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Unfailing StoneDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  1 mote per 2 dice
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Instant
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Reflexive
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  2
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  1
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> None

The Dynast draws the very untiring stamina of the Earth itself into his body, flooding himself with new energy and resolve to continue on his task, whatever it may be. The Terrestrial may add 2 dice to any Endurance roll for every 1 mote spent, up to a maximum of his Ability + Relevant Specialties

<B><I>Draconic RespirationDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  2 motes
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Instant
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Reflexive
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  2
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  1
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> None

The Dynast takes a moment, less than a turn, to breathe in, and refill herself with the power of her elemental heritage. By spending 2 motes of Essence, the character's player may reroll any Endurance check completely. The second result must be accepted, and if this is a part of a Combo, any relevant Charms must be paid for again.

<B><I>Discipline of the Unsleeping AnchoriteDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  None
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Permanent
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Special
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Draconic Respiration, Unsleeping Earth Meditation

Originally created by Immaculate hermits who strove to cast off worldly concerns and become greater syntheses of flesh and spirit, this Charm develops the Dynast's natural connection with Creation through the Five Elements, allowing him to pass beyond some of the mortal limitations of his body. So long as the character is within Creation or a natural border of Creation (shadowlands, the Bordermarches), he needs only half the amount of sleep that he would ordinarily require. Should the Terrestrial activate Unsleeping Earth Meditation while this effect applies, he may go twice as long without sleeping before losing Willpower, and only loses one temporary Willpower dot for every two days beyond that. Although initially created by Immaculate Monks, it is currently available to all Dragon-Blooded. This Charm may only be taken once.

<B><I>Discipline of the Uneating AnchoriteDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  None
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Permanent
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Special
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Discipline of the Unsleeping Anchorite, Uneating Earth Meditation

The Terrestrial continues her development of her connection to Creation's powerful elemental poles, leaving behind some of her need to eat and drink. So long as the Dynast remains within Creation or the natural borders of Creation, she need only eat and drink half as much as usual. Should the Terrestrial activate Uneating Earth Meditation while this effect applies, he may go twice as long without eating before taking damage, and only takes damage for every two days beyond that. This Charm may only be taken once.

<B><I>Discipline of the Unbreathing AnchoriteDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  None
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Permanent
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Special
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  4
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Discipline of the Uneating Anchorite, Unbreathing Earth Meditation

The flow of essence through Creation can replace the need of a Terrestrial to breathe, letting him "breathe" with the natural cycles of the world. So long as the character remains within Creation or the natural borders of Creation, he may hold his breath twice as long as normal, and gains +2 dice (count as charm bonus dice) to resist drowning, poison gas, or other effects that rely on the character's breath. If the character activates Unbreathing Earth Meditation while this effect is active, the Charm lasts either for two scenes or one hour, whichever is longer. This Charm may only be taken once.

<B><I>Discipline of the Unfeeling AnchoriteDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  None
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Permanent
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Special
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  4
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Discipline of the Unbreathing Anchorite, Unfeeling Earth Meditation

By internalizing the unending might of the Elemental Poles, the Dynast can transcend petty pain. Reduce all of the character's wound penalties by 1 (minimum 0). Unlike the other Anchorite Disciplines, Discipline of the Unfeeling Anchorite transcends mortal boundaries and remains active outside of Creation. The character always doubles the duration of Unfeeling Earth Meditation.

<B><I>Discipline of the Untiring AnchoriteDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  None
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Permanent
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Special
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Discipline of the Unsleeping Anchorite, Untiring Earth Meditation

Te Discipline of the Untiring Anchorite allows the Terrestrial who develops it to keep going long after lesser mortals have flagged and failed. The weight of armor, the blistering heat of the sun-- all travel back from the Terrestrial to Creation, reducing the strain on the character. So long as the character is inside of Creation or natural borders of Creation, the character reduces by 1 the rating of any fatigue-related effect, whether of armor, physical exertion, encumbrance, or some magical effect. If the character uses Untiring Earth Meditation while this effect is active, he need not touch the ground once every two turns.

<B><I>Moving Mountain ManifestationDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  12 motes, 1 Willpower
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  One Scene
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Simple 
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  5
 <B>Minimum Resistance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  4
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  6
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Unflagging Vengeance Meditation, Armor-Hardening Concentration

Summoning up the incredible power of the Elemental Pole of Earth, the character transforms ers physical body into an unyielding vessel of stone and earth. This dramatic process multiplies the characters mass four times but does not add any height. For the rest of the scene, add the Terrestrial's permanent Essence to his Strength and Stamina (this effect is cumulative with other attribute bonuses but may not more than triple either attribute in any combination). The character may soak lethal damage with her full bashing soak, and may soak aggravated damage naturally with half his stamina. While this Charm is operational, the character does not suffer from fatigue, hunger, or thirst, and in fact one scene in this form, regardless of whatever activities the character performs, counts as a good night's worth of sleep, and the character need not eat or drink again for the rest of the day. The character also suffers no penalties from wounds or any other source of pain, and need not breathe while in this form, though she may speak as normal without incurring penalty. This Charm is fully compatible with armor.

<B><I>Immaculate TransformationDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  25 motes, 2 Willpower, 1 Health Level
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  One Scene
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Simple 
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  7
 <B>Minimum Resistance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  7
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  7
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Moving Mountain Manifestation, Perfected Scales of the Dragon

All Terrestrials, whether Dynasts in their lofty Manse-Palaces or Lost Eggs struggling on the Threshold of Creation, are the spiritual children of the Immaculate Children, as well as the blood children of the Five Elemental Dragons. As they develop in power and Essence, some few Terrestrials who reach the pinnacle of ordinary Essence development acquire the ability to recapture the power of their heritage, traveling along the spiritual lines of their genesis to transform into a dragon made of jade!

This titanic transformation is quite dramatic, with jade of the relevant color-type bursting forth from within the character, growing and elongating like the growth of a crystal in fast forward. The character gains a long, jade-scaled body 5 times the length of his previous height, and a commensurate mass. The character's width is only twice his old shoulder-width. The character's limbs transform into huge, muscular claws, and the character gains a third set roughly in the middle of their body. Part of the character's length is taken up by an immense tail. Any weapons, armor, or artifacts are absorbed into the new body, although the character still gains their benefits. The Terrestrial's face becomes elongated, a dragon's head, with massive fangs and two long, graceful horns. Any hearthstones that the character has merge together to form a single pearl in the character's forehead which provides all benefits and essence regeneration as normal, plus an additional ten motes per hour. Although the character's body is primarily made out of the elementally-appropriate Jade, some veins, highlights, and other constructions of the other four types of Jade are present on the character's body, granting him the blessings of each.

The abilities granted by this new form are quite dramatic. Add the character's permanent Essence to his stamina and strength. This is compatible with other sources of bonuses to strength and stamina, but may not more than triple either statistic. The character gains 12L/12B/12A soak, and may naturally soak both lethal and aggravated damage with their full stamina. The character also gains Hardness 12. This soak is cumulative with that of any the character may have from armor. The character may use any weapon they were carrying and had attuned before the transformation (and thus absorbed) in the place of any claw or bite attack; if the Terrestrial chooses not to, such an attack will cause lethal damage, and have an Accuracy, Defense, Damage, and Rate equal to the character's permanent Essence, and a speed twice that. Each turn, the character may take a number of Fully Independent Actions equal to half his permanent Essence, rounding down. The Terrestrial also regenerates one Bashing and one Lethal health level each turn.

The character may move along the ground at twice normal speed, fly at four times that amount in combat or up to their Endurance * 10 miles per hour in a relatively straight line. The character may operate equally under water or above. While this Charm is operational, the character does not suffer from fatigue, hunger, or thirst, and in fact one scene in this form, regardless of whatever activities the character performs, counts as a good night's worth of sleep, and the character need not eat or drink again for the rest of the day. The character also suffers no penalties from wounds or any other source of pain, and need not breathe while in this form, though she may speak as normal without incurring penalty. This Charm is fully compatible with armor. This Charm is not compatible with any Charm that grants Extra or Fully Independent Actions of any kind. Unlike the perverse mutations of the Anathema's blasphemous Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style, Terrestrials who invoke the Immaculate Transformation remain grounded in their real identity and need not fear dispersal.

<i>This is my first foray into Essence 7 for a dragon-blood, and I'm a bit leery of power levels and requirements here. One thing I've considered is adding either Martial Arts 7 or Awareness 7 as an additional requirement; I've also considered toning down some of the granted abilities, though again, I'm not sure of that.

