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Nahia's Equipment

Moonsilver harpoon "Ilar Ehiztari" / "Star Hunter" (Artifact 5)

Ehiztari is part spear, part chain, and can be used in melee, for clinching as well as for throwing. The spear portion is five feet in length from the bottom of the haft to the tip of the spear-head. A slender yet sturdy chain is attached to the bottom of the haft and extends to 10 yards in length if fully outstretched. The very tip of the chain ends in a flared cylinder weight to aid in manipulating the chain to wrap around foes and objects. The shaft is etched with a textured pattern of scales for ease of grip, while the head is shaped to resemble the hooked beak of a cormorant. The head is also equipped with a rear barb that curves outward from the point where the head and shaft meet, making it more difficult for the spear to be pulled out once plunged into an opponent. At that same point is a socket for a single hearthstone, which when filled resembles the oversized eye of a bird.

In the First Age, the Lunar possessing what is now Nahia's shard was one of the few to stand his ground during the Usurpation. He had this weapon forged for him in order to fight the Usurpers, the Dragon-Blooded and their Sidereal supporters. Over time the weapon came to be known as "Ilar Ehiztari", meaning "Star Hunter", but it is unknown how many Sidereals died to the weapon, nor was it actually crafted specifically to hunt Sidereal Exalted. Such is the effect of Time on Legend...


  • Str 3, Dex 4, 10 motes commitment.
  • To use the chain, MA or Brawl 3.
  • To use as a thrown weapon, Thrown 3.
  • Must have Ambidexterity (or better yet, Omnidexterity) to use spear/chain at the same time.

Powers (all stats include moonsilver bonus, +2 Acc)

  • 1 Hearthstone slot.
  • Melee (spear): Spd +9, Acc +5, Dam +9L, Def +3, Rate 3.
  • Thrown (spear): Acc +4, Dam +9L, Rate 1, Range 10, Piercing (ignores half, rounded down, of armor soak). If the throw inflicts damage, the spear becomes embedded in the foe, and takes a Strength + Athletics action at difficulty 3 to remove. Forcible removal inflicts another 2L damage which is soakable normally. If Ehizgari is not removed, the speared opponent is not completely immobilized, but suffers a -2 to combat and movement actions, and cannot move a greater distance than the length of the chain (10 yards) from the wielder without removing the spear himself.
  • The wielder may also choose to "reel in" the opponent with the chain rather than pulling the spear out. Assuming the opponent chooses to resist, reeling in requires a contested Strength + Athletics roll at standard difficulty. If the opponent has equal or more successes, he prevents the wielder from reeling in the chain. Otherwise, the wielder pulls him to melee range by the next turn. However, if the wielder beats the opponent's successes by 3 or more, the spear is pulled out entirely instead, and the opponent takes 2L (normally soakable) damage.
  • BrawlDarkSirenSally/MA (chain): Spd +(3-15), Acc +3, Dam +4L, Def +2, Rate (7-1) (1 clinch), Clinch Enhancer (adds its stats to the wielder's in a clinch attack). To simulate the various lengths of chain, one can increase Spd while sacrificing Rate, at an exchange of +2 Spd for -1 rate. (See chnager's comment here).
  • The chain may still be used as a weapon even when the spear end is embedded in a foe, though the wielder will need more than one split action to maintain hold on the spear side while attacking with the chain. It may be used in the same way as any fighting chain (clinches, grabs items, etc.), and may be used both with Martial Arts (a more disciplined style) and Brawl (an improvised weapon style). It may strike up to 10 yards away, 8 for a clinch, or less depending on how the chain is being used.

Moonsilver protective garb "Quicksilver Skin-Sheath" (Artifact 3)

In its original form, this armor looks more like a near-transparent silver shift, more meant to be lingerie than armor. When worn the shift melds in with the skin, giving it a shimmering silver quality much as if it had been sprinkled with silver dust, brightening and making more apparent the tattoos on a casted Lunar's flesh, subtly increasing her natural beauty.

The Skin-Sheath may take the form of any cloth garment, of any color and shape that the Lunar can imagine. However, the more skin it covers, the less protection it provides, as it must flow out from underneath the skin in order to form clothing. On the other hand, the clothing it forms also brings with it a protean aura of change that makes it difficult to focus on the Tell or even on the wearer's identity.

If anyone not a Lunar attempts to put on the Quicksilver Skin-Sheath it will utterly reject them, flowing away from their body as if instinctively repulsed.


  • 6 motes commitment.
  • Must be a Lunar.


  • +1 to Appearance so long as the armor is worn.
  • The maximum soak the Skin-Sheath can provide is 12L/12B. The minimum is 4L/4B. This soak always counts as Natural, but it provides no Hardness. Wearing it incurs no Mobility penalty or Fatigue value.
  • Soak can be exchanged for more of an aura of anonymity. At 12L/12B, the Skin-Sheath gives a -2 penalty to the difficulty of a Wits+Awareness roll to notice her Tell, and a -2 to Larceny and Stealth rolls involving disguise or escaping notice. Thereafter, 2L/2B soak can be given up in order to decrease the penalties and eventually make it a bonus. Each 2L/2B interval decreases the penalties by 1, so that 8L/8B gives neither penalties nor bonii, and 4L/4B (the minimum soak) gives +2 to the pertinent rolls. (The armor cannot increase the difficulty to notice a Tell above the maximum of 6, however.)
  • The Skin-Sheath can take the form of various types of clothing. At 12L/12B, the armor is completely absorbed into the skin, leaving the wearer fully naked but for her tattoos. At 10L/10B, the Skin-Sheath is at its skimpiest, providing at most a bikini (and barely that). At 8L/8B it forms perhaps a short skirt or shorts and halter-top. At 6L/6B it is a moderately respectable outfit, perhaps a dress showing a hint of cleavage, with slits up the side. At 4L/4B it is its most conservative, perhaps pants and a long-sleeve shirt, a dress or jumpsuit that covers near every inch of skin.
  • Shifting the form of the Skin-Sheath is a reflexive action, but may only be done once a turn. If the Lunar wearing it shifts into Ascension form, it automatically shifts to 12L/12B form.

Gem of the Protean Silver Bond (Manse 3)

This luminous moonstone prism is a Lunar Hearthstone, and may only be socketed into Moonsilver artifacts. It makes the attuned weapon it is socketed into a natural part of the Lunar's body, which in turn provides the following effects:

  • For the purposes of Lunar Charms and anima effects, it counts as a Natural Weapon.
  • The weapon may be retracted into the Lunar's body (as a reflexive action) no matter the size and shape; it seems to melt and seep into her form, even adding to or embellishing the designs of her tattoos. Drawing it back out takes another reflexive action.
  • It cannot be disarmed from the wielder unless the limb(s) holding it are forcibly severed, nor can the wielder let the weapon go so long as the Hearthstone is socketed. She must retract it instead.