: 15 motes, 1 willpower
Type:: Simple
Duration: Special
Minimum Familiar: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Bonds of Trust Approach, Family Understanding Method

Through extensive work, the character trains animals to respond to commands and do whatever needs to be done, even if they don't understand it. The character chooses a number of non-magical, unintelligent animals up to her Essence score and rolls Charisma + Familiar; if the character has a familiar of the same species, the difficulty is +1, otherwise it is +3. Each roll represents a full day of training. For each success that the roll beats the difficulty by, the character may teach the animals to obey a simple command. The animals will only obey the character.

Commanding the Kingdoms Method</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes
Type:: Simple
Duration: One Day
Minimum Familiar: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Animal Training Technique, Master of the Wild

The true Regnant knows that even the plants and animals of the world bend to his will, and forces it upon a target. Choose a single nonintelligent animal or plant that the character can see; the character may compel the animal to complete a single task, even if it does not understand what the task means. If the task goes strongly against the animal's natural instincts or training, the character must roll Charisma + Familiar against the target's Willpower to succeed. If it goes strongly against both, the animal's Willpower is applied as a difficulty modifier instead of being rolled. If the task is not completed at the end of one day's time, the effect ends.

Animal Empowerment Technique</b>

<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Type:: Simple
Duration: One Day
Minimum Familiar: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Two Fight As One Approach, Commanding the Kingdoms Method

A true Regnant understands that any animal holds the seeds of their own familiars. Choose a single unintelligent animal that is not trained by another person. For the duration of the day, the character may treat the animal as a 5-pt Familiar for all purposes, including the use of Charms in this tree. At the end of the day, the character may choose to spend any amount of experience to keep the animal as a Familiar (at the usual cost), or may let the link dissolve normally.

Animal Possession Technique</b>

<b>Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
Type:: Simple
Duration: Special
Minimum Familiar: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Commanding the Kingdoms Method

Through force of will, the character detaches her higher soul from her body and enters an animal, taking control of it. The character must choose either one of her familiars, or any unintelligent, Essence 1 animal and touch it. For the duration of the Charm, the character's mind leaves her body and inhabits the animal. She uses all of the animal's Physical Attributes and Appearance, her own Charisma, Manipulation, and Mental Attributes, and the higher of the animal's Abilities or her own. She may use any Charms that can be activated as an animal, but must pay 1 extra mote per activation. The character must commit 8 more motes or 1Willpower for each hour that she remains in the animal; if she cannot pay, the link is forcibly severed. To end the Charm normally, the character must return the animal to her body and end the Charm. If the Charm ends when the character is not near the animal, either because she cannot pay or because it dies, she takes one automatic unsoakable level of aggravated damage and must roll her Essence. One minute of time passes per roll; each success allows the character to get 10 miles closer to her body. After each roll, if she is not back at her body, she takes one more automatic unsoakable level of aggravated damage. If she dies during this process, she dies. Willpower and virtues may be channeled on this roll.