<B>Measure of MyselfDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3 motes per success
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Instant
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Supplemental
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Any 3 Endurance Charms

Terrestrials who know the measure of themselves can persist in situations that they are best adapted for far longer than any other. As they live, these Dynasts change and evolve to master those adapted situations, and they can tap into that capacity to become even more eternal. The character may convert a number of dice to automatic successes equal to a relevant Specialty.

<B><I>Eternal Earth Dragon AttunementDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  None
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Permanent
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Special
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  5
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  5
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Any 10 Endurance Charms including at least 1 each from Essence 1-5.

This is the Facet Attunement Charm (see DragonBloodedInvestigation/IsawaBrian under Insightful Water Dragon Attunement for details) for Endurance. Taking this Charm Attunes the character to the Eternal Facet of the Earth Dragon, and thus negates the one mote surcharge for non-Earth Blooded Terrestrials using Endurance Charms. The Eternal Facet of the Earth Dragon represents the Earth Dragon's fundamental, ongoing nature; the core of Creation that withstands the full weight of the other Poles, supporting Creation with unflagging devotion. This Charm may not be taken by Earth Blooded Terrestrials, Eclipse Caste Solars, or Moonshadow Caste Abyssals. Its use counts against the number of attunements active on a character, which may cause the Dragon-Blooded's anima and aspect markings to alter (See Insightful Water Dragon Attunement for details).

<B><I>Unflagging Stone Legionnaires ConcentrationDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  1 mote per fang 
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Varies
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Simple
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  4
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Unsleeping Earth Meditation

The Dynast takes on the cares and exhaustion of her entire command, channeling the living force of the earth to sustain them and keep them from tiredness. This Charm can be incredibly useful to an army, for every fang covered by it only requires half as much sleep as normal. This Charm may only be used on a number of fangs at a time equal to the character's permanent Essence +2 (although it is synergistic), and furthermore, the character who uses Unflagging Stone Legionnaires Concentration must stay awake the entire time this Charm is active, gaining no benefits from this Charm. Although this Charm is synergistic its effects do not stack (sleep time cannot be reduced below half by repeated applications of this Charm). Usually, Dragon-blooded Commanders will use Unsleeping Earth Meditation for as long as this Charm must remain in effect. Troops under the effects of Unflagging Stone Legionnaires Concentration do not suffer any ill effects from prolonged usage.

<B><I>Discipline of the Unaging AnchoriteDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  None
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Permanent
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Special
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  5
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  5
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Discipline of the Unfeeling Anchorite, Discipline of the Untiring Anchorite, 
 Unflagging Vengeance Meditation

One of the rewards of the hermit-like lifestyle encouraged by the development of the Anchorite Disciplines is a substantially healthier lifestyle. The character begins to respire on, sustain himself from, and identify with spiritually at an even greater level the great, eternal Earth. As a result, even the long lifespan of a Dragon-blooded can be expanded without the use of anagathic herbs. Add one hundred years to the lifespan of the Terrestrial who takes this Charm. This Charm may only be taken once.

<B><I>Unhindered Stone Legionnaires ConcentrationDragonBloodedEndurance/B>DragonBloodedEndurance/I>
 <B>Cost:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  2 motes per fang, 1 Willpower
 <B>Duration:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  One Scene
 <B>Type:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  Simple
 <B>Minimum Endurance:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  5
 <B>Minimum Essence:DragonBloodedEndurance/B>  3
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:DragonBloodedEndurance/B> Unfeeling Earth Meditation, Unflagging Stone Legionnaires Concentration

By emphasizing her nature as a stalwart commander, leading her troops as though they were one body and mind, the Dragon-blooded can enable her troops to set aside some of their pain and fear on the battlefield to fight on. All troops affected by this Charm ignore -1 worth of wound, pain, or fear penalties, and get +1 dice to all valor rolls. In Mail & Steel, in addition to the Valor roll bonus, as the -1 wound penalty is immaterial, the resistance to pain and fear permits the Dynast's troops to remain at her side longer. So long as she has at least one Magnitude worth of troops and Unhindered Stone Legionnaires Concentration has been cast on every Fang under her command, each Magnitude has one extra health level before it is lost. This Charm may only be used on a number of fangs equal to the commander's Essence +2, but this Charm is synergistic.

=== Comments ===