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Nellens Silis

NAME                                                   HOMELAND
Nellens Silis                                          The Imperial City
CASTE                                                  ANIMA POWER
Fire                                                   Immune to Fire, [Essence] damage
NATURE                                                 EXPERIENCE
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength    * * *               Charisma        * * * *         Perception      * * *
Dexterity   * * * * *           Manipulation    * *             Intelligence    * *
Stamina     * * *               Appearance      * * * *         Wits            * * *

--AIR --                        --EARTH--                        --FIRE--
□Linguistics   * *              □Awareness     * *              ■Athletics     * * * *
□Lore          * *              □Craft                          ■Dodge         * * * *
□Occult                         ■Endurance     * *              ■Melee         * * *
□Stealth                        ■Martial Arts  * * *            ■Presence      * * *
□Thrown        *                □Resistance    *                ■Socialize     * * *

--WATER--                       --WOOD--                         --SPECIALTIES--
□Brawl                          □Archery       *      
□Bureaucracy   *                □Medicine      
□Investigation                  ■Performance   * * *
□Larceny                        □Ride          * *
□Sail                           □Survival      *

Languages known: Native: Low Realm, High Realm, Rivertongue
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         * *             VIRTUES
Willpower:                      Personal:       11:11           Compassion     * *
* * * * * * *                   Committed:      00              Conviction     * * *
                                Peripheral:     25:25           Temperance     *
                                Committed:      00              Valor          * * * *
BACKGROUND                      DESCRIPTION

Breeding            * *         Father was a Dragon Blood
Reputation          * *         Well-known circus performer in a famous group
Resources           *           Money from performing
Contacts (oulaws)   *           Shady people met in traveling
Contacts (industry) *           Tradesmen in various cities 

[[MERITEndlessChase/FLAW]]               COST      DESCRIPTION

Common Sense              +1       ST helps when character is going to do something dumb

Omnidextrous              +2       No offhand penalty, can use feet too

Daredevil                 +4       Double stunt dice on an action of Difficult 3+ when
                                   a Willpower point is spent

Double-jointed            +3       +2 dice on rolls dealing with flexibility
Initiative:     8               Soak ([[LEndlessChase/B]]):    (1L/3B)          Mobility:          0
ARMOR:  None                    w[[EndlessChase/Armor]]:       (1L/3B)          Fatigue:          -0

   -0   -1          -2                -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O    O O O       O O O             O    O                O O 

MELEE                   SPEED      ACCURACY    DAMAGE   DEFENSE
Fist                    8(+0)      8(+0)       3B(+0B)  8(+0)
Knife                   11(+3)     8(+0)       4L(+1L)  6(-2)

RANGED                  RATE       ACCURACY    DAMAGE   RANGE

Dodge                   9


CHARM                        COST      DURATION  TYPE         EFFECT

Effortlessly Rising Flame    1 mote    Instant   Reflexive    Rise from prone position 
(Fire)                                                        reflexively

Falling Star Maneuver        1 mote/   Instant   Supplemental Add damage dice to an 
(Fire)                       2 dice                           attack, max Perm. Essence

Ox Body Technique (Earth)    [[NEndlessChase/A]]       Permanent Special      -1 x 1, -2 x 1 HL's

Flickering Candle Meditation 1 mote/   Instant   Reflexive    Add dice to a Dodge roll
(Fire)                       2 dice

Dragon-Graced Weapon (Fire)  1 mote    Instant   Supplemental Flames on weapon.  Target
                                                              must soak 4L fire next turn

Glowing Coal Radiance (Fire) 2 motes   One turn  Simple       Succeed in a Willpower roll
                                                              to attack the character

Memorable Performance        1 mote/   Instant   Supplemental Add dice to a Performance
Technique (Wood)             2 dice                           roll

ITEM                            QUANTITY                   NOTES
