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Name Davidl/B> Ompalo Sij
<B> Concept Davidl/B> Priest of Sweet Harvest
<B> Nature Davidl/B> Caregiver

<B>AttributesDavidl/B>: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

<b>Favored Ability: Awareness 3

Abilities Davidl/B>: Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Endurance 3, Martial Arts 2, Resistance 2, Linguistics 1, Performance 2, Presence 3, Ride 2, Socialize 1, Survival 2, Lore 4, Occult 4

<B> Backgrounds Davidl/B>: Allies (Iron): 1, Reputation: 1, Knowledge: 3, Followers: 1, Mentor: 1

Common Sense (Gets fair warning of implicit dangers in a particular course of action)
Internal Compass (May orient himself with a Wits + Awareness [6] roll)
Priest (Recognized priest of Sweet Harvest)
Destiny (Minor destiny)

Amnesia 2 (Remembers nothing from a vast swath of his life)
Nightmares (+1 to difficulty of Conviction roll to regain WP, -1 to all dice pools for the day on a botch)
Unbidden Oracle (Speaks prophetic words of ill omen)
Secrets (Will lead to reprisal if it comes to light)

Willpower: 8, Health -0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -4 Inc
Virtues: Compassion 3, Temperance 3, Conviction 2, Valor 1
Exp>/b>: 4 (4 awarded total)

Art of Summoning, Aspect of Summoning (Spirits)
Art of Warding, Aspect of Warding (Spirits)

Apperance: Ompalo is of average height with a stocky build. Green eyes. He wears priest garb and keeps his head hair short with a full beard.

Ompalo was born and raised in Black Branches. The son of a grape farmer and wine maker, Ompalo was taught by his father the ways of wine making. When he was twenty years old, he witnessed the death of his father and younger sister to the hunt of Deadwood Ghosts.

Instead of joining the military, like most of his other friends, Ompalo turned to a life of religious contemplation. Ultimately, he decided to become a priest of the goddess, Sweet Harvest. Over the last two decades, Ompalo has studied the arts of thaumaturgy under a wise old sage of Black Branches named Trembling Blue Star.

In this day Ompalo offers his services to all those in need of compassion, faith, and worship. A quiet, level headed man, Ompalo always attempts to resolve conflict with reason and words before violence. Although, he is not opposed to the latter if need be